What's new or changed in IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact 1.2.1

List of what's new or changed in IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact 1.2.1.

IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact 1.2.1 has the following key changes:
  • Features and functionality
  • Deep learning frameworks
  • Directories and files
  • Environment variables
  • Terminology

Features and functionality

IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact now has the following features and functionality:
  • Python 3 for TensorFlow is now supported
  • Hyperparameter optimization enhancements

Deep learning frameworks

IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact 1.2.1 for Linux for POWER LE (64-bit) now supports TensorFlow 1.12 and PyTorch 1.0. TensorFlow 1.10 is no longer supported. Caffe 1.0 and IBM Caffe 1.0 continues to be supported.

Directories and files

The following directories and files have changed:
  • The server_dlrest.xml file now resides in $EGO_CONFDIR/../../dli/conf/dlpd. Previously this file resided in $EGO_CONFDIR../../wlp/usr/servers/dlrest/<version>.
  • dli-sig-template is now named dli-sig-template-2-2-0

Environment variables

The following environment variables have changed:
  • PYTHON_VERSION is now used in Spark instance group creation to specify Python version.


No changes in terminology this release.