Conversation ID enhancement for QUERY OTMATI command

In IMS 14, the output of the QUERY OTMATI command can include the ID of the conversation that a message belongs to. After identifying orphaned messages on the tpipe, you can now note the conversation ID of the orphaned messages and cancel the conversation by specifying the conversation IDs on the /EXIT CONV command.

Conversational messages can become orphaned on a tpipe if the OTMA client terminates without IMS detecting the termination.

Changes to commands

IMS 14 enhances the QUERY OTMATI command by adding a new CONVID option to the SHOW() keyword and a new ConvID field in the command output.

For a list of the commands that are changed for this enhancement see the IMS commands row in the table in Documentation changes.

Documentation changes

The following publications contain new or changed topics for this enhancement.

Table 1. Links to new or changed topics for this enhancement
Publication Links to topics
Communications and connections
IMS commands