
The amount of storage specified for the region is insufficient to build a table to contain PROCLIB member data. This prevents IMS from acquiring the information needed for initialization. Message DFS0610W, issued prior to this abend, identifies the TABLE name and provides additional information.


This standard abend is issued by DFSXRPS0. The module attempted to obtain storage by issuing the IMODULE GETMAIN macro. A nonzero return code was returned by IMODULE GETMAIN.

Message DFS0610W - GETMAIN FAILED FOR TABLE = DFSXRPST is issued because the IMODULE GETMAIN routine that builds the header table received a nonzero return code from IMS system service.

Message DFS0610W - GETMAIN FAILED FOR TABLE = PROCLIB is issued because the IMODULE GETMAIN routine that builds the ddname table received a nonzero return code from IMS system service.

System action

IMS terminates abnormally.

Operator response

Increase the size of the region, and retry IMS.

Programmer response

Increase the size of the region.

Problem determination

1, 3, 6, 8


IMS abends
