DL/I calls for IMS DB system services

Use these DL/I calls to obtain IMS™ DB system services.

Each call description contains:

  • A syntax diagram
  • Definitions for parameters that are available to the call
  • Details on how to use the call in your application program
  • Restrictions on call usage, where applicable

Each parameter is described as an input parameter or output parameter. “Input” refers to input to IMS from the application program. “Output” refers to output from IMS to the application program.

Syntax diagrams for these calls begin with the function parameter. The call interface (xxxTDLI) and parmcount (if it is required) are not included in the syntax diagrams.

Related reading: For specific information about coding your program in assembler language, C language, COBOL, Pascal, and PL/I, see the topic "Defining Application Program Elements" inIMS Version 13 Application Programming for the complete structure.