MQMDE - Message descriptor extension

The MQMDE structure describes the data that sometimes occurs preceding the application message data. The structure contains those MQMD fields that exist in the version-2 MQMD, but not in the version-1 MQMD.


All IBM® MQ systems, plus IBM MQ MQI clients connected to these systems.

Format name


Character set and encoding

Data in MQMDE must be in the character set and encoding of the local queue manager; these are given by the CodedCharSetId queue manager attribute and MQENC_NATIVE for the C programming language.

Set the character set and encoding of the MQMDE into the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in:
  • The MQMD (if the MQMDE structure is at the start of the message data), or
  • The header structure that precedes the MQMDE structure (all other cases).

If the MQMDE is not in the queue manager's character set and encoding, the MQMDE is accepted but not honored, that is, the MQMDE is treated as message data.

Note: On Windows, applications compiled with Micro Focus COBOL use a value of MQENC_NATIVE that is different from the queue manager's encoding. Although numeric fields in the MQMD structure on the MQPUT, MQPUT1, and MQGET calls must be in the Micro Focus COBOL encoding, numeric fields in the MQMDE structure must be in the queue manager's encoding. This latter is given by MQENC_NATIVE for the C programming language, and has the value 546.


Applications that use a version-2 MQMD will not encounter an MQMDE structure. However, specialized applications, and applications that continue to use a version-1 MQMD, might encounter an MQMDE in some situations. The MQMDE structure can occur in the following circumstances:
  • Specified on the MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls
  • Returned by the MQGET call
  • In messages on transmission queues

MQMDE specified on MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls

On the MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls, if the application provides a version-1 MQMD, the application can optionally prefix the message data with an MQMDE, setting the Format field in MQMD to MQFMT_MD_EXTENSION to indicate that an MQMDE is present. If the application does not provide an MQMDE, the queue manager assumes default values for the fields in the MQMDE. The default values that the queue manager uses are the same as the initial values for the structure; see Table 2.

If the application provides a version-2 MQMD and prefixes the application message data with an MQMDE, the structures are processed as shown in the following table.

Table 1. Queue manager action when MQMDE specified on MQPUT or MQPUT1 for MQMDE
MQMD version Values of version-2 fields Values of corresponding fields in MQMDE Action taken by queue manager
1 - Valid MQMDE is honored
2 Default Valid MQMDE is honored
2 Not default Valid MQMDE is treated as message data
1 or 2 Any Not valid Call fails with an appropriate reason code
1 or 2 Any MQMDE is in the wrong character set or encoding, or is an unsupported version MQMDE is treated as message data
Note: On z/OS®, if the application specifies a version-1 MQMD with an MQMDE, the queue manager validates the MQMDE only if the queue has an IndexType of MQIT_GROUP_ID.

There is one special case. If the application uses a version-2 MQMD to put a message that is a segment (that is, the MQMF_SEGMENT or MQMF_LAST_SEGMENT flag is set), and the format name in the MQMD is MQFMT_DEAD_LETTER_HEADER, the queue manager generates an MQMDE structure and inserts it between the MQDLH structure and the data that follows it. In the MQMD that the queue manager retains with the message, the version-2 fields are set to their default values.

Several of the fields that exist in the version-2 MQMD but not the version-1 MQMD are input/output fields on MQPUT and MQPUT1. However, the queue manager does not return any values in the equivalent fields in the MQMDE on output from the MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls; if the application requires those output values, it must use a version-2 MQMD.

MQMDE returned by MQGET call

On the MQGET call, if the application provides a version-1 MQMD, the queue manager prefixes the message returned with an MQMDE, but only if one or more of the fields in the MQMDE has a nondefault value. The queue manager sets the Format field in MQMD to the value MQFMT_MD_EXTENSION to indicate that an MQMDE is present.

If the application provides an MQMDE at the start of the Buffer parameter, the MQMDE is ignored. On return from the MQGET call, it is replaced by the MQMDE for the message (if one is needed), or overwritten by the application message data (if the MQMDE is not needed).

If the MQGET call returns an MQMDE, the data in the MQMDE is usually in the queue manager's character set and encoding. However the MQMDE might be in some other character set and encoding if:
  • The MQMDE was treated as data on the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call (see Table 1 for the circumstances that can cause this).
  • The message was received from a remote queue manager connected by a TCP connection, and the receiving message channel agent (MCA) was not set up correctly.
Note: On Windows, applications compiled with Micro Focus COBOL use a value of MQENC_NATIVE that is different from the queue manager's encoding (see above).

MQMDE in messages on transmission queues

Messages on transmission queues are prefixed with the MQXQH structure, which contains within it a version-1 MQMD. An MQMDE might also be present, positioned between the MQXQH structure and application message data, but it is usually present only if one or more of the fields in the MQMDE has a non-default value.

