Welcome to Personal Communications

Personal Communications brings the power of personal networking to your workstation by exploiting networking capabilities to provide a variety of connectivity options supporting local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) environments. Whether it is for host terminal emulation, client/server applications, or connectivity, Personal Communications offers a robust set of communication, networking, and administrative features.

Personal Communications is a full-function emulator. In addition to host terminal emulation, it provides these useful features:

A variety of SNA-based client application programming interfaces (APIs) are supported by Personal Communications. You can create applications that use the peer-to-peer client APIs, which are based on LU 6.2 and provided by Personal Communications. These APIs let you simultaneously access and process information on peer workstations.

Personal Communications supports Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) as an end node, and uses the advanced network features: high-performance routing (HPR) and dependent LU requester (DLUR).

AnyNet® SNA over TCP/IP is a feature of Personal Communications which allows emulator and client/server SNA applications to communicate over a TCP/IP network.

Enterprise Extender allows you to extend the reach of SNA applications and data to include IP networks and IP-attached clients with similar levels of reliability, scalability, and control as SNA users. Personal Communications supports the Enterprise Extender (EE) DLC.

What's New in Personal Communications Version 14.0

Personal Communications Version 14.0 is based on the popular Personal Communications Version 6.0. If you are familiar with Personal Communications Version 6.0, you might want to review the following new functions and enhancements.

64-Bit PCOMM

Support for 64-Bit PCOMM

Starting from version 14.0, 64-bit version of PCOMM will be supported so that PCOMM can run as a native 64-bit application on all supported 64-bit Windows OS. Switching to 64-bit offers various performance advantages as well as better interoperability/integration with other applications as more and more applications are being ported to 64-bit.

  1. Both PCOMM 32-bit and 64-bit versions cannot be installed on the same machine at a time.
  2. The functions like API, Automation that were previously supported using 32-bit applications (eg. MS office 32-bit) will now require 64-bit applications to support the same functions in 64-bit PCOMM. For example, automation will work only using 64-bit version of MS Office.

For details regarding the changes in IBM Personal Communications for 64-bit PCOMM, and the list of unsupported features, see Updates for 64-Bit PCOMM .

Installer enhancements

Panel addition to the PCOMM Installer

As part of Managed IBM Personal Communications (MPCOMM) feature, a new panel has been added to the IBM Personal Communications Installer, where a user can provide the HACP Server configuration details in the installation panel.

Here are the configuration parameters,

  1. Web Server Details : The URL of the Web Server from where IBM Personal Communications fix pack file will be downloaded for installation. Installer or fix pack will be installed on the system by "Start or Configure Sessions - Online" program.
  2. Config Server : DNS Name or IP address of the HACP server, where the User profiles are stored in a centralized location.
  3. Config Server Port : The port that is used to connect to the HACP server.

The HACP server configuration is optional only, user can click next to skip the configuration and can configure this through "Preferences" utility post installation.

Auto-Update of IBM Personal Communications (PCOMM):

Starting from version 14.0, automatic upgrade of PCOMM will be supported. HACP administrators can manage the upgradation of PCOMM clients by placing the upgrade configuration file in the Web Server, which has the information of recommended fix-packs or refresh packs that are available on the Web Server. The Web Sever URL can be provided during installation or can be configured via the "Preferences" utility.

When a User invokes the "Start or Configure Sessions - Online", the application checks if the installed version of PCOMM is lower than the recommended version. If the PCOMM installed on the system is of a lower version, the User gets a notification of the latest available PCOMM version. The User can either choose to upgrade or decline the upgrade option.

The upgrade configuration file is unique for every refresh pack installer and is shipped along with the Fixpack package.

For details regarding the Managed PCOMM Configuration parameters and changes in Preferences, see HACP Server Details.

Session Manager Online

Introducing Session Manager in Online Mode
Personal Communications uses the Session Manager Online dialog to provide easy access to workstation profiles and batch files on HACP Server. You can use the Session Manager Online to start a single or multiple sessions, and create a new session or batch file. Workstation profiles and batch files are stored on HACP Server. User can create user on HACP Server, Logon to HACP Server and migrate the existing files to HACP Server. Auto-upgrade to later version Personal Communications is supported on Session Manager Online.

