Controlling IBM MQ Managed File Transfer by putting messages on the agent command queue

You can write an application that controls IBM® MQ Managed File Transfer by putting messages on agent command queues.

You can put a message on the command queue of an agent to request that the agent performs one of the following actions:
  • Create a file transfer
  • Create a scheduled file transfer
  • Cancel a file transfer
  • Cancel a scheduled file transfer
  • Call a command
  • Create a monitor
  • Delete a monitor
  • Return a ping to indicate that the agent is active
To request that the agent performs one of these actions, the message must be in an XML format that complies with one of the following schema:
Messages in this format can be used to create a file transfer or scheduled file transfer, to call a command, or to cancel a file transfer or scheduled file transfer. For more information, see File transfer request message format.
Messages in this format can be used to create or delete a resource monitor. For more information, see Monitor request message formats.
Messages in this format can be used to ping an agent to check that it is active. For more information, see Ping agent request message format.
The agent returns a reply to the request messages. The reply message is put to a reply queue that is defined in the request message. The reply message is in an XML format defined by the following schema:
For more information, see Reply message format.