Scheduling backup and archive operations

Before you register a new client with the server, ensure that a schedule is available to specify when backup and archive operations take place. During the registration process, you assign a schedule to the client.

Before you begin

Determine how to proceed:
  • If you are familiar with the schedules that are configured for the solution and you know that they do not require modification, continue with Registering clients.
  • If you are not familiar with the schedules or the schedules require modification, follow the steps in this procedure.

About this task

Typically, backup operations for all clients must be completed daily. Schedule client and server workloads to achieve the best performance for your storage environment. To avoid the overlap of client and server operations, consider scheduling client backup and archive operations so that they run at night. If client and server operations overlap or are not given enough time and resources to be processed, you might experience decreased system performance, failed operations, and other issues.


  1. Review available schedules by hovering over Clients on the Operations Center menu bar. Click Schedules.
  2. Optional: Modify or create a schedule by completing the following steps:
    Option Description
    Modify a schedule
    1. In the Schedules view, select the schedule and click Details.
    2. On the Schedule Details page, view details by clicking the blue arrows at the beginning of the rows.
    3. Modify the settings in the schedule, and click Save.
    Create a schedule In the Schedules view, click +Schedule and complete the steps to create a schedule.
  3. Optional: To configure schedule settings that are not visible in the Operations Center, use a server command. For example, you might want to schedule a client operation that backs up a specific directory and assigns it to a management class other than the default.
    1. On the Overview page of the Operations Center, hover over the settings icon and click Command Builder.
    2. Issue the DEFINE SCHEDULE command to create a schedule or the UPDATE SCHEDULE command to modify a schedule. For more information about the commands, see DEFINE SCHEDULE (Define a client schedule) or UPDATE SCHEDULE (Update a client schedule).