API function calls

Table 1 provides an alphabetical list of the API function calls, a brief description and the location of more detailed information about the function call, which includes:
Element Description
Purpose Describes the function call.
Syntax Contains the actual C code for the function call. This code is copied from the UNIX or Linux version of the dsmapifp.h header file. See API function definitions source file.

This file differs slightly on other operating systems. Application programmers for other operating systems should check their version of the header file, dsmapifp.h, for the exact syntax of the API definitions.

Parameters Describes each parameter in the function call, identifying it as either input (I) or output (O), depending on how it is used. Some parameters are designated as both input and output (I/O). The data types that are referenced in this section are defined in the dsmapitd.h header file. See API type definitions source files.
Return codes Contains a list of the return codes that are specific to the function call. General system errors, such as communication errors, server problems, or user errors that might appear on any call are not listed. The return codes are defined in the dsmrc.h header file. See API return codes source file: dsmrc.h.
Table 1. API function calls
Function call and link Description
dsmBeginGetData Starts a restore or retrieve operation on a list of objects in storage.
dsmBeginQuery Starts a query request to IBM Spectrum Protect™ for information.
dsmBeginTxn Starts one or more transactions that begins a complete action. Either all of the actions succeed, or none succeed.
dsmBindMC Associates, or binds, a management class to the object that is passed.
dsmChangePW Changes an IBM Spectrum Protect password.
dsmCleanUp This call is used if dsmSetUp was called.
dsmDeleteAccess Deletes current authorization rules for backup versions or archived copies of your objects.
dsmDeleteFS Deletes a file space from storage.
dsmDeleteObj Turns off backup objects, or deletes archive objects in storage.
dsmEndGetData Ends a dsmBeginGetData session that gets objects from storage.
dsmEndGetDataEx Provides the total of LAN-free bytes that were sent.
dsmEndGetObj Ends a dsmGetObj session that obtains data for a specified object.
dsmEndQuery Signifies the end of a dsmBeginQuery action.
dsmEndSendObj Indicates the end of data that is sent to storage.
dsmEndSendObjEx Provides compression information and the number of bytes that were sent.
dsmEndTxn Ends an IBM Spectrum Protect transaction.
dsmEndTxnEx Provides group leader object ID information to use with the dsmGroupHandlerfunction call.
dsmGetData Obtains a byte stream of data from IBM Spectrum Protect and place it in the caller's buffer.
dsmGetBufferData Gets an IBM Spectrum Protect-allocated buffer of data from the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
dsmGetNextQObj Gets the next query response from a previous dsmBeginQuery call and places it in the caller's buffer.
dsmGetObj Obtains the requested object data from the data stream and places it in the caller's buffer.
dsmGroupHandler Performs an action on a logical file group depending on the input that is given.
dsmInit Starts an API session and connects the client to storage.
dsmInitEx Starts an API session using the additional parameters that permit extended verification.
dsmLogEvent Logs a user message to the server log file, to the local error log, or to both.
dsmLogEventEx Logs a user message to the server log file, to the local error log, or to both.
dsmQueryAccess Queries the server for all access authorization rules for either backup versions or archived copies of your objects.
dsmQueryApiVersion Performs a query request for the API library version that the application client accesses.
dsmQueryApiVersionEx Performs a query request for the API library version that the application client accesses.
dsmQueryCliOptions Queries important option values in the user's option files.
dsmQuerySessInfo Starts a query request to IBM Spectrum Protect for information that is related to the operation of the specified session in dsmHandle.
dsmQuerySessOptions Queries important option values that are valid in the specified session in dsmHandle.
dsmRCMsg Obtains the message text that is associated with an API return code.
dsmRegisterFS Registers a new file space with the server.
dsmReleaseBuffer Returns an IBM Spectrum Protect-allocated buffer.
dsmRenameObj Renames the high-level or low-level object name.
dsmRequestBuffer Obtains an IBM Spectrum Protect-allocated buffer for buffer copy elimination.
dsmRetentionEvent Sends a list of object IDs to the server with a retention event operation to be performed on these objects.
dsmSendBufferData Sends data from an IBM Spectrum Protect-allocated buffer.
dsmSendData Sends a byte stream of data to IBM Spectrum Protect via a buffer.
dsmSendObj Starts a request to send a single object to storage.
dsmSetAccess Gives other users, or nodes, access to backup versions or archived copies of your objects, access to all your objects, or access to a selective set.
dsmSetUp Overwrites environment variable values.
dsmTerminate Ends a session with the server and cleans up the IBM Spectrum Protect environment.
dsmUpdateFS Updates a file space in storage.
dsmUpdateObj Updates the objInfo information that is associated with an active backup object already on the server, or it updates archived objects.
dsmUpdateObjEx Updates the objInfo information that is associated with a specific archive object even when there are multiple objects with same name, or it updates active backup objects.