BFGTP0001 - BFGTP9999
- BFGTP0008W
- The coordination queue manager cannot be contacted or has been refused a connection; transfer status publication disabled. RC: <insert_0>
- Severity
- 10 : Warning
- Explanation
- The specified coordination queue manager cannot be contacted so no transfer status publication will take place.
- Response
- Ensure that the coordination queue manager is available and correctly configured.
- BFGTP0027E
- An internal error has occurred. An unsupported encoding schema has been detected. Exception is <insert_0>
- Severity
- 20 : Error
- Explanation
- This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
- Response
- If the problem persists, see problem determination information in the product documentation.
- BFGTP0031W
- The coordination queue manager can now be contacted after a previous problem; transfer status publication enabled.
- Severity
- 10 : Warning
- Explanation
- The specified coordination queue manager can now be contacted so transfer status publication will take place.
- Response
- None.
- BFGTP9999E
- <insert_0>
- Severity
- 20 : Error
- Explanation
- If this message does not give enough information, check the accompanying error messages for further information.
- Response
- For further information on resolving this error, see the problem determination information on the product Web site.