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Automation options for DDL CREATE statements

Automation options for DDL CREATE statements prepare and bring the DDL CREATE definition for databases and program resources online without users having to manually perform the process.

The AUTOCREATE and AUTOIMPORT(CREATE) parameters are added for users to perform the following operations automatically:
  • Activating application control blocks (ACBs)
  • Creating runtime attribute blocks

When Dynamic Resource Definition (DRD) is enabled (MODBLKS=DYN), the AUTOCREATE and AUTOIMPORT(CREATE) parameters provide DRD support to dynamically create database and program resource runtime attributes if they do not exist for these new resources without having to issue the CREATE DB and CREATE PGM commands.

You can specify AUTOCREATE or AUTOIMPORT(CREATE) in the <SECTION=CATALOG> section of the DFSDFxxx PROCLIB data set.

Both the AUTOCREATE and AUTOIMPORT(CREATE) parameters do not support XRF.

For both functions, if ACBSHR=Y is specified, one DDL CREATE job can be run in an IMSplex at one time. If more than one DDL CREATE jobs are to be run concurrently in an IMSplex, you must submit them to one IMS system that serves as the master IMS to coordinate and serialize the DDL CREATE processes.


The DDL AUTOIMPORT(CREATE) parameter supports the following databases:
  • DEDB databases, including DEDB single area data sets (SADS)
  • Full function databases
  • HALDB databases
Note: For HALDB databases, this function creates an HALDB master database. After you finish preparing the HALDB partitions, issue the /STA DB command to complete the HALDB database partitions.

The AUTOIMPORT(CREATE) parameter does not support Fast Path Secondary Index databases.

The AUTOIMPORT(CREATE) parameter is introduced for users to perform the following operations automatically:
  • Specifies whether IMS automatically loads the ACBs into the IMS directory, activating the ACBs in the online system.
  • Creates runtime attribute blocks.

The DDL AUTOCREATE= parameter

The AUTOIMPORT(CREATE) parameter supports the following databases:
  • DEDB databases, including DEDB single area data sets (SADS)
  • Full function databases
  • HALDB databases
Note: For HALDB databases, this function creates an HALDB master database. After you finish preparing the HALDB partitions, issue the /STA DB command to complete the HALDB database partitions.
The AUTOCREATE= parameter is introduced for users to perform the following operations automatically:
  • Specifies whether IMS automatically loads the ACBs into the IMS directory, activating the ACBs in the online system.
  • Creates runtime attribute blocks.
  • If specified to create a DEDB database, automatically creates an area data set (ADS).

Use the DDL AUTOCREATE= parameter to automatically create data sets for DEDB databases. This parameter supports only DEDB databases and can be used in either ACBSHR=Y or ACBSHR=N environments.

Before you submit DDL that creates DEDB area data sets, specify the attributes for those data sets in the DDL section of the DFSDFxxx PROCLIB member. IMS uses the DDL section of the DFSDFxxx member of the PROCLIB data set to customize the data set information without an IMS shutdown. The DDL section supports DEDB only. For more information, see DDL section of the DFSDFxxx member.

After the DEDB area data sets are created, the IMS system issues the /START DB and /START AREA commands. If ACBSHR=Y, the IMS system issues the /START DB GLOBAL and /START AREA GLOBAL commands. The master IMS creates all the data sets and coordinates the changes across all of the other sharing IMS systems.

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