Create a LinkedIn App

Product: BrassRing on Cloud

Create a LinkedIn App
  • BrassRing is partnered with LinkedIn and allows clients to create Apps with LinkedIn to configure:
    • Posting to LinkedIn
    • Profile import from LinkedIn
    • Log in with LinkedIn
  • Contact your organizations IBM representative before the LinkedIn API keys are updated as the candidate experience might be impacted by the update.
  • When candidates log in to Talent Gateways by using the Sign In with LinkedIn, a unique ID is created and mapped, and their Talent Gateway account is connected to their LinkedIn profile. For these candidates to continue logging in to the Talent Gateway by using their LinkedIn profile, this unique ID must not change.
  • If the API keys are updated in Workbench, the candidates that were accessing the Talent Gateways with their LinkedIn profile are not able to view their previous job submissions. This is because a new unique ID is created for the new API key.
  • If the API key is updated, LinkedIn returns a different Unique-ID for the same LinkedIn credentials. The IBM Talent Gateway creates a new account for that profile instead of logging the candidate into the old profile, as the mapping for this new Unique-ID cannot be found.
  • There are two options for resolution:
    • Revert to the Old API keys, so that the old candidates who logged-in before the new API keys were updated, can safely log in to their profile. This can affect the candidates who logged-in after the new API keys update.
    • Leave the new API keys as it is and ask the candidates (who submitted with old API keys) to log in to the Talent Gateway and update their profile in the profile page (candidate zone) with the same details as before. This stacks their profiles with the previous talent record in BrassRing. After it is stacked, they can see the previously submitted applications in the TG.
  • The process on this page shows the process on a third-party website. This website and process is subject to change without notification. IBM is not responsible for the content on third-party websites.
Create a LinkedIn App
  1. Access
  2. Select Create app.
  3. Sign in by using your account credentials.
  4. Select Create app.
    Selecting Create App
  5. Complete the form with as much detail as possible and select Create app.
    Table 1. Application Details required to create a LinkedIn App
    S. No Field Name Required Description
    1 Company Name Yes Your Company Name
    2 Name Yes Name of the Application. Example: IBM Kenexa BrassRing on Cloud EU Staging
    3 Description Yes Your App Description
    4 Application Logo URL Yes Your company or product Logo URL
    5 Website URL Yes e-mail address of the App owner
    6 Business E-mail Yes Phone number of the App owner
    7 Business Phone Yes Update the appropriate URL from the URL table given at the end of this document
    8 OAuth 2.0 Authorized Redirect URLS No  
    9 OAuth 1.0a Default "Accept" Redirect URL No  
    10 OAuth 1.0a Default "Cancel" Redirect URL No  
    The Create an app form
  6. Select the Redirect URLs pencil icon.
    The Redirect URLs Pencil Icon
  7. Select + Add redirect URL.
  8. Insert the redirect URLs from the table as needed.
    The Reirect URLs
    • All three Redirect URLs need to be entered.
    • Ensure that there are no spaces after the URLs.
    • Table 2. Redirect URL List
      Domain Type Redirect URLs
      US Production Akami
      US Production Non-SSL
      US Production SSL
      US Production Vanity
      • Client set Vanity URL/TGWebHost/SocialMediaIntegration.aspx
      • Client set Vanity URL/tgwebhost/SocialMediaIntegration.aspx
      • Client set Vanity URL/TGWEbHost/SocialMediaIntegration.aspx
      US Staging Akami
      US Staging Non-SSL
      US Staging SSL
      US Staging Vanity
      • Client set vanity URL/TGWebHost/SocialMediaIntegration.aspx
      • Client set vanity URL/tgwebhost/SocialMediaIntegration.aspx
      • Client set vanity URL/TGWEbHost/SocialMediaIntegration.aspx
      EU Production Akami
      EU Production Non-SSL
      EU Production SSL
      EU Production Vanity
      • Client set vanity URL/TGWebHost/SocialMediaIntegration.aspx
      • Client set vanity URL/tgwebhost/SocialMediaIntegration.aspx
      • Client set vanity URL/TGWEbHost/SocialMediaIntegration.aspx
      EU Staging Akami
      EU Staging Non-SSL
      EU Staging SSL
      EU Staging Vanity
      • Client set vanity URL/TGWebHost/SocialMediaIntegration.aspx
      • Client set vanity URL/tgwebhost/SocialMediaIntegration.aspx
      • Client set vanity URL/TGWEbHost/SocialMediaIntegration.aspx
  9. Select Update.
  10. A confirmation message, the API, and secret keys, is displayed. The App that is created is now listed in the My Apps tab. Select the app to view and edit the app settings.
Workbench Configuration
  1. In Workbench select Tools > Settings > Social Media Configuration.
  2. Select the LinkedIn Administer configuration icon.
  3. Insert the API Keys and Secret Keys.
    1. If your organization is using more than one workflow of LinkedIn integration, it is recommended to create three separate APIs. One API key and Secret Key pair can be used for all three combinations, but it is a best practice to create three different pairs.
      1. The first API key is used for BrassRing workflows, or posting to company or individual accounts from within BrassRing.
      2. The second API key is used for Talent Gateway workflows for logged in users.
      3. The third API key is used for Talent Gateway users who have not logged in.
    The Administer configuration - Linkedin Window
  4. Select Save.
Email if you have a suggestion for improvement, or encounter an issue on this documentation. Include the product and page title in your email.