DEFINE STGPOOLDIRECTORY (Define a storage pool directory)

Use this command to define one or more directories in a directory-container or cloud-container storage pool.

Tip: After you define a cloud-container storage pool, create one or more directories that are used for local storage. You can temporarily store data in local storage during the data ingestion, before the data is moved to the cloud. In this way, you can improve backup and archive performance. For more information, see Optimizing performance for cloud object storage.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege.


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                                         V                |     
>>-DEFine STGPOOLDIRectory--pool_name------directory_name-+----><


pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of a directory-container or cloud-container storage pool. This parameter is required.
directory_name (Required)
Specifies the directory to be defined in the storage pool. This parameter is required. You can specify more than one directory name by separating each name with a comma, with no intervening spaces.

If you use the administrative client and the directory name contains a comma or a backslash ("\"), enclose the name in quotation marks.

Example: Define a storage pool directory

Define a storage pool directory that is named DIR1 by using a directory-container storage pool that is named POOL1.
AIX operating systemsLinux operating systems
define stgpooldirectory pool1 /storage/dir1
Windows operating systems
define stgpooldirectory pool1 c:\storage\dir1

Example: Define multiple storage pool directories

Define storage pool directories that are named DIR1 and DIR2 by using a directory-container storage pool that is named POOL1.
AIX operating systemsLinux operating systems
define stgpooldirectory pool1 /storage/dir1,/storage/dir2
Windows operating systems
define stgpooldirectory pool1 e:\storage\dir1,f:\storage\dir2

Example: Define local storage for a cloud-container storage pool

Create a storage pool directory that is named DIR3 in a cloud-container storage pool that is named CLOUDLOCALDISK1.
AIX operating systemsLinux operating systems
define stgpooldirectory cloudlocaldisk1 /storage/dir3
Windows operating systems
define stgpooldirectory cloudlocaldisk1 c:\storage\dir3
Table 1. Commands related to DEFINE STGPOOLDIRECTORY
Command Description
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection of server storage media.
DELETE STGPOOLDIRECTORY Deletes a storage pool directory from a directory-container or cloud-container storage pool.
QUERY STGPOOLDIRECTORY Displays information about storage pool directories.
UPDATE STGPOOLDIRECTORY Changes the attributes of a storage pool directory.