For details regarding Session Manager Online, see Session Manager Online.


Changes to the Preferences
HACP Server Configuration is added under the 'Advanced' Tab. Users can configure the 'Web Server URL', where Personal Communications patch installer would be available for auto-upgrade. User can also configure HACP server and port where the user's Workstation profiles and batch files are maintained.

For details regarding the changes to Preferences, see Preferences.

Personal Communications Program Icons

When you have installed Personal Communications, the main functions that you can use are displayed as icons. Icons are grouped in subfolders of the IBM® Personal Communications program folder.

A brief explanation of each function follows:

Figure wmcfgses missing
Start or Configure Sessions
Use this icon to bring up the Session Manager. This dialog allows you to start or configure sessions. During configuration, you can specify the session type, screen size, LU number, graphics support, the type of communication link and its parameters, as well as other information. You can save all this information in a workstation profile. After saving, you can start the session by just clicking the session icon. Authorized users can also create new batch files from this dialog
Figure wmcfgseso missing
Start or Configure Sessions Online
Use this icon to bring up the Session Manager Online. This dialog allows you to manage and use the online sessions available on HACP Server. This provides option for auto install of Personal Communication available on HACP Server.
Figure wmsnacf missing
SNA Node Configuration (32-bit only)
Use this icon to configure an SNA node and associated resources or to change advanced configuration parameters. Although most emulator sessions can be configured without the use of this utility, you will need to create an SNA node configuration to enable client/server and peer communication. This can also be run from an active session by selecting Actions -> Launch -> SNA Node Configuration.

Administrative and Problem Determination (PD) Aids

Figure certmig missing
Certificate Migration
Use this icon to migrate security certificates from GSKit to Microsoft CryptoAPI (MSCAPI). Refer to Administrator's Guide and Reference for details about enabling and using session security.
Figure wmsnas missing
Display SNA Sense Data
Use this icon to display SNA sense data and associated explanations. Sense data is SNA error information located in internal SNA flows, error logs, error messages, and traces. Some Personal Communications error messages include sense data.
Figure bundler2 missing
Information Bundler
Use this icon to gather system files and specific trace and log files, as well as registry information, such as the software installed or running on a machine. This can also be run from an active session by clicking Actions -> Launch -> Information Bundler.
Figure iserv missing
Internet Service
Use this icon to send system and diagnostic data collected by the Information Bundler to an FTP server. This can also be run from an active session by selecting Actions -> Launch -> Internet Service.
Figure wmlogv missing
Log Viewer
Use this icon to view, merge, and sort the Personal Communications message and trace logs. Personal Communications logs errors and informational messages during initialization and operation. This can also be run from an active session by selecting Actions -> Launch -> Log Viewer.
Figure pcsmig missing
Migration Utility
Use this icon to migrate your user-class and system-class files and desktop icons to Personal Communications Version 14.0.
Figure lehl0047 missing
SNA Node Configuration Verification
Use this icon to verify that the ASCII editing changes that you have manually made to the SNA node configuration data are valid.
Figure wmnop missing
SNA Node Operations
Use this icon to perform SNA node operations, such as starting or stopping resources or displaying resource information. This can also be run from an active session by selecting Actions -> Launch -> SNA Node Operations.
Figure wmtrace missing
Trace Facility
Use this icon to turn trace functions on and off and to capture communication protocol information that passes between your workstation and other host systems. You can use traces to resolve communication problems. This can also be run from an active session by selecting Actions -> Launch -> Trace Facility.


The APING utility is available in U.S. English only.


These programs are provided on an as-is basis without any warranty of any kind, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose which are expressly disclaimed.

