AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsMac OS X operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsWindows operating systems

Set Password

The set password command changes the IBM Spectrum Protect™ password for your workstation, or sets the credentials that are used to access another server.

If you omit the old and new passwords when you enter the set password command, you are prompted once for the old password and twice for the new password.

Passwords can be up to 63 character in length. Password constraints vary, depending on where the passwords are stored and managed, and depending on the version of the IBM Spectrum Protect server that your client connects to.

If your IBM Spectrum Protect server is at version 6.3.3 or later, and if you use an LDAP directory server to authenticate passwords
Use any of the following characters to create a password:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ` ( ) 
| { } [ ] : ; < > , ? / ~

Passwords are case-sensitive and are subject to more restrictions that can be imposed by LDAP policies.

If your IBM Spectrum Protect server is at version 6.3.3 or later, and if you do not use an LDAP directory server to authenticate passwords
Use any of the following characters to create a password:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ` ( ) 
| { } [ ] : ; < > , ? / ~

Passwords are stored in the IBM Spectrum Protect server database and are not case-sensitive.

If your IBM Spectrum Protect server is earlier than version 6.3.3
Use any of the following characters to create a password:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
_ - & + . 

Passwords are stored in the IBM Spectrum Protect server database and are not case-sensitive.

AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsMac OS X operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsWindows operating systemsRemember:

On the command line, enclose all parameters that contain one or more special characters in quotation marks. Without quotation marks, the special characters can be interpreted as shell escape characters, file redirection characters, or other characters that have significance to the operating system.

Windows operating systems
On Windows systems:
Enclose the command parameters in quotation marks (").
Command line example:
dsmc set password "t67@#$%^&" "pass2><w0rd"
AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systems
On AIX, Linux, and Solaris systems:
Enclose the command parameters in single quotation marks (').
Command line example:
dsmc set password -type=vmguest 'Win 2012 SQL' 'tsml2dag\administrator' '7@#$%^&7'

Quotation marks are not required when you type a password with special characters in an options file.

Supported Clients

This command is valid for all clients.

The following parameters apply to VMware operations, which are available only if you are using the client as a data mover for IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-SET Password--+--------------+------------------------------->




Specifies the current password for your workstation.
Specifies the new password for your workstation.
other_server other_user_id other_password
These three parameters specify the attributes that the client uses to access another server, such as a filer or an ESXi host.
Specifies the host name or IP address of the server that the client can access to protect files.
The user ID of an account on the server that the client uses to log on to the other server. The account must have the privileges that are necessary to perform the operations that are run after the user is logged on to the other server.
The password that is associated with the user ID on the other server.
Specifies whether this password is for the backup-archive client or for another type of server.

Use TYPE=TSM to specify the password for your backup-archive client. The default type is TYPE=TSM.

Windows operating systemsUse TYPE=DOMAIN to set the Windows domain administrator credentials to enable users to log in to a remote Windows proxy node (the file restore interface), for file restore operations. This option requires a license for IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware.
Use the following format for the set password -type=domain command:
set password -type=domain -validate administrator_name password
Validates the Windows domain administrator credentials before the credentials are stored in the Windows registry. If the validation fails, the credentials are not stored in the registry, and users are not able to log in to the file restore interface. The validate parameter is valid only with the TYPE=DOMAIN parameter.
Specifies the account name of a domain administrator. The account name must contain the Windows domain name and the administrator ID. The account name must be in the following format:
Specifies the password that is associated with the specified domain administrator account.

For more information about configuration requirements for remote mount proxy nodes, see the IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware documentation.

Linux operating systemsWindows operating systems

Use TYPE=FastBack, on Linux and Windows clients, to store the Tivoli® Storage Manager FastBack credentials that are required for mounting and dismounting the FastBack volumes on the Windows FastBack Disaster Recovery Hub server.

The password file on the vStorage backup server must have either the Windows administrator ID for the VMware virtual center system, or the UNIX user ID for a specific ESX server. For a proxy backup for FastBack, the password file must contain the FastBack administrator ID and password. Here are some examples:
dsmc set password admin admin 123 -type=fastback
dsmc set password WORKGROUP:admin admin 123 -type=fastback
dsmc set password windserv administrator windpass4 -type=fastback
Important: You must define the user credentials that are required to mount and unmount FastBack volumes from a repository to the backup-archive client before you enter the backup-archive FastBack subcommand. Use the fbserver option to define the credentials.
Here is a brief description of the various configurations and credentials that you need:
  • The backup-archive client is installed on a dedicated vStorage backup server. The client on the vStorage backup server must connect to multiple network share repositories.
Follow these steps for each of the network share repositories where the client is connected:
  1. Configure the repository for remote network access from FastBack Manager. Refer to the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack product documentation on IBM® Knowledge Center at

    This step establishes a domain name, a network share user ID, and a network share password to connect remotely to the repository.

  2. On the backup-archive client workstation, manually enter the following command:
    dsmc set password type=fastback FBServer domain:networkaccessuserid 

    The fbserver option specifies the short host name of the FastBack server workstation. For the FastBack DR Hub, the fbserver option specifies the short name of the workstation where the DR Hub is installed.

    Networkaccessuserid is either the Windows administrator ID or the FastBack administration password.

    Domain is the domain name of the user ID.

    Networkaccesspassword is either the Windows administrator ID or the FastBack administration password.

  3. These credentials are retrieved based on the short host name that you specify with the fbserver option.
Linux operating systemsWindows operating systems

Use TYPE=FILER, on Linux and Windows systems to specify that this password is for snapshot difference operations on a file server.

For TYPE=FILER, you must specify a file server name, and the user ID and the password that is used to access the file server. For example: dsmc set password -type=filer myfiler filerid filerpasswd.

