Capturing IBM BPM events for external consumption

IBM® Business Process Manager emits events that are typically monitored by Business Monitor. If you are not using Business Monitor but still need to collect events, perhaps for auditing reasons, you can configure the Dynamic Event Framework (DEF) and subscribe to events that you want to receive.

About this task

Using a DEF to JMS event listener, you can receive DEF events that are emitted from BPMN and BPEL applications. To use the event listener, you must:
  1. Create a target JMS queue to receive events.
  2. Configure the DEF to JMS event listener.
  3. Provide a custom event collector to read the events from the target JMS.
IBM Business Process Manager includes two sample scripts that you can use to configure the DEF to receive events. These scripts are in install_root/BPM/Lombardi/tools/def.
Table 1. Sample scripts
Script Purpose Defines the queue connection factory, queue, event subscriptions, and authentication alias to use Causes the DEF to refresh its configuration dynamically

Configuration for BPEL applications

BPEL applications can emit DEF events only if the Common Event Infrastructure logging is enabled for the Business Flow Manager and the Human Task Container.
  1. Log in to the WebSphere® Application Server administrative console.
  2. Click Servers > Clusters > WebSphere application server clusters > cluster name > Business Process Choreographer > Business Flow Manager.
  3. Make sure that Enable Common Event Infrastructure logging is selected.
  4. Click Servers > Clusters > WebSphere application server clusters > cluster name > Business Process Choreographer > Human Task Manager.
  5. Make sure that Enable Common Event Infrastructure logging is selected.
  6. If you made some updates, save the configuration and restart the cluster.


  1. To create the required WebSphere resources:
    1. Create a JMS queue connection factory at the cell scope level. In the IBM BPM administrative console, click Resources > JMS > Queue connection factories.
    2. Create a JMS queue at the cell scope level. Click Resources > JMS > Queues.
    3. Define a destination on the IBM BPM deployment environment bus. Click Service integration > Buses and click the bus. Click Destinations and add a new queue destination.
  2. Update the script.
    1. Specify the following values:
      A string value that uniquely identifies this listener
      A string value that refers to the JNDI name of the queue resource created in WebSphere
      A string value that refers to the JNDI name of the queue connection factory resource created in WebSphere
      A string value that refers to the authorization alias created in WebSphere
      Tip: You can create a second copy of this script to define more applications as your needs change. Create a unique defListenerId value for each application but use the same queue resource, which means the other three values can stay the same.
    2. Specify the subscription array.
      Each subscription in the subscriptions array is a single string with a '/' separator for each of the seven part keys. A comma is used to separate each subscription. The seven part keys are:
      Application Name / Version / ComponentType / Component Name / Element Type /
      Element Name / Nature
      For a description of each of the parts, see Event point key and filter.
      To listen for every event for all applications, use the wildcard character as shown in the following example:
      The following example shows how you might register to receive events for the Hiring Sample:
  3. Run the script to configure DEF.
    1. At a command line, go to the bin directory under your deployment manager profile home directory. Run the script.
      wsadmin –lang jython –f c:\
    2. Run the script to cause the DEF to refresh dynamically.
      wsadmin –lang jython –f c:\
    After you run the sample script, a defconfig.xml file is created in the dmgr_profile_home/config/cells/cellName directory.

What to do next

You can examine the events on the queue in the administrative console.
  1. Click Service integration > Buses and click the IBM BPM deployment environment bus.
  2. Click Destinations and find your destination queue. Click Queue points. Click the Runtime tab. Under General Properties, you can set the Current message depth. Under Additional Properties, click Messages to see the messages.
Tip: The default value for the High message threshold is 50,000, but you should change it to a higher value that you are comfortable with. Provide an implementation to drain events off the queue. For example, you might use a message-driven bean (MDB) that reads from the event queue and writes the XML to a file or an external database.