Defining a local queue

For an application, the local queue manager is the queue manager to which the application is connected. Queues managed by the local queue manager are said to be local to that queue manager.

Use the MQSC command DEFINE QLOCAL to create a local queue. You can also use the default defined in the default local queue definition, or you can modify the queue characteristics from those of the default local queue.
Note: The default local queue is named SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE and it was created on system installation.
For example, the DEFINE QLOCAL command that follows defines a queue called ORANGE.LOCAL.QUEUE with these characteristics:
  • It is enabled for gets, enabled for puts, and operates on a priority order basis.
  • It is an normal queue; it is not an initiation queue or transmission queue, and it does not generate trigger messages.
  • The maximum queue depth is 5000 messages; the maximum message length is 4194304 bytes.

DESCR('Queue for messages from other systems') +
MAXDEPTH (5000) +
MAXMSGL (4194304) +
  1. With the exception of the value for the description, all the attribute values shown are the default values. We have shown them here for purposes of illustration. You can omit them if you are sure that the defaults are what you want or have not been changed. See also Displaying default object attributes.
  2. USAGE (NORMAL) indicates that this queue is not a transmission queue.
  3. If you already have a local queue on the same queue manager with the name ORANGE.LOCAL.QUEUE, this command fails. Use the REPLACE attribute if you want to overwrite the existing definition of a queue, but see also Changing local queue attributes.