Windows operating systems

tsmdlst (Display information about devices)

Use the tsmdlst utility to view device names and other information about medium changer and tape devices on the system.


After devices are configured, you can run the tsmdlst utility to display device information. The utility is in the devices server directory, which is \Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\server by default.

Specifies the name of the computer for which devices are listed. The default is the local system.
Displays details on devices in the list. By default, a summary is shown.
Displays information about all types of devices. By default, only tape drives and tape libraries are included in the results.
Skips the step for opening detected drives to see whether they are supported for the IBM Spectrum Protect™ GENERICTAPE device type.
Skips the step for host bus adapter (HBA) API detection, which might speed up processing. This option can be useful when debugging is needed.
Used for diagnostic purposes. Stores trace output in the tsmdlst_trace.txt file.
Displays usage information about tsmdlst and its parameters.
Provides an alternative way to obtain serial number and worldwide name information. This option is used only for devices that are supported by the IBM® tape device driver. The following parameters are specific to the /xinquiry option:
Indicates that the process loops until all devices are processed.
Indicates the maximum number of attempts to open each drive. This option requires the /processAll option.
Use this option to generate a list of devices and serial numbers. The tsmdlst_pathfile.txt file is written with information for the /genmacropathsync and /genmacropathoffline options.
If this parameter is specified with the /genpathfile option, the list of devices includes libraries in addition to drives.
Generates a macro to synchronize IBM Spectrum Protect paths for the storage agent based on serial number. A drive must have a serial number that is defined to IBM Spectrum Protect for this option to work.
Generates a macro to update IBM Spectrum Protect paths for the storage agent to online or offline status based on drive accessibility. A drive is accessible if an operating system open call results in: ERROR_SUCCESS, ERROR_BUSY or ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. This option works only for devices that are using the IBM device driver. A symbolic name, for example \\.\tape0, is required to open a device.
The following options are used only with the /genmacropathsync and /genmacropathoffline options:
Specifies the name of the server that the storage agent is using.
Specifies the name of the storage agent.
Specifies the IBM Spectrum Protect server address.
Specifies the IBM Spectrum Protect server port. The default is 1500.
Specifies the IBM Spectrum Protect administrative ID.
Specifies the IBM Spectrum Protect administrative password.
Specifies the device type of the drive, for example, LTO. This option is case-sensitive and optional.
Filters on the library name of the drive, for example LTO3584. This option is case-sensitive and optional.
Issues the path synchronize macro to the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
Issues the path offline macro to the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
Adds define and update path statements. This option is used with the /genmacropathsync option.
Lists both drive and path information returned from the IBM Spectrum Protect server and contents of the path file.
If a path is set to online=no, the device name encodes time stamp, error, and device as the updated device name.

Example: Display information about devices

Display information about tape devices and tape libraries for a local system, WANTON, by running the tsmdlst utility:

The device name that is displayed is the alias name that can be used in the DEFINE PATH command and the UPDATE PATH command. The alias name is not the actual device name.

Computer Name:      WANTON
OS Version:         6.2
OS Build #:         9200
TSM Device Driver:  TSMScsi - Not Running

4 HBAs were detected.

Manufacturer        Model    Driver      Version     Firmware NodeWWN           Description
QLogic Corporation  QLE2562  ql2300.sys   7.03.00  20000024FF25F846  QLogic QLE2562 Fibre Channel Adapter
QLogic Corporation  QLE2562  ql2300.sys   7.03.00  20000024FF25F847  QLogic QLE2562 Fibre Channel Adapter
QLogic Corporation  QLE2562  ql2300.sys   7.03.00  20000024FF25F7FE  QLogic QLE2562 Fibre Channel Adapter
QLogic Corporation  QLE2562  ql2300.sys   7.03.00  20000024FF25F7FF  QLogic QLE2562 Fibre Channel Adapter

TSM Name    ID  LUN  Bus  Port  SSN                 WWN                TSM Type     Driver   Device Identifier
mt0.0.0.7   0   0    0    7     000001327176        5005076300566011   3592         IBM      IBM     03592E06    2883
lb0.1.0.7   0   1    0    7     0000013400480405    5005076300566011   LIBRARY      IBM      IBM     03584L22    E01q
mt1.0.0.7   1   0    0    7     000001327147        5005076300566012   3592         IBM      IBM     03592E06    2883
mt2.0.0.7   2   0    0    7     000001327349        5005076300566013   3592         IBM      IBM     03592E06    2883
mt3.0.0.7   3   0    0    7     000001327140        5005076300566014   3592         IBM      IBM     03592E06    2883
mt4.0.0.7   4   0    0    7     1068000254          500507630F51FA05   LTO          IBM      IBM     ULT3580-TD5 D8D4
lb4.1.0.7   4   1    0    7     0000078216780402    500507630F51FA05   LIBRARY      IBM      IBM     03584L32    C460
mt5.0.0.7   5   0    0    7     1068000039          500507630F51FA06   LTO          IBM      IBM     ULT3580-TD5 D8D4
mt6.0.0.7   6   0    0    7     1068000047          500507630F51FA07   LTO          IBM      IBM     ULT3580-TD5 D8D4
mt7.0.0.7   7   0    0    7     1068000017          500507630F51FA08   LTO          IBM      IBM     ULT3580-TD5 D8D4