Simplified Chinese

Details of CCSIDs and CCSID conversion for Simplified Chinese.

Table 1. Native CCSIDs for Simplified Chinese on supported platforms
Platform Native CCSIDs
[z/OS]z/OS® 935, 1388
[IBM i]IBM® i 935, 1388
[AIX]AIX® 1383, 1386
[Windows]Windows 1381, 1386(see Note 2)



  1. [Windows]Windows uses code page 936 but this is best represented by the CCSID of 1386. However, not all platforms of IBM MQ support this CCSID.

    On IBM MQ for Windows CCSID 1381 is used to represent code page 936, but a change to file ../conv/table/ccsid.tbl can be made which changes the CCSID used to 1386.

  2. IBM MQ supports the Chinese GB18030 standard.
    [Solaris][Windows][z/OS][Linux]On z/OS, Linux, Windows, and Solaris, conversion support is provided between Unicode (UTF-8 and UTF-16) and CCSID 1388 (EBCDIC with GB18030 extensions), Unicode (UTF-8 and UTF-16) and CCSID 5488 (GB18030), and between CCSID 1388 and CCSID 5488.

    [IBM i]On IBM i, support is provided by the operating system for conversion between Unicode (UTF-8 and UTF-16) and CCSID 1388 (EBCDIC with GB18030 extensions).

All platforms support conversion between their native CCSIDs and the native CCSIDs of other platforms, with the following exceptions.



Code page:
Does not convert to code page 1383
Does not convert to code page 1383