Enabling OCSP checking for native interceptors of IBM MQ AMS

Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) checking in IBM® MQ Advanced Message Security is enabled by default, based on information in the certificates being used.


Add the following options to the keystore configuration file:
Note: All the OCSP stanza are optional and can be specified independently.
Option Description
ocsp.enable=off Enable the OCSP checking if the certificate being checked has an Authority Info Access (AIA) Extension with an PKIX_AD_OCSP access method containing a URI of where the OCSP Responder is located.

Possible values: on or off.

ocsp.url=< responder_URL > The URL address of OCSP responder. If this option is omitted then non-AIA OCSP checking is disabled.
ocsp.http.proxy.host=< OCSP_proxy > The URL address of the OCSP proxy server. If this option is omitted then a proxy is not used for non-AIA online certificate checks.
ocsp.http.proxy.port=< port_number > The OCSP proxy server's port number. If this option is omitted then the default port of 8080 is used.
ocsp.nonce.generation=on/off Generate nonce when querying OCSP.

The default value is off.

ocsp.nonce.check=on/off Check nonce after receiving a response from OCSP.

The default value is off.

ocsp.nonce.size=8 Nonce size in bytes.
ocsp.http.get=on/off Specify HTTP GET as your request method. If this option is set to off, HTTP POST is used. The default value is off.
ocsp.max_response_size=20480 Maximum size of response from the OCSP responder provided in bytes.
ocsp.cache_size=100 Enable internal OCSP response caching and set the limit for the number of cache entries.
ocsp.timeout=30 Waiting time for a server response, in seconds, after which IBM MQ Advanced Message Security times-out.
ocsp.unknown=ACCEPT Defines the behavior when an OCSP server cannot be reached within a timeout period. Possible values:
  • ACCEPT Allows the certificate
  • WARN Allows the certificate and logs a warning
  • REJECT Prevents the certificate from being used and logs an error