Figure wmaping missing
Check Connection APING
Use this sample CPI-C program to verify network connections. You can use APING to establish network connections, diagnose problems, and take simple performance measurements. APING exchanges data packets with a partner computer and measures how long the data transfer takes.
Figure iseriesconn missing
iSeries Connection Configuration
Use this icon if you want to define connections to each iSeries®, eServer™ i5, or System i5® host that will use the data transfer function.
Figure ikeyman missing
Certificate Management
Use this icon to enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communication between your communication server and client. Refer to Administrator's Guide and Reference for details on how to use this utility.
Figure pcsmc2vb missing
Convert Macro
Use this icon to convert an existing Personal Communications macro to an XML or VBScript file.
Figure wmdata missing
Data Transfer (iSeries only)
Use this icon to transfer data between a workstation and an iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 database.
Figure dbaccess missing
Database Access
Use this icon to start the Database Access utility that lets you retrieve data from a database, such as an SQL server, Microsoft Excel, Lotus® 1-2-3®, or dBASE database (that complies with Microsoft ODBC standards, Level 1). You can then pass the retrieved data directly to Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, and other applications.
Figure dosehllapi missing
Use this icon to enable or disable DOS-based EHLLAPI programs that communicate with the 32-bit Personal Communications emulator.
Figure wmmenu missing
Menu Bar Customization
Use this icon to customize the menu bar in the session window.
Figure wmmlts missing
Multiple Sessions
Use this icon to create batch files (.BCH), which can specify multiple emulator sessions (workstation profiles) or other supported Windows programs that you want to start concurrently. You can create an icon for each batch file and start the programs just by clicking the icon.
Figure pcsupm missing
Use this icon if you want to set up or change the user preferences, such as changing the user interface language.
Figure wmziprt missing
ZipPrint (3270 only)
Use this icon to start the ZipPrint program, which allows you to print host system files or screens, PROFS™ or OfficeVision notes, calendars, and documents, CMS files, and XEDIT workspaces. When started, ZipPrint adds an item to the menu bar of the session window.
FTP Client
Use this icon to start the Personal Communications FTP client application, which allows files and directories upload and download, and directory navigation of local and remote file systems running FTP servers.

Personal Communications Sessions

The sessions that Personal Communications provides are logical connections enabling communication between your workstation and a host system. The following session types are available:

Display session
Use your workstation as a display terminal connected to the host system.
Printer session
Use your workstation printer as a host system printer.
Client/server session
Establish connections that allow peer communications using CPI-C and APPC (LU 6.2).

Personal Communications Connections

Personal Communications supports a variety of connections to the following host systems. Following are the icons you will encounter when you begin to configure an emulator session:

Figure zSeries missing
Figure iSeries missing
Figure ascii missing

zSeries Emulator Connections

Table 1. zSeries Emulator Connection Icons
Interface Attachment


Figure LAN missing
  • LAN via IEEE 802.2
  • 3270 via Communications Server for Windows
  • Telnet3270
  • 3270 via iSeries (passthru)
  • APPC 3270 via LAN
  • Microsoft SNA client over FMI
  • Microsoft SNA client (using the LUA interface)
  • Microsoft SNA client (using the APPC interface)
  • Dependent LU Requester (DLUR)
  • 3174 Peer Communications
  • VT-over-Telnet (TCP/IP)

COM port

Figure comport missing
  • SNA-over-Async
  • IBM Global Network (not in Japan)
  • Home3270
  • IBM Global Network - SNA-over-Async
  • Dependent LU Requester (DLUR) via
    • SNA-over-Async
    • Hayes AutoSync
  • Hayes AutoSync
  • APPC 3270 via:
    • SNA-over-Async
    • Hayes AutoSync
  • VT over Async
  • Telnet 3270
  • VT over Telnet (TCP/IP)
  • X.25 Hayes AutoSync
  • X.25 DLUR via Hayes AutoSync
  • X.25 APPC 3270 via Hayes AutoSync


SDLC --- Figure LAN missing
  • Synchronous Data Link Control
  • 3270 via iSeries (passthrough)
  • APPC 3270 via SDLC
  • Dependent LU Requester (DLUR)