Other MQ header structures can also occur between the MQXQH structure and the application message data. For example, when the dead-letter header MQDLH is present, and the message is not a segment, the order is:
  • MQXQH (containing a version-1 MQMD)
  • application message data


Note: In the following table, the fields are grouped by usage rather than alphabetically. The child topics follow the same sequence.
Table 2. Fields in MQMDE for MQMDE
Field name and description Name of constant Initial value (if any) of constant
StrucId (structure identifier) MQMDE_STRUC_ID 'MDE¬'
Version (structure version number) MQMDE_VERSION_2 2
StrucLength (length of MQMDE structure) MQMDE_LENGTH_2 72
Encoding (numeric encoding of data that follows MQMDE) MQENC_NATIVE Depends on environment
CodedCharSetId (character set identifier of data that follows MQMDE) MQCCSI_UNDEFINED 0
Format (format name of data that follows MQMDE) MQFMT_NONE Blanks
Flags (general flags) MQMDEF_NONE 0
GroupId (group identifier) MQGI_NONE Nulls
MsgSeqNumber (sequence number of logical message within group) None 1
Offset (offset of data in physical message from start of logical message) None 0
MsgFlags (message flags) MQMF_NONE 0
OriginalLength (length of original message) MQOL_UNDEFINED -1
  1. The symbol ¬ represents a single blank character.
  2. In the C programming language, the macro variable MQMDE_DEFAULT contains the values that are listed in the table. It can be used in the following way to provide initial values for the fields in the structure:

Language declarations

C declaration for MQMDE

typedef struct tagMQMDE MQMDE;
struct tagMQMDE {
  MQCHAR4   StrucId;         /* Structure identifier */
  MQLONG    Version;         /* Structure version number */
  MQLONG    StrucLength;     /* Length of MQMDE structure */
  MQLONG    Encoding;        /* Numeric encoding of data that follows
                                MQMDE */
  MQLONG    CodedCharSetId;  /* Character-set identifier of data that
                                follows MQMDE */
  MQCHAR8   Format;          /* Format name of data that follows
                                MQMDE */
  MQLONG    Flags;           /* General flags */
  MQBYTE24  GroupId;         /* Group identifier */
  MQLONG    MsgSeqNumber;    /* Sequence number of logical message
                                within group */
  MQLONG    Offset;          /* Offset of data in physical message from
                                start of logical message */
  MQLONG    MsgFlags;        /* Message flags */
  MQLONG    OriginalLength;  /* Length of original message */

COBOL declaration for MQMDE

**   MQMDE structure
  10 MQMDE.
**    Structure identifier
   15 MQMDE-STRUCID        PIC X(4).
**    Structure version number
   15 MQMDE-VERSION        PIC S9(9) BINARY.
**    Length of MQMDE structure
**    Numeric encoding of data that follows MQMDE
**    Character-set identifier of data that follows MQMDE
**    Format name of data that follows MQMDE
   15 MQMDE-FORMAT         PIC X(8).
**    General flags
   15 MQMDE-FLAGS          PIC S9(9) BINARY.
**    Group identifier
   15 MQMDE-GROUPID        PIC X(24).
**    Sequence number of logical message within group
**    Offset of data in physical message from start of logical message
   15 MQMDE-OFFSET         PIC S9(9) BINARY.
**    Message flags
**    Length of original message

PL/I declaration for MQMDE

 1 MQMDE based,
  3 StrucId        char(4),       /* Structure identifier */
  3 Version        fixed bin(31), /* Structure version number */
  3 StrucLength    fixed bin(31), /* Length of MQMDE structure */
  3 Encoding       fixed bin(31), /* Numeric encoding of data that
                                     follows MQMDE */
  3 CodedCharSetId fixed bin(31), /* Character-set identifier of data
                                     that follows MQMDE */
  3 Format         char(8),       /* Format name of data that follows
                                     MQMDE */
  3 Flags          fixed bin(31), /* General flags */
  3 GroupId        char(24),      /* Group identifier */
  3 MsgSeqNumber   fixed bin(31), /* Sequence number of logical message
                                     within group */
  3 Offset         fixed bin(31), /* Offset of data in physical message
                                     from start of logical message */
  3 MsgFlags       fixed bin(31), /* Message flags */
  3 OriginalLength fixed bin(31); /* Length of original message */

High Level Assembler declaration for MQMDE

MQMDE                 DSECT
MQMDE_STRUCID         DS   CL4   Structure identifier
MQMDE_VERSION         DS   F     Structure version number
MQMDE_STRUCLENGTH     DS   F     Length of MQMDE structure
MQMDE_ENCODING        DS   F     Numeric encoding of data that follows
*                                MQMDE
MQMDE_CODEDCHARSETID  DS   F     Character-set identifier of data that
*                                follows MQMDE
MQMDE_FORMAT          DS   CL8   Format name of data that follows MQMDE
MQMDE_FLAGS           DS   F     General flags
MQMDE_GROUPID         DS   XL24  Group identifier
MQMDE_MSGSEQNUMBER    DS   F     Sequence number of logical message
*                                within group
MQMDE_OFFSET          DS   F     Offset of data in physical message from
*                                start of logical message
MQMDE_MSGFLAGS        DS   F     Message flags
MQMDE_ORIGINALLENGTH  DS   F     Length of original message
                      ORG  MQMDE

Visual Basic declaration for MQMDE

  StrucId        As String*4 'Structure identifier'
  Version        As Long     'Structure version number'
  StrucLength    As Long     'Length of MQMDE structure'
  Encoding       As Long     'Numeric encoding of data that follows'
  CodedCharSetId As Long     'Character-set identifier of data that'
                             'follows MQMDE'
  Format         As String*8 'Format name of data that follows MQMDE'
  Flags          As Long     'General flags'
  GroupId        As MQBYTE24 'Group identifier'
  MsgSeqNumber   As Long     'Sequence number of logical message within'
  Offset         As Long     'Offset of data in physical message from'
                             'start of logical message'
  MsgFlags       As Long     'Message flags'
  OriginalLength As Long     'Length of original message'
End Type