Creating an include-exclude list

If you do not create an include-exclude list, the backup-archive client considers all files for backup services and uses the default management class for backup and archive services.

About this task

This is an optional task, but an important one.

You can create an include-exclude list to exclude a specific file or groups of files from backup services, and to assign specific management classes to files. The client backs up any file that is not explicitly excluded. You should exclude IBM Spectrum Protect™ client directories from backup services. You can use the query inclexcl command to display a list of include and exclude statements in the order they are examined when determining whether an object is to be included.

Windows operating systemsSpecify your include-exclude list in your client options file (dsm.opt). The include-exclude list can also go into a separate file, which is referred to by the inclexcl option. The include-exclude statements are not case-sensitive.

Windows operating systemsThe client options file, dsm.opt, must be in a non-Unicode format. However, if you are using a separate include-exclude file, it can be in Unicode or non-Unicode format.

AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsMac OS X operating systemsSpecify the include-exclude list in your dsm.sys file. If you define more than one server in your dsm.sys file, each server must have its own include-exclude list. This list can also contain include-exclude statements obtained from the include-exclude files you specify with the inclexcl option.

Windows operating systemsWhen the client processes include-exclude statements, the include-exclude statements within the include-exclude file are placed at the position occupied by the inclexcl option in dsm.opt, in the same order, and processed accordingly.

AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsMac OS X operating systemsWhen the client processes include-exclude statements, the include-exclude statements within the include-exclude file are placed at the position occupied by the inclexcl option in dsm.sys, in the same order, and processed accordingly.


You can use the following methods to create an include-exclude list or specify an include-exclude file: