[Windows][Linux][V9.1.1 Nov 2018]

Installing IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard

How you use XMS with Microsoft .NET Standard, and the differences between using IBM® MQ classes for XMS .NET Framework and IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard. There is a prerequisite of Microsoft.NET Core for IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard.

amqmxmsstd.dll library

[Windows]From IBM MQ 9.1.1, the IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard library, amqmxmsstd.dll, is available for XMS .NET Standard support on Windows.

[V9.1.2 Mar 2019][Linux]From IBM MQ 9.1.2, the amqmxmsstd.dll library is also available on Linux®. The library is installed into /&MQINSTALL_PATH&/lib64 path when an IBM MQ client is installed on Linux. XMS .NET samples are located in &MQINSTALL_PATH&/samp/dotnet/samples/cs/core/xms.

For more information, see Installing IBM MQ classes for .NET Standard.

Attention: All the IBM.XMS.* libraries are still supplied, but these libraries are stabilized; that is, no new features will be introduced into them.

For any of the latest features, you must migrate to the amqmxmsstd.dll library. However, you can continue to use the existing libraries on IBM MQ 9.1 Long Term Support or Continuous Delivery releases.

[V9.1.4 Dec 2019]From IBM MQ 9.1.4, the IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard are available for downloading from the NuGet repository. The NuGet package contains both the amqmxmsstd.dll library and the amqmdnetstd.dll library. amqmxmsstd.dll is dependent on amqmdnetstd.dll and, while packaging the XMS .NET Core application, both amqmxmsstd.dll and amqmdnetstd.dll should be packaged along with the XMS .NET Core application. For more information, see Downloading IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard from the NuGet repository.

dspmqver command

From IBM MQ 9.1.1, you can use the dspmqver command to display version and build information for the .NET Core component.

IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Framework and IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard features

The following table lists the features applicable from IBM MQ 9.1.1 for IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Framework and IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard.

Table 1. Differences between IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Framework and IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard features
Feature IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Framework IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard
Class Names (APIs) All classes remain the same in each network. All classes remain the same in each network.
Operating System Windows
Dockerized containers

[V9.1.2 Mar 2019]Linux

[V9.1.3 Jul 2019]MacOS

app.config file (Configuration file to enable Trace in redistributable client) app.config file is used to enable trace for the redistributable package. app.config is not supported in .NET Standard.

You have to use environment variables in place of app.config.

Trace To trace the XMS .NET client, you can use the existing environment variables, such as the environment variable XMS_TRACE_ON used to enable trace. For more information, see Configuring XMS .NET trace using XMS environment variables.

The app.config file can be used to enable trace for the redistributable package.

To trace the XMS .NET client, you can use the existing environment variables, such as the environment variable XMS_TRACE_ON used to enable trace. For more information, see Configuring XMS .NET trace using XMS environment variables.
Transport Modes Managed, Unmanaged, and Bindings Managed
TLS The Windows keystore is used for storing the certificates.

[Windows]On Windows, the keystore must be used for storing the certificates. Permitted values are *USER or *SYSTEM. Based on the input, the IBM MQ .NET client looks at the Windows key store of the current user, or System wide.

[V9.1.2 Mar 2019][Linux]On Linux, it is recommended to use the X509Store class to install certificates and .NET Core installs certificates to the following location: ".dotnet/corefx/cryptography/x509stores".

CCDT Supported Supported, and the settings of the CCDT path are the same as for .NET Framework classes.
Client auto reconnect Supported Supported
Distributed transactions Supported Not supported
Installation of dynamic linked libraries (dll's) into the global assembly cache (GAC) Dll's are installed into the GAC as part of the IBM MQ installation. Dll's are not installed into the GAC as part of the IBM MQ installation.
Support for WMQ, WPM, and RTT connection types Supports WMQ, WPM, and RTT connection types Support for WMQ only
JNDI administered objects Supports LDAP and FileSystem Supports FileSystem only