Encrypting passwords

When you install IBM® Business Process Manager product components, passwords in the installed files are generally encrypted by default. If you need to change these passwords, you can use the IBM BPM EncryptPassword utility to encrypt the new passwords.


To encrypt passwords, complete the following steps:

  1. From a command prompt, go to the install_root/BPM/Lombardi/lib directory.
  2. Run the java -cp utility.jar com.lombardisoftware.utility.EncryptPassword password command, where password is the password that you want to encrypt.
    For example, run the following command:
    java -cp utility.jar com.lombardisoftware.utility.EncryptPassword JohnDoe
    The result is the following code:
    Important: If you are running the utility from a different directory, replace utility.jar with the exact path to the utility.jar file.
  3. If the utility fails with a ClassNotFound exception, set your Java home to the following directory before you run the utility again: install_root/java/bin/java
    For example:
    • For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemjava -cp /opt/install_root/BPM/Lombardi/lib/utility.jar com.lombardisoftware.utility.EncryptPassword JohnDoe
    • For Windows operating systemjava -cp c:\install_root\BPM\Lombardi\lib\utility.jar com.lombardisoftware.utility.EncryptPassword JohnDoe
  4. Replace the existing encrypted password in your IBM BPM configuration files, such as PROFILE_HOME\config\cells\cell_name\nodes\node_name\servers\server_name\process-center\config\100Custom.xml.
    Restriction: You cannot use the EncryptPassword utility to decrypt passwords that are already encrypted.