Compiling IBM MQ .NET programs

Specimen commands to compile .NET applications written in various languages.

MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH represents the high-level directory in which IBM® MQ is installed.

To build a C# application using IBM MQ classes for .NET, use the following command:

csc /t:exe /r:System.dll /r:amqmdnet.dll /lib: MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\bin /out:MyProg.exe MyProg.cs
To build a Visual Basic application using IBM MQ classes for .NET, use the following command:

vbc /r:System.dll /r: MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\bin\amqmdnet.dll /out:MyProg.exe MyProg.vb
To build a Managed C++ application using IBM MQ classes for .NET, use the following command:

cl /clr MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\bin Myprog.cpp

For other languages, see the documentation supplied by the language vendor.