Return code=2082 MQRC_UNKNOWN_ALIAS_BASE_Q opening a queue in the cluster

Applications get rc=2082 MQRC_UNKNOWN_ALIAS_BASE_Q when trying to open a queue in the cluster.


An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued specifying an alias queue as the target, but the BaseQName in the alias queue attributes is not recognized as a queue name.

This reason code can also occur when BaseQName is the name of a cluster queue that cannot be resolved successfully.

MQRC_UNKNOWN_ALIAS_BASE_Q might indicate that the application is specifying the ObjectQmgrName of the queue manager that it is connecting to, and the queue manager that is hosting the alias queue. This means that the queue manager looks for the alias target queue on the specified queue manager and fails because the alias target queue is not on the local queue manager.


Leave the ObjectQmgrName parameter blank so that the clustering decides which queue manager to route to.