Linux operating systemsWindows operating systems


This option specifies the management class to use when backing up virtual machine control files.

Data moverThis feature is available only if the client operates as a data mover for IBM Spectrum Protectâ„¢ for Virtual Environments.

By default, virtual machine control files are bound to the default management class. The vmmc option can be used to specify a different management class to which virtual machine data and virtual machine control files are bound. The vmctlmc option overrides the default management class and the vmmc option for the virtual machine control files.

Under certain conditions, it might be desirable or necessary to bind the control files to a different management class than the data files.

The vmctlmc option is required if virtual machine data files are backed up to tape. Virtual machine control files must be backed up to a disk-based storage pool that does not migrate to tape. The storage pool can be composed of random access volumes and sequential file volumes; the storage pool can also be a deduplicated pool. Use the vmctlmc option to specify a management class that stores data in such a storage pool.

Restriction: The management class that is specified by the vmctlmc option determines only the destination storage pool for virtual machine control files. Retention of the control files is determined by the vmmc option, if specified, or by the default management class. The retention for the virtual machine control files always matches the retention of the virtual machine data files.

Supported Clients

Linux operating systemsWindows operating systemsThis option is valid for clients that act as data mover nodes that protect VMware virtual machines.

The option can only be used for virtual machine backups that use an incremental-forever backup mode.

This option is available only if you have a license to use either IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware or IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V.

Options File

Linux operating systemsPlace this option in the system options file dsm.sys.

Windows operating systemsPlace this option in the client options file dsm.opt.


1  VMCTLmc  class_name


Specifies a management class that applies to backing up virtual machine control files. If you do not set this option, the management class that is specified on the vmmc option is used. If you do not set this option and the vmmc option is not set, the default management class of the node is used.


Options file:
vmctlmc diskonlymc
Command line:
Does not apply.