Installing interactively with a new installation of WebSphere Application Server

Using the custom installation option, you can install IBM® Business Process Manager with a new installation of WebSphere® Application Server.

Before you begin

If you are installing from downloaded images from Passport Advantage, ensure that you downloaded all required images (three disk images for Linux systems on Intel; two disk images for other Linux systems). If you are installing from the DVD images, obtain the compressed files from the DVDs. In both cases, extract all of the files from the compressed files to the same location on your hard disk.
Restriction: Extract the installation files to a directory that does not contain spaces or special characters. The launchpad cannot be started from a directory path that contains spaces or special characters.

When you install the product, also install any available cumulative fixes or fix packs. If you are using the launchpad to install and you have Internet access, you can include available fixes from the live repository during installation. Otherwise, you must install the upgrades from a local directory as described in Step 2 in the steps that follow. For example, you could add fixpack.BPM_CF=local_repository_path to the file to include a cumulative fix.

About this task

Only one IBM Installation Manager is required to install multiple instances of IBM Business Process Manager.


  1. Go to the directory into which you extracted the images and enter the following command to start the launchpad:
    You can run only one launchpad at a time.
  2. Optional: If you are prompted to update the launchpad, click Update. The updates are installed and your launchpad is restarted automatically.
    If you do not have access to the Internet and want updates to the launchpad to be installed from a local directory, you can modify a properties file with the appropriate launchpad prefix as described in step 1 to direct Installation Manager to the updates to install. Create the following file:
    • /user_home_directory/
    Note: Ensure that you have read/write access to the folders that are specified in the file.
    The file uses a launchpad prefix, followed by a period. The name after the prefix and the period can be anything you want, which enables you to point to multiple locations for launchpad upgrades. The locations can be either local directories or URLs. The following code is an example of the prefixes and names in the properties file:
  3. On the Welcome page, click Custom installation.
  4. Select Install as administrative user to install the product as an administrative user. If you are a root user, you can install the product as an administrative user. If you are not a root user, or if you want to install to your own user name without root privileges, clear this option.
  5. Click Install. When you install IBM Business Process Manager, the required WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment is automatically installed.
    Note: IBM Business Process Manager can be installed only on top of the supported version of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment. See system requirements for more information.
  6. On the Install Packages page, WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition (Optional) (Java™ 7), IBM Business Process Manager Advanced, and IBM DB2 Express are selected by default. Clear the IBM DB2 Express option.
    Important: If you are installing WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5.11, you must select Java 6 as the embedded JDK in WebSphere Application Server. Under WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, expand End of Service for Java SE, and select the Continue to use Java SE 6 on the default Java SDK check box. IBM BPM version 8570 cumulative fix 2017.03WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5.11 is required for cumulative fix 2017.03.
    Note: On Linux on Power LE, WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment installs only Java 7.1, and there is no option for installing or switching Java versions. For other platforms, Java 6 is always installed with WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, but Java 7 is used if you install it. If you clear the Java 7 package option, Java 6 will be used. If you install Java 7 but find that you still need to use Java 6, you can switch before you create profiles by using the managesdk command. For more information, see Switching the edition of Java used in IBM BPM.

    On other platforms that support it, you can also optionally install IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition 7.1 (Java 7.1) to use instead of Java 6 or Java 7.

  7. Install security fixes as they become available. If you are connected to the Internet and want to check for the latest fix pack or refresh pack and recommended interim fixes for WebSphere Application Server and IBM Business Process Manager, click Check for other Versions, Fixes, and Extensions, and then click Next. You might be prompted to provide your IBMid and password to connect to the IBM service repositories.

    You can obtain an IBMid and password by registering at

    If there are fix packs or interim fixes available, they are shown after you select the fix pack or refresh pack levels that you want to install.

    To continue installing the product without downloading the required fixes, click Cancel.

  8. On the Licenses page, read the license agreement. If you agree to the terms of the license agreement, click I accept the terms in the license agreements, and then click Next.
  9. On the Location page, the Create new package group option is selected by default. Select a location for the shared resources directory and a location for the Installation Manager, and then click Next. You must select location for the Installation Manager only if it is not already installed. The Install Packages wizard checks your system for operating system prerequisites. If you are at a later release of a supported operating system, or if the operating system is not supported, you might receive a warning. You can continue with the installation, but the installation or product operation might not succeed until you apply product fix packs.

    If you receive a warning, go to the product support web pages and obtain the latest fix packs to apply after installation. To migrate non-IBM prerequisite and corequisite products to the supported versions, see the documentation for those products.

  10. On the Features page, expand the plus symbol to select the package features that you want to install. Installation Manager automatically enforces dependencies with other features and shows the updated download size and disk space requirements for the installation.
    1. Select the translations to install. Under Translations Supported by All Packages, English is selected by default for the English version. To install other language versions, select the appropriate language under Translations Supported by Only Some Packages.
    2. Optional: To see the dependency relationships between features, select Show Dependencies.
    3. Optional: Click a feature to view its brief description under Details.
    4. Select one of the following features to install.
      • IBM Process Center License
      • IBM Process Server Production License to use the server in production
      • IBM Process Server Non-production License to use the server only for development, test, or staging.
      Your selection is recorded in the product tag for inventory purposes, so select the license feature that matches the license you have purchased and want to use. There are no functional differences.
      Restriction: Do not mix production and non-production servers in the same cell.
    When you are finished selecting features, click Next.
  11. On the Summary page, review your choices before installing the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced package. When you are satisfied with your installation choices, click Install. A progress indicator shows the percentage of the installation completed.
  12. When the installation process is complete, a message confirms the success of the process.
    1. Optional: To open the installation log file for the current session in a new window, click View Log File. To continue, close the Installation Log window.
    2. If you plan to use the BPMConfig command-line utility to create your Deployment Environment, select None to complete the installation.
    3. Click Finish.

What to do next

After you install IBM BPM, you must configure the product by creating profiles, setting up database tables, and configuring the network deployment environment. To do these configuration tasks in one step, use the BPMConfig command. Alternatively, you can do each configuration step separately using the Profile Management Tool, if it is supported on your operating system, and the Deployment Environment wizard.
Important: If you are migrating business data and applications from a previous version, use the configuration instructions in the Migrating to IBM Business Process Manager section.