Instance Details UI Service template

Use this service to customize the default Details UI for cases and BPDs. The Details UI displays instance details in Process Portal.

When you create a new Details UI for a case, the generated client-side human service uses this template to provide basic function. To create a Details UI for a BPD, you must copy and modify this template. For both cases and BPDs, you can then further customize the human service.

Service elements

The service contains the following elements.
Table 1. Elements in the Instance Details UI Service template
Service element Description
Client Side Init Data This node uses the client-side human service JS APIs to initialize local variables that are used by the View Instance Details coach to display, for example, breadcrumbs in the instance details UI. For more information about the JS APIs, see JavaScript API for client-side human service development.
Data Change

The Data Change node manages data changes in the details UI at run time. It is bound to the manual refresh boundary event that is triggered by the Service Controller control when the Refresh button is clicked.

The data change event handler contains only a Collect Change Information node. This node handles data change events from the server in the following way:
  • If no pending local changes or unmerged server changes exist, the node automatically refreshes the client-side human service input variables.
  • If pending changes exist, the user can determine how incoming changes to the Data Section are to be handled.
Get Process Variables This script node refreshes the input variables to the client-side human service with the latest data from the server. For more information about calling services from a client-side human service, see Tools available from the client-side human services palette.
Attention: This script overwrites all local changes.
Init Data Change Support This script node initializes the variables that are required to track and merge data changes on the server into the client data. Because this node is part of the refresh path, the script can run several times. However, the variables are initialized only the first time the script is run.
Merge Changes This script node invokes the function that merges the updates to the client data with the server changes. If there is a merge conflict, the script uses the boundary event type that is set by the Data Section coach view to determine whether the client or the server changes are kept.
Reset Pending Data This script node is called after updates to the client data are saved or when local updates are discarded. Because saving or discarding updates synchronizes the client and server data, the script calls a function to reset the variables that track pending changes.
Server Side Init Data This node makes a service call to initialize the data that is required by the View Instance Details coach.
Show Error Displays an error message if a human service is run without an associated case or process instance.
Update Process Variables The service node saves the updated client data to the server. For more information about calling services from a client-side human service, see Tools available from the client-side human services palette.
Validation This script node is provided as a placeholder for client-side validation of the data that is to be saved. For more information about implementing client-side validation, see Using client-side validation.
View Instance Details The View Instance Details coach contains the following controls:
Default Instance Details Template
Displays the instance details in Process Portal. For more information, see Default Instance Details template.
Data Section control
Displays the values of the variables that are passed into the human service in the Data section of the task in Process Portal. For more information, see Data Section control.

Refresh behavior provided by the template

The View Instance Details coach that is included in the service template is implemented by using the Default Instance Details Template. The template provides support for automatic and manual refresh of all the controls in the coach view except the Data Section control. The template contains two Service Controller controls:
  • A Service Controller that is bound to the template's Manual refresh trigger configuration property. The boundary event from this control is bound to the data change event handler. The boundary event is triggered when a user clicks the Refresh button to check for updates from the server.
  • A Service Controller that is bound to the template's Automatic refresh trigger configuration property. The boundary event from this control is wired to the Server Side Init Data step.

The Data Section control is refreshed by the Data Change node. It collects information about the data changes on the server and in the local coach control. This information is stored in local variables that are bound to the Data Section control. The control uses the information to present the merge choices to the user. The merge functionality is provided by functions that are contained in the instanceDetailsUIHelper.js file in the Dashboards toolkit.

Save data behavior

If the Edit mode configuration property in the Data Section control is set to true, users can update the variable values in the Data section of the Details UI and save their changes. You can update the Validation script node with validation code for the variables that are exposed in the Data Section control. The tw.system.coachValidation.addValidationError API can be used to report errors with the data. If validation is successful, the Update Process step refreshes the variables with the last saved variable values from the client-side human service.
Tip: In the Implementation tab for the step, the Send variable updates to the instance setting is selected. The Map input data automatically check box is also selected so that the input variables are automatically mapped. You can clear the check box and go to the Data Mapping tab to enter the data mapping yourself.