When you specify TYPE=FILER, the password is stored in the TSM.PWD file without validating that the password is valid. Passwords that are stored with TYPE=FILER can be shared between client nodes. For example, a password that is stored by NODE_A can be used by NODE_B. Only one set of credentials is stored per file server.

Linux operating systemsWindows operating systems

Use TYPE=VM to set the password that is used to log on to an ESX or vCenter server.

dsmc SET PASSWORD -type=VM hostname administrator password
Specifies the VMware VirtualCenter or ESX server that you want to back up, restore, or query. This host name must match the host name syntax that is used in the vmchost option. That is, if vmchost uses an IP address instead of a host name, this command must provide the IP address, and not a short host name or a fully qualified host name.
Specifies the account that is needed to log on to the vCenter or ESXi host.
Specifies the password that is associated with the login account that you specified for the vCenter or ESXi administrator.

Use the Preferences editor to set the vmchost, vmcuser, and vmcpw options.

You can also set the vmchost option in the client options file and then use the set password command to associate that host name with the administrator account and the administrative account password that is used to log on to that host. For example, set password TYPE=VM administrator_name administrator_password.

Linux operating systemsWindows operating systems
Use TYPE=VMGUEST, on Linux and Windows clients, if you use the INCLUDE.VMTSMVSS option to protect a virtual machine. Use the following format for the set password command:
set password -type=vmguest guest_VM_name administrator password
Specifies the name of the virtual machine guest that you want to protect.
Specifies the account that is needed to log on to the guest VM.
Specifies the password that is associated with the login account.
If you use the same credentials to log on to multiple virtual machines that are protected by the INCLUDE.VMTSMVSS option, you can set the password for the all of the virtual machines by specifying the ALLVM parameter. The ALLVM parameter causes the same credentials to be used when the client logs on to any guest that is included in an INCLUDE.VMTSMVSS option. The following command TYPE=TSM is an example of how to use ALLVM. In this example, the user name "Administrator" and the password "Password" are used to log on to any virtual machine that you included on an INCLUDE.VMTSMVSS option:
set password -type=vmguest ALLVM Administrator Password
You can also set a combination of shared and individual credentials. For example, if most virtual machines in your environment use the same credentials, but a few virtual machines use different credentials, you can use multiple set password commands to specify the credentials. For example, assume that most virtual machines use "Administrator1" as the login name and "Password1" as the password. Assume also that one virtual machine, named VM2, uses "Administrator2" as the login name and "Password2" as the password. The following commands are used to set the credentials for this scenario:
  • set password -type=vmguest ALLVM Administrator1 Password1 (sets credentials for most of the VMs).
  • set password -type=vmguest VM2 Administrator2 Password2 (sets unique credentials for VM2).


The following examples use the set password command.

AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsMac OS X operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsWindows operating systemsTask
AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsMac OS X operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsWindows operating systemsChange your password from osecret to nsecret.

set password osecret nsecret

AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsMac OS X operating systemsWindows operating systemsTask
AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsMac OS X operating systemsWindows operating systemsSet up a user ID and password for the root user on the file server

dsmc set password -type=filer root

Please enter password for user id "": ******** Re-enter the password for verification:******** ANS0302I Successfully done.

AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsMac OS X operating systemsWindows operating systemsTask
AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsMac OS X operating systemsWindows operating systemsSet up a user ID and password for the root user on the file server

dsmc set password -type=filer root secret

Linux operating systemsWindows operating systemsTask
Linux operating systemsWindows operating systemsSet up a user ID and password for the FastBack server myFastBackServer. Use the -fbserver option in the archive fastback and backup fastback commands for the server name.

Linux operating systemsdsmc set password -type=FASTBack myFastBackServer myUserId 'pa$sword'Windows operating systemsdsmc set password -type=FASTBack myFastBackServer myUserId "pa$sword"

  1. The dsmc set password -type=fastback command must be repeated on a dedicated client proxy workstation once for each FastBack repository where the backup-archive client is expected to connect.
  2. For network share repositories, issue the dsmc set password -type=fastback command in this format: dsmc set password -type=fastback myFBServer domainName:userId password.

    The server name that is specified, which is myFBServer in this example, must match the name that you specify on the -fbserver option on a backup fastback or archive fastback command.

  3. For the FastBack server or the FastBack Disaster Recovery Hub, the user ID and password that are specified must have FastBack administrator privileges. You must issue the dsmc set password -type=fastback command once for each FastBack Server branch repository on the FastBack DR Hub that the backup-archive client is expected to connect to.
Linux operating systemsTask
Linux operating systemsThe backup-archive client is connecting to the FastBack server repository whose short host name is myFBServer. user ID is the FastBack network user ID that has read/write access to the repository share. DOMAIN is the domain to which the user ID belongs. myNetworkPass is the corresponding password for the user ID.

dsmc set password -type=fastback myFbServer DOMAIN:USERID myNetworkPass

Linux operating systemsTask
Linux operating systemsThe backup-archive client is connecting to a repository on a DR Hub machine whose short host name is myFbDrHub. The user ID is the Windows administrator ID. DOMAIN is the domain to which the DR Hub machine belongs. myNetworkPass is the corresponding password for the administrator ID.

dsmc set password -type=fastback myFbDrHub DOMAIN:administrator adminPasswd

Windows operating systemsTask
Windows operating systemsSet up the Windows domain administrator credentials that are necessary for users to log in to the file restore interface and save the Windows domain credentials to the registry. In this example, the Windows domain in which all user accounts are registered is called example_domain. Kev_the_admin is the Windows domain administrator ID and pas$word! is the corresponding password for the administrator.

dsmc set password -type=domain -val "example_domain\Kev_the_admin" "pas$word!"