The TNEW command is used to create a new Observation Request which starts only when the specified threshold criteria has been satisfied for the target job-step or job-steps. The criteria are: CPU Time, Elapsed Time, and EXCP Count.


Indicates that this is a new threshold request.

Start of changeJOBNAME End of change
Start of changeOptional.

Specifies the name of the job (or started task or TSO user) to be measured. JOBNAME might be specified in conjunction with ASID and/or PID. If specified together, the JOBNAME must match the ASID and/or PID.

Note: At least one of JOBNAME, ASID or PID must be specified. Any combinations of the three can be specified.
End of change
Start of changeASID End of change
Start of changeOptional.

Specifies the ASID of a job to be measured. ASID must be specified as a decimal number and might be specified in conjunction with JOBNAME and/or PID. If specified together, the ASID must match the JOBNAME and/or PID. The ASID keyword is valid only when ACTIVE=YES.

Note: At least one of JOBNAME, ASID or PID must be specified. Any combinations of the three can be specified.

Example: ASID=1023

End of change
Start of changePIDEnd of change
Start of changeOptional.

Specifies the USS Process ID of a UNIX process to be measured. PID must be specified as a decimal number and might be specified in conjunction with JOBNAME and/or ASID. If specified together, the PID must match the JOBNAME and/or ASID. The PID keyword is valid only when ACTIVE=YES.

Note: At least one of JOBNAME, ASID or PID must be specified. Any combinations of the three can be specified.

Example: PID=33620804

End of change

Specifies the criteria upon which the measurement will begin. The TMSEL keyword accepts the following parameters: CPU, ELAPSEDTIME, and EXCP, in the format TMSEL=(“CPU=mm:ss ELAPSEDTIME=mm:ss EXCP=nnnnnnnnnn). When more than one threshold criteria is specified, all the criteria must be met for the measurement to begin.

CPU=mm:ss specifies the threshold amount of CPU time. When the target job-step exceeds this amount of CPU time, the measurement begins. Time can be entered in seconds or in minutes and seconds. To specify the threshold time in minutes and seconds, separate the minutes value from the seconds value using a colon.

ELAPSEDTIME=mm:ss specifies the threshold amount of elapsed time. When the target job-step exceeds this amount of elapsed time, the measurement begins. Time can be entered in seconds or in minutes and seconds. To specify the threshold time in minutes and seconds, separate the minutes value from the seconds value using a colon.

EXCP=nnnnnnnnnn specifies the threshold EXCP count. When the target job-step exceeds this EXCP count, the measurement begins.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram

   '-TMSEL="(-+-CPU=mm:ss ----------+-'   
              +- ELAPSED TIME=mm:ss-+     
              '- EXCP=nnnnnnnnnn----'     


TNEW accepts the same keywords as the NEW command, with the exception of the Schedule, DB2® stored procedure or user-defined function, and IMS™ multiple address space keywords, which are not applicable for Threshold Monitor requests. The following keywords are not accepted on the TNEW command: DELAYSAMPLING, DB2SP, IMSID, JOBNAMES, RUNAGAIN, SCHDDATE, RETRYAFTER, and SCHDSPAN. Only one STEP keyword is accepted. The ALLSTEPS keyword can be used to measure all steps in the job that meet the threshold criteria.