SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED (Specify whether damaged files are recovered from a replication server)

Use this command to enable the system-wide recovery of damaged files from a target replication server. If this setting is turned on, the node replication process can be configured to detect damaged files on the source replication server and replace them with undamaged files from the target replication server.

The REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter affects all file recovery processes across all replication processes for all nodes and file spaces. File recovery is possible only if the server software, Version 7.1.1 or later, is installed on the source and target replication servers, and if the node data was replicated before the file damage occurred.

To display the current setting, use the QUERY STATUS command.

When you install the server, the default setting is ON.

If you upgrade the server and no damaged files are detected, the default setting is ON.

If you upgrade the server and damaged files are detected, the parameter is set to OFF, and a message is issued to indicate that the recovery of damaged files is disabled. The OFF setting prevents the server from scanning database tables for damaged objects that can be recovered. Prevention of the scan is necessary in case many damaged files are detected. In that case, a scan can take a considerable amount of time, and should be scheduled when use of server resources is at a minimum. When you are ready to start the scan and recover damaged files, you must issue the SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED command and specify the ON setting. After the server successfully completes the scan, the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter is set to ON.

The following table describes how the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter and other parameters affect the recovery of damaged, replicated files.
Table 1. Settings that affect the recovery of damaged files
Setting for the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter Value of the RECOVERDAMAGED parameter on the REPLICATE NODE command Value of the RECOVERDAMAGED parameter on the REGISTER NODE and UPDATE NODE commands Result
OFF YES, NO, or not specified YES or NO During node replication, standard replication occurs and damaged files are not recovered from the target replication server.
OFF ONLY YES or NO An error message is displayed because files cannot be recovered when the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter is set to OFF.
ON YES YES or NO During node replication, standard replication occurs and damaged files are recovered from the target replication server.
ON NO YES or NO During node replication, standard replication occurs and damaged files are not recovered from the target replication server.
ON ONLY YES or NO Damaged files are recovered from the target replication server, but standard node replication does not occur.
ON Not specified YES During node replication, standard replication occurs and damaged files are recovered from the target replication server.
ON Not specified NO During node replication, standard replication occurs and damaged files are not recovered from the target replication server.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSet REPLRECOVERDamaged=ONSet REPLRECOVERDamaged=OFfON


Specifies that node replication is enabled to recover damaged files from a target replication server.
Specifies that node replication is not enabled to recover damaged files from a target replication server.

Example: Enable recovery of damaged files

To specify a system-wide setting that enables the server to recover damaged files from a target replication server, issue the following command:
set replrecoverdamaged on

Related commands

Table 2. Commands related to SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED
Command Description
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters, such as those selected by the SET commands.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets options for that user.
REPLICATE NODE Replicates data in file spaces that belong to a client node.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated with a client node.