Multi-valued certificate Distinguished Name OU properties in MQIPT

You can match multiple organizational unit (OU) values in certificate Distinguished Names.

The following route properties now support the matching of multiple OU values:
  • SSLClientDN_OU
  • SSLClientSiteDN_OU
  • SSLServerDN_OU
  • SSLServerSiteDN_OU
To match multiple OU values, use a comma as a separator in the route property value. For example:

SSLClientDN_OU=Sales, Europe
This matches certificates with both OU=Sales and OU=Europe. The OU values are matched in the same sequence as multiple OU values in IBM® MQ SSLPEER filters.
Do not specify the same route property more than once in the [route] section. The correct way to match multiple OU values is to specify the property once, as shown in the preceding example. If you enter the same attribute more than once in the same mqipt.conf section, the last value takes effect. For example, the following entries would result in only matching Europe because the second line overrides the first:

If you must match a literal comma inside an OU value, insert a backslash (\) as an escape character immediately before the comma. For example:

SSLClientDN_OU=Sales\, Europe
This matches a single value: OU=Sales, Europe. A backslash that is not immediately followed by a comma matches a literal backslash.

If you are upgrading from a previous release of MQIPT and rely on the ability to match commas in OU values, you must insert backslash escape characters into the OU route properties in order to preserve the previous behavior.