Selecting suboptions

Choose the suboptions that you want to add to your primary option selection.

Suboptions specify whether you want to use IRLM, Fast Path, and other IMS™ functions and features. Ensure that the corresponding FMIDs for selected suboptions are installed during IMS product installation using SMP/E.

The following figure depicts the IVP Sub-Options Selection panel of the IVP dialog.

Figure 1. IVP Sub-Option Selection panel
 IVP -------- Sub-Option Selection - XRF ------- IMS 13.1

    Select the desired Sub-Options and press ENTER
 /  IRLM -  Use IRLM in IVP Applications
 /  FP -  Use Fast Path in IVP Applications
 /  ETO Feature Installed
    CQS - Add CQS to CSL Application
    RACF - Use RACF Security 
    JAVA - Use JAVA Applications and Open Database
    PRA - Use Parallel RECON Access
    ICON - Use IMS Connect
    REPO - Use IMSRSC Repository
    COUT - Use Callout Applications
    NOTE:  Your Sub-Option selection affects the user variables,
    jobs, and tasks that will be presented.  If you later change
    your selection, you must redo the IVP Table Merge, Variable 
    Gathering, File Tailoring, and Execution processes.

To select a suboption:

  1. In the panel, type a forward slash (/) next to the suboptions that you want to select. The supported suboptions are:
    • Use the initial resource lock manager (IRLM) in IVP Applications.

      If you select IRLM, the IVP creates a configuration for the IRLM.

      • The default is to use this suboption for DB batch, DBCTL, DB/DC, and DB/DC with XRF. This suboption is not available for DCCTL.
      • If you select this suboption, the IRLM is defined during system definition, and the IVP is run using the IRLM for the single-lock manager. If you do not select this suboption, the IRLM is not used, and program isolation (PI) is used as the single-lock manager.
      • Use of IRLM is required only if you plan to use block-level data sharing. The IVP is configured to support block-level data sharing. Optionally, you can elect to use the IRLM, instead of PI, as the single-lock manager.
    • Use Fast Path in IVP Applications

      If you select this option, the IVP adds the necessary jobs and tasks for the Fast Path sample application. The default is to use this suboption for DBCTL, DB/DC, and DB/DC with XRF. This suboption is not available for DCCTL.

    • ETO Feature Installed

      If you select this option, the IVP adds the necessary jobs and tasks for IMS Extended Terminal Option Support (IMS ETO Support).

      • For DB/DC and DB/DC with XRF, the default is to use this suboption. This suboption is not available for DB batch or DBCTL.
      • For DCCTL, the default is not to use this suboption.
    • Add CQS to CSL Application

      If you select this option, the IVP adds the necessary jobs and tasks so that the CSL sample application uses CQS.

      The default is not to use this suboption.

    • Use RACF® Transaction Security

      If you select this suboption, the IVP builds the necessary jobs and tasks to define resources to RACF and to set up the use of several IMS security user exit routines.

      • The default is not to use this suboption.
      • This suboption is not available for DB batch.
      • You can modify the sample RACF resource definition task.
      • The sample user exit routine always authorizes the user to the resources.
    • Use Java™ Applications and Open Database

      If you select this suboption, the IVP adds the necessary jobs and tasks for the following:

      1. The execution of sample applications for the IMS solutions for Java development and for setting up the database used for the Java sample applications.
      2. Starting the sample Open Database application.

      The default is not to use this suboption.

      This suboption is not available for DB batch or DCCTL environments.

    • Use Parallel RECON Access

      If you select this suboption, the IVP adds the necessary jobs and tasks for starting, initializing, tailoring, executing, and verifying the related services and components for parallel RECON access.

    • Use IMS Connect

      If you select this suboption, the IVP adds the necessary jobs and tasks for starting the sample IMS Connect application.

    • Use IMSRSC repository

      If you select this suboption, the IVP adds the necessary jobs and tasks for setting up the environment for running the IMSRSC repository.

    • Use Callout Applications

      If you select this suboption, the IVP adds the necessary jobs and tasks for setting up the environment for running the callout samples, including the OTMA destination descriptor that is required to route the callout messages.

  2. After you select the appropriate suboptions or accept the default suboptions that are displayed, press Enter.
  3. The Table Merge Request panel is displayed, and you have the option of performing a table-merge to create a table that contains your selected options and tasks.

    If you change the selections that are displayed, the Sub-Option Change Verification panel opens. The dialog asks you to confirm your request for change. If you are changing the selections after you have completed the table-merge, variable gathering, file-tailoring, or execution phases, you must rerun the jobs and tasks in those phases.