SNA/IP--- Figure snaip missing
  • LU 0, 1, 2, 3
  • APPC 3270
  • LU 0,1,2,3 via DLUR

API Client

API Client --- Figure LAN missing
  • Communications Server client
  • Communications Server


IBM-EEDLC --- Figure snaip missing
  • LU (0, 1, 2, 3) via DLUR
  • APPC 3270


OEM --- Figure LAN missing
  • LU (0, 1, 2, 3)
  • 3270 via iSeries (passthrough)
  • APPC 3270
  • Dependent LU Requester (DLUR)

iSeries Emulator Connections

Table 2. iSeries Emulator Connection Icons
Interface Attachment


Figure LAN missing
  • LAN via IEEE 802.2
  • Telnet5250 over TCP/IP
  • Telnet5250 over IPX/SPX
  • VT over Telnet

COM port

COM port --- Figure comport missing
  • SNA-over-Async
  • Hayes AutoSync
  • SNA-over-Async (Console)
  • VT over Async
  • VT over Telnet
  • Telnet 5250
  • X.25 Hayes AutoSync


SDLC --- Figure LAN missing
  • Synchronous Data Link Control


SNA/IP --- Figure snaip missing
  • 5250


IBM-EEDLC --- Figure snaip missing
  • 5250


OEM --- Figure LAN missing
  • APPC 5250

ASCII Emulator Connections (SBCS only)

Table 3. ASCII Emulator Connection Icons
Interface Attachment


LAN --- Figure LAN missing
  • VT over Telnet (TCP/IP)

COM port

COM port --- Figure comport missing
  • VT over Async
  • VT over Telnet (TCP/IP)

Client/Server (Peer) Connections

Personal Communications provides APPN end node support for workstations, allowing them to communicate more flexibly with other systems in the network.

When your workstation is defined as an APPN end node, an APPN network node server provides the following directory and routing services for your workstation:

Using Personal Communications, you can establish client/server connections to a variety of computers and to workstations running Windows 7 and later versions. Another option is to connect the computers to a workstation running Communications Server. Available SNA client/server connection types are:

APPN Networking

Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) is the underlying networking protocol that routes APPC traffic through intermediate nodes in the network. For instance, when Program A uses APPC to talk to Program B, APPN finds the node where Program B is located and directs the APPC traffic through the network.

APPN includes several features that help reduce the amount of configuration required to set up and maintain a network. These features automate many tasks that are time consuming, complicated, and error prone. For example, if you're installing a new workstation that uses APPN, you don't have to set up configuration information for every workstation you want to communicate with. You simply provide the name of the computer and the address of the intermediate node that handles your traffic. APPN takes care of the rest of the information needed to route APPC traffic to and from your workstation.

If you connect to an APPN network, you simplify your own configuration and make it easier for other computers in the network to find you.

For more information about SNA Client/Server concepts, refer to Administrator's Guide and Reference.


Advanced program-to-program communication (APPC), also known as LU 6.2, is software that enables high-speed communications between programs on different computers, from portables and workstations to midrange and host computers. APPC software is available for many different operating systems, either as part of the operating system or as a separate software package.

APPC is a communications protocol that enables programs on different computers to "talk to" each other. APPC provides the interface between the programs and the networking hardware and software and defines the rules that programs use to exchange information.

APPC serves as an interface between application programs and the network. When the communications application on your workstation passes information to the APPC software, APPC takes the information and sends it on to a network interface, such as a Token-Ring adapter card. The information travels across the network to another computer, where the APPC software receives the information from the network interface. APPC puts the information back into its original format and passes it to the corresponding communications application.

Refer to Emulator User's Reference for more information.

APPN Network

By participating in an APPN network, Personal Communications workstations can also take advantage of two additional functions:

High-Performance Routing (HPR)

Personal Communications supports high-performance routing (HPR) over token-ring and Ethernet connections, which increases data routing performance and reliability. HPR supports the rapid transport protocol to provide nondisruptive rerouting around network outages, efficient selective retransmission, and end-to-end data integrity and congestion control.

