Security for web service integration

You can secure a web service using policy sets and bindings or by manually creating an authentication method that requires a user name and password.

To use policy sets and bindings, see the following topics:

In the context of web service integration with BPDs, security can be required at design time and at run time.

Design time authentication

If you are manually creating your own security, at design time you can enable protected WSDL in the implementation properties for the Web Service Integration step and provide the user name and password.
Attention: The user name and password are sent as base64-encoded text strings in the HTTP basic authentication header. To prevent eavesdropping, use only SSL secured connections by ensuring that the URL starts with https://.

Run time authentication

If you are manually creating your own security, authentication options for SOAP calls at run time are available in the security properties for the Web Service Integration step. The following table describes the information that you must provide for each supported option:

Table 1. Input required for authentication options
Option Description
HTTP basic authentication Requires a user name and password. IBM® BPM never stores the password in plain text in its database or export files, and no plain text passwords are required in IBM BPM configuration files.
Attention: The user name and password are sent as base64-encoded text strings in the HTTP basic authentication header. To prevent eavesdropping, use only SSL secured connections by ensuring that the URL starts with https://.

For more information, see RFC 2627.

Username token authentication When using username token authentication in IBM BPM, a user name and password are passed to a web service in the SOAP header of the SOAP request. Username token authentication allows for different algorithms and formats for passing the password.
IBM BPM supports passwords in plain text and digest format. The specification for username token authentication describes two optional elements that can be supplied:
  • wsse:Nonce
  • wsu:Created

The IBM BPM implementation of this standard always provides wsse:Nonce and wsu:Created. This is compatible with the behavior of Microsoft WSE 2.0 Toolkit when using username token digest authentication.

For more information, see Web Services Security UsernameToken Profile 1.0.