Tuning the schedule for daily operations

Typically, backup operations must be completed every day for all clients. Certain server maintenance processes must also run every day. Ensuring that resources for these critical operations are available when needed requires planning and tuning.

About this task

During the client workload phase, server resources support client operations. Client workloads are predominantly client backup and archive activities. Typically, these operations are completed during the nightly schedule window. During the server workload phase, server resources are dedicated to managing the recently received data from the client workload and performing the following activities, which are necessary to manage, protect, and maintain the server:
  • Protecting client data by backing up storage pools
  • Allocating data appropriately in the storage hierarchy
  • Keeping the database, storage hierarchy, and server operations working efficiently
  • Preparing for the next schedule cycle
Carefully schedule client and server workloads to achieve the best performance for your environment. If the client and server operations overlap or are not given enough time and resources to be processed, the environment might be impacted in the following ways:
  • Less processing power and memory available to support an operation
  • Performance degradation
  • Insufficient space for data storage
  • Issues with data placement
  • Failed operations

For optimum performance, split the tasks of backing up and archiving client data, and performing server data maintenance into separate time windows. Most operations on the server have an optimal order, and in some cases must be completed without overlap to avoid resource contention problems.

What to do next

In addition to tasks that are completed in all IBM Spectrum Protect™ environments, you might need to plan for optional processes.