DISABLE EVENTS (Disable events for event logging)

Use this command to disable the processing of one or more events. If you specify a receiver that is not supported on any platform, or if you specify an invalid event or name, IBM Spectrum Protect issues an error message. However, any valid receivers, events, or names that you specified are still enabled.

Tip: Messages in the SEVERE category and message ANR9999D can provide valuable diagnostic information if there are serious server problems. For this reason, you should not disable these messages.
  • Certain messages are displayed on the console even if they are disabled. These include some messages issued during server startup and shutdown and responses to administrative commands.
  • Server messages from the server on which this command is issued cannot be disabled for the activity log.

ANR1822I indicates that event logging is being ended for the specified receiver. When the DISABLE EVENTS command is issued, this message is logged to the receiver even if it is one of the events that has been disabled. This is done to confirm that event logging has ended to that receiver, but subsequent ANR1822I messages are not logged to that receiver.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege.


  • 1 NTEVENTLOG is available only on Windows.
  • 2 SYSLOG is available only on Linux.


receivers (Required)
Specifies the name of the receivers for which to disable events. Specify multiple receivers by separating them with commas and no intervening spaces. Possible values are:
All receivers, except for server events on the activity log receiver (ACTLOG). Only client events can be disabled for the activity log receiver.
The standard server console as a receiver.
The activity log as a receiver. You can disable only client events, not server events, for the activity log.
The event server as a receiver.
A user file as a receiver. Each logged event is a record in the file. The records are not easily readable by people.
A user file as a receiver. Each logged event is a fixed-size, readable line.
The Windows application log as a receiver.
Linux operating systemsSYSLOG
Linux operating systemsWrites messages directly to the system log on Linux.
The Tivoli Enterprise Console® (TEC) as a receiver.
A user-written program as a receiver. The server writes information to the program.
events (Required)
Specifies the events to be disabled. You can specify multiple events by separating them with commas and no intervening spaces. Possible values are:
All events.
A four-digit message number preceded by ANR for a server event or ANE for a client event. Valid ranges are from ANR0001 to ANR9999 and from ANE4000 to ANE4999. Specify the NODENAMES parameter if client events are to be disabled for matching nodes. Specify the SERVERNAME parameter if server events are to be disabled for matching servers.
For the TIVOLI event receiver only, you can specify the following events names for the IBM Spectrum Protect application clients:
IBM Spectrum Protect application client Prefix Range
Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server ACN 3500–3649
Data Protection for Lotus® Domino® ACD 5200–5299
Data Protection for Oracle ANS 500–599
Data Protection for Informix® ANS 600–699
Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server ACO 3000–3999
Remember: Specifying ALL disables these messages. However, the INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and SEVERE options have no effect on the messages.
severity categories
If the event list contains a severity category, all events of that severity are disabled for the specified nodes. The message types are:
Information messages (type of I).
Warning messages (type of W).
Error messages (type of E).
Severe error messages (type of S).
Specifies the name of one or more node names for which events are to be disabled. You can use the wildcard character (*) to specify all nodes. You can specify NODENAME or SERVERNAME. If neither parameter is specified, the events are disabled for the server running this command.
Specifies the name of one or more server names for which events are to be disabled. You can use the wildcard character (*) to specify all servers other than the server running this command. You can specify NODENAME or SERVERNAME. If neither parameter is specified, the events are disabled for the server running this command.

Example: Disable specific categories of events

Disable all client events in the INFO and WARNING categories for the activity log and console receivers for all nodes.
disable events actlog,console 
info,warning nodename=*

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to DISABLE EVENTS
Command Description
BEGIN EVENTLOGGING Starts event logging to a specified receiver.
ENABLE EVENTS Enables specific events for receivers.
END EVENTLOGGING Ends event logging to a specified receiver.
QUERY ENABLED Displays enabled or disabled events for a specific receiver.
QUERY EVENTRULES Displays information about rules for server and client events.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters, such as those selected by the SET commands.