MQPropertyDescriptor.NET class

Use MQPropertyDescriptor as a parameter to MQMessage GetProperty and SetProperty methods. MQPropertyDescriptor describes an MQMessage property.


        └─ IBM.WMQ.MQPropertyDescriptor
public class IBM.WMQ.MQPropertyDescriptor extends System.Object;


Test for MQException being thrown when getting properties.

public int Context {get; set;}
The message context the property belongs to. Possible values are:
The property is not associated with a message context.
The property is associated with the user context.

If the user is authorized, a property associated with the user context is saved when a message is retrieved. A subsequent Put method referencing the saved context, can pass the property into the new message.

public int CopyOptions {get; set;}

CopyOptions describes which type of message the property can be copied into.

When a queue manager receives a message containing an IBM MQ defined property that the queue manager recognizes as being incorrect, the queue manager corrects the value of the CopyOptions field.

Any combination of the following options can be specified. Combine the options by adding the values, or using bitwise OR.

The property is copied into all types of subsequent messages.
The property is copied into a message being forwarded.
The property is copied into the message received by a subscriber when a message is being published.
The property is copied into a reply message.
The property is copied into a report message.
The value indicated no other copy options have been specified. No relationship exists between the property and subsequent messages. MQC.MQCOPY_DEFAULT is always returned for message descriptor properties.
public int Options { set; }
Options defaults to CMQC.MQPD_NONE. You cannot set any other value.
public int Support { get; set; }
Set Support to specify the level of support required for IBM MQ-defined message properties. Support for all other properties is optional. Any or none of the following values can be specified
The property is accepted by a queue manager even if it is not supported. The property can be discarded in order for the message to flow to a queue manager that does not support message properties. This value is also assigned to properties that are not IBM MQ defined.
Support for the property is required. If you put the message to a queue manager that does not support the IBM MQ-defined property, the method fails. It returns completion code MQC.MQCC_FAILED and reason code MQC.MQRC_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY.

Support for the property is required, if the message is destined for a local queue. If you put the message to a local queue on a queue manager that does not support the IBM MQ-defined property, the method fails. It returns completion code MQC.MQCC_FAILED and reason code MQC.MQRC_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY.

No check is made if the message is put to a remote queue manager.


Create a property descriptor.