IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.3

Customer Satisfaction - Facilities metric

Determines the satisfaction of facility occupants with services and workplace solutions to indicate opportunities for improvement, improvement trends, or poor performance trends.

Details of the metric Description
Name Customer Satisfaction
Category Customer
Analysis objective Determines root cause of negative survey responses submitted and identify improvement opportunities. Also can identify misaligned service levels, expectation gaps, and consumer perceptions, and recognize and reward excellent customer service.
Description Informs management how effective the organization is at satisfying the requests of the facility occupants. The metric is based on the aggregated scores from the returned evaluation forms.
Source Customer Focus Group
Measurement Sum of Survey Response Scores / Total Survey Maximum Score
  • EN Workplace Executive
  • FA Move Manager/Planner
  • FA Space Manager/Planner
Display chart types
  • Value-based: Horizontal Grouped Bar (percent) Chart (Capture Period: Vertical Grouped Bar (percent) Chart)
  • Score-based: Horizontal Grouped Bar (percent) Chart (Capture Period: Vertical Grouped Bar (percent) Chart)
  • Low Threshold: .58 (58%)
  • High Threshold: .78 (78%)
  • Range 1: Poor/Negative/Red
  • Range 2: Under Performing/Caution/Yellow
  • Range 3: Good/Positive/Green
Fact details Module: triMetricFact

Business Object: triSurveyFact

Metric Queries: triSurveyFact - Metric - Customer Satisfaction (%) Metric – Facilities, triSurveyFact - Metric - Customer Satisfaction (%) Metric – Facilities (Score)

Drill paths
  • Geography
  • Location
  • Responsible Organization
  • Request Class
  • Capture Period
  • Question Category
Interactive filters
  • Geography
  • Location
  • Responsible Organization
  • Request Class
  • Question Category
For US Federal Government:
  • Geography
  • Location
  • Organization
  • Space Class
  • Real Property Type
  • Real Property Use
Static filters
  • Active Buildings
  • Active Floors
Time Months
Data point refresh rate Monthly
