SET STATUSMONITOR (Specifies whether to enable status monitoring)

Use this command to enable and disable status monitoring. Turning status monitoring on for the first time also sets the default threshold values, and increases the event record retention to at least 14 days.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSet STATUSMonitor=OFfSet STATUSMonitor=ONOFf


Specifies that the status monitoring is turned on. The first time that you set status monitoring to ON, it sets all the default threshold values that are specified in the DEFINE STATUSTHRESHOLD and UPDATE STATUSTHRESHOLD commands. It also sets the retention value for event records to at least 14 days. For example, when you turn status monitoring on, the default values for primary storage pool utilization is automatically set to display a warning when the threshold value reaches 80%, and an error when the threshold reaches 90% utilization.
Specifies that the status monitoring is turned off. Off is the default value.

Enable status monitoring

Set status monitoring to on to enable status monitoring.
set statusmonitor on

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to SET STATUSMONITOR
Command Description
DEFINE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Define a status monitoring threshold) Defines a status monitoring threshold.
DELETE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Delete a status monitoring threshold) Deletes a status monitoring threshold.
QUERY MONITORSTATUS (Query the monitoring status) Displays information about monitoring alerts and server status settings.
QUERY MONITORSETTINGS (Query the configuration settings for monitoring alerts and server status) Displays information about monitoring alerts and server status settings.
QUERY STATUSTHRESHOLD (Query status monitoring thresholds) Displays information about a status monitoring thresholds.
SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies the backup activity interval for client at-risk evaluation) Specifies whether to enable client at-risk activity interval evaluation
SET STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL (Set refresh interval for status monitoring) Specifies the refresh interval for status monitoring.
SET STATUSSKIPASFAILURE (Specifies whether to use client at-risk skipped files as failure evaluation) Specifies whether to use client at-risk skipped files as failure evaluation
UPDATE STATUSTHRESHOLD (Update a status monitoring threshold) Changes the attributes of an existing status monitoring threshold.