IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3     Supports:  Content Manager, FileNet P8


Roles are included in every teamspace that is created from a teamspace template. Roles determine which activities users can do in a teamspace if they also have the necessary permissions and access to the associated repository content.

Each role has a set of associated permissions. Select roles that fit the profile of the users who will use the teamspace that is created from the teamspace template.

By default, the owner of a teamspace can modify the permissions that are associated with each role in the teamspace. However, the owner cannot create new roles. When you create a template, you must provide all of the necessary roles that users must complete their work in a teamspace.

IBM® Content Navigator provides three roles: You can modify the Owner role permissions, but you cannot modify or delete the Member or Reviewer roles.

If you must provide roles with different permissions, you can create new roles or modify existing roles that you created. These roles are specific to the template and can be used only by the teamspaces that are created from that template. To reuse new or modified roles in other templates, you must share the roles by selecting them in the Available roles list and clicking Make Available. To delete a role that you created, right-click it and click Delete.

You might establish a teamspace template for teams who create your annual report. Teamspace owners can add new members to the teamspace, assign roles to members, and add content. Members can add and edit content. Reviewers can search for and review content but not add or edit it. Each year as the annual report work begins, the leader of the team can create a teamspace from the template, and specify herself and another team member as the Owner of the teamspace. All content writers are assigned the Member role, and reviewers are assigned Reviewers. You might also need an Editor role for the person who edits the full report. The editor can edit any content, but cannot create folders or move content to another folder.

Repository security and roles

The permissions that are associated with an assigned role do not supersede the privileges or access control set in the repository.

Deirdre has the role Editor, which allows her to view or edit any document in the teamspace. The documents in the teamspace are stored in IBM FileNet® Content Manager. In the repository, Deirdre has access to some folders but not others. Specifically, she can access the Annual report folder, but not the Payroll folder. She has permission to view documents, but not to edit them. With this combination of teamspace role, access control, and privileges, from IBM Content Navigator Deirdre can find all content in the Annual report folder, but not content from the Payroll folder. Even though she has the teamspace role of editor, she cannot edit any content because she does not have permission to edit documents in the repository. Deirdre must ask the IBM FileNet Content Manager administrator, Michelle, to give her edit permission for the folders that she can access from the teamspace.
IBM Content Manager users only.
Attention: In addition, if users have super access privileges in IBM Content Manager, but are not assigned a role in a teamspace, the users can still view the teamspace and its contents. The users cannot do anything in the teamspace because they do not have permission, but the users can find documents that they cannot open or change.