DEFINE BACKUPSET (Define a backup set)

Use this command to define a client backup set that was previously generated on one server and make it available to the server that is running this command. The client node has the option of restoring the backup set from the server that is running this command rather than the one on which the backup set was generated.

Any backup set generated on one server can be defined to another server when the servers share a common device type. The level of the server to which the backup set is being defined must be equal to or greater than the level of the server that generated the backup set.

You can also use the DEFINE BACKUPSET command to redefine a backup set that was deleted on a server.

Privilege class

If the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set to YES (the default), the administrator must have system privilege. If the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set to NO, the administrator must have system privilege or policy privilege for the domain to which the client node is assigned.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
                     V                     |   
>>-DEFine BACKUPSET----+-node_name-------+-+-------------------->


               V              |   



   |                   .-,---------. |   
   |                   V           | |   

   '-TOC--=--+-PREFERRED-+-'  '-TOCMGmtclass--=--class_name-'   


node_name or node_group_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client nodes or node groups whose data is contained in the specified backup set volumes. To specify multiple node and node group names, separate the names with commas and no intervening spaces. Node names can contain wildcard characters, but node group names cannot. If the backup set volumes contain backup sets from multiple nodes, every backup set whose node name matches one of the specified node names is defined. If the volumes contain a backup set for a node that is not currently registered, the DEFINE BACKUPSET command does not define the backup set for that node.
backup_set_name_prefix (Required)
Specifies the name of the backup set to define to this server. The maximum length of the name is 30 characters.

When you select a name, IBM Spectrum Protect™ adds a suffix to construct the backup set name. For example, if you name your backup set mybackupset, IBM Spectrum Protect adds a unique number such as 3099 to the name. Your backup set name is then identified as mybackupset.3099. To later display information about this backup set, you can include a wildcard with the name, such as mybackupset* or you can specify the fully qualified name, such as mybackupset.3099.

If the backup set volumes contain backup sets for multiple nodes, then backup sets are defined for each of the nodes by using the same backup set name prefix and suffix.

DEVclass (Required)
Specifies the device class name for the volumes from which the backup set is read.
Note: The device type that is associated with the device class you specify must match the device class with which the backup set was originally generated.
VOLumes (Required)
Specifies the names of the volumes that are used to store the backup set. You can specify multiple volumes by separating the names with commas and no intervening spaces. The volumes that you specify must be available to the server that is defining the backup set.
Note: The volumes that you specify must be listed in the order they were created, or the DEFINE BACKUPSET command fails.
The server does not verify that every volume specified for a multiple-volume backup set contains part of the backup set. The first volume is always checked, and in some cases extra volumes are also checked. If these volumes are correct, the backup set is defined and all of the volumes that are listed in the command are protected from being overwritten. If a volume that contains part of the backup set is not listed in the command, the volume is not protected and can potentially be overwritten during normal server operations.
Note: By default, the server attempts to create a table of contents when a backup set is defined. If an incorrect volume is specified, or if volumes are not listed in the correct order, the table of contents creation fails. If this failure occurs, check the volume list in the command and consider using the QUERY BACKUPSETCONTENTS command to verify the contents of the backup set.
Specifies the number of days that the backup set is retained on the server. You can specify an integer 0 - 30000. The default is 365 days. The values are:
Specifies the number of days to retain the backup set on the server.
Specifies that the backup set must be retained on the server indefinitely.

If you specify NOLIMIT, IBM Spectrum Protect retains the volumes that contain the backup set forever, unless a user or administrator deletes the volumes from server storage.

Specifies the description to associate with the backup set that belongs to the client node. This parameter is optional. The maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies the backup sets containing the specified types of data are to be defined. This parameter is optional. The default is that backup sets for all types of data (file level, image, and application) are to be defined. To specify multiple data types, separate the data types with commas and no intervening spaces. Possible values are:
Specifies that backup sets for all types of data (file level, image, and application) are to be defined. ALL is the default value.
Specifies that a file level backup set is to be defined. File level backup sets contain files and directories that are backed up by the backup client.
Specifies that an image backup set is to be defined. Image backup sets contain images that are created by the backup-archive client BACKUP IMAGE command.
Specifies whether a table of contents (TOC) must be created for the file level backup set when it is defined. The TOC parameter is ignored when you define image and application data backup sets because a table of contents is always created for these backup sets.
Consider the following in determining whether you want to create a table of contents:
  • If a table of contents is created, you can use the IBM Spectrum Protect web backup-archive client to examine the entire file system tree and choose files and directories to restore. Creation of a table of contents requires that you define the TOCDESTINATION attribute in the backup copy group for the management class that is specified by the TOCMGMTCLASS parameter. To create a table of contents extra processing, storage pool space, and possibly a mount point during the backup set operation is required.
  • If a table of contents is not saved for a backup set, you can still restore individual files or directory trees by using the backup-archive client RESTORE BACKUPSET command if you know the fully qualified name of each file or directory to be restored.
This parameter is optional. The default value is Preferred. Possible values are:
Specifies that table of contents information is not saved for file level backup sets.
Specifies that table of contents information must be saved for file level backup sets. However, a backup set does not fail just because an error occurs during creation of the table of contents.
Specifies that table of contents information must be saved for each file level backup set. A backup set fails if an error occurs during creation of the table of contents.
Specifies the name of the management class to which the table of contents must be bound. If you do not specify a management class, the table of contents is bound to the default management class for the policy domain to which the node is assigned. In this case, creation of a table of contents requires that you define the TOCDESTINATION attribute in the backup copy group for the specified management class.

Example: Define a backup set

Define the PERS_DATA backup set that belongs to client node JANE to the server that is running this command. Retain the backup set on the server for 50 days. Specify that volumes VOL001 and VOL002 contain the data for the backup set. The volumes are to be read by a device that is assigned to the AGADM device class. Include a description.
define backupset jane pers_data devclass=agadm 
volumes=vol1,vol2 retention=50 
description="sector 7 base image"

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to DEFINE BACKUPSET
Command Description
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
DELETE BACKUPSET Deletes a backup set.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
GENERATE BACKUPSETTOC Generates a table of contents for a backup set.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
QUERY BACKUPSETCONTENTS Displays contents contained in backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a backup set.
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.