Dependent LU Requester (DLUR)

DLUR allows dependent LUs (LU 0, 1, 2, 3, and dependent LU 6.2) to benefit from an APPN network. It supports dynamic and multiple paths through the network and eliminates the need for dependent LUs (or their gateway) to be adjacent to the VTAM® host.

A DLUR is an APPN end node or network node that owns dependent LUs, but requests that a dependent LU server (DLUS) provide the system services control point (SSCP) for those dependent LUs. A DLUS controls conversion from a subarea environment to an APPN environment, allowing you to maintain central management of remote dependent LUs while benefiting from an APPN network.

Personal Communications uses the support in VTAM V4R2 for dependent LUs through APPN networks and combined subarea and APPN networks. The dependent LU server function (in VTAM) provides dependent secondarylogical unit (SLU) support by establishing an LU 6.2 session between a dependent LU requester node (DLUR), and a dependent LU server node (DLUS).

Refer to the information about SNA Client/Server concepts in Emulator User's Reference for more information.


Personal Communications includes AnyNet SNA over TCP/IP support, which allows SNA emulator and client/server applications to communicate over a TCP/IP network. Using the AnyNet function, you can reduce the number of installed network protocols and reduce operational complexity without modifying your existing applications or hardware.

Refer to Emulator User's Reference for more basic information about AnyNet.

Refer to Administrator's Guide and Reference for examples of how to set up AnyNet connections.

Enterprise Extender (HPR over IP)

Enterprise Extender allows you to extend the reach of SNA applications and data to include IP networks and IP-attached clients with similar levels of reliability, scalability, and control as SNA users. Enterprise Extender integration uses standard IP technology and does not require new hardware or software in the IP backbone.

Enterprise Extender is a simple set of extensions to the existing HPR technology, and provides the following:

ActiveX/OLE 2.0 Support

Personal Communications sessions can be included as part of a compound document. A compound document is a document that appears to be a single unit, but which is in fact made up of information from more than one program. For example, a compound document could include data that allows Personal Communications to execute within the context of the spreadsheet program.

When included as part of another program, Personal Communications is known as an embedded or linked object and the program is known as a container. Personal Communications supports ActiveX/OLE 2.0-compliant containers such as Lotus Notes®, Lotus WordPro, and Microsoft Word. For most containers you can embed an object by using a menu sequence (for example, in Microsoft Word, use Insert, then Object), or by dragging and dropping a workstation profile into the document.

As an embedded object, Personal Communications can change its appearance to be part of the container program, providing the container program allows this change to occur. Or, Personal Communications can be started so that it runs in its own separate window utilizing its own profile and screen displays.

There is a variety of ways that Personal Communications can be activated as an embedded object. For example, Personal Communications can be shown as an icon within another program, and be activated by double-clicking. Another way Personal Communications can be activated is through a script; Visual Basic or LotusScript are examples of scripting languages supported by Personal Communications, but any ActiveX/OLE automation scripting language can be used.

The use of scripts allows Personal Communications to be activated as a part of an automation request. For example, a script can be written to automatically start Personal Communications every time the container object is started, or a script can be used to automatically put data on host entry screens.

The Personal Communications session ends when the container is closed or when you close the Personal Communications window. If Personal Communications was actuated as a linked object, it must be closed separately.

Object-Oriented API

Personal Communications provides a new language-independent object-oriented API. There are seven objects that can be used in conjunction with Visual Basic, Lotus Script, or any ActiveX/OLE automation scripting language to produce compound documents where Personal Communications is an embedded object within another program.

If you are interested in writing an application that includes Personal Communications as an object within your ActiveX/OLE 2.0 compliant program, refer to the Host Access Class Library (HACL) programming manual. This manual describes the objects that Personal Communications provides and describes what you need to do to access the Personal Communications data. Information is provided for programmers using Visual Basic scripts, Lotus scripts, and the C++ programming language. Samples of Visual Basic and Lotus scripts are provided on the Personal Communications installation image.