DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Some database manager configuration parameters have been changed

Version 9.7 contains a number of new and changed database manager configuration parameters.

The following database manager configuration parameters apply also to DB2 Connect™.

New database manager configuration parameters

Due to new features and functionality, Version 9.7 contains a number of new configuration parameters.

Table 1. Summary of new Version 9.7 database manager configuration parameters
Parameter name Description Details
alternate_auth_enc Alternate encryption algorithm for incoming connections at the server Specifies the alternate encryption algorithm to be used to encrypt the user ID and password submitted to DB2® server for authentication when the authentication method negotiated between the DB2 client and the DB2 server is SERVER_ENCRYPT.
diagsize Rotating diagnostic and administration notification logs Controls the maximum size of diagnostic logs and administration notify logs.
ssl_cipherspecs Supported cipher specifications at the server Specifies the cipher suites that the server allows for incoming connection requests when using SSL protocol.
ssl_clnt_keydb SSL key file path for outbound SSL connections at the client Specifies the fully qualified file path of the key file to be used for SSL connection at the client-side.
ssl_clnt_stash SSL stash file path for outbound SSL connections at the client Specifies the fully qualified file path of the stash file to be used for SSL connections at the client-side.
ssl_svr_keydb SSL key file path for incoming SSL connections at the server Specifies a fully qualified file path of the key file to be used for SSL setup at server-side.
ssl_svr_label Label in the key file for incoming SSL connections at the server Specifies a label of the personal certificate of the server in the key database.
ssl_svr_stash SSL stash file path for incoming SSL connections at the server Specifies a fully qualified file path of the stash file to be used for SSL setup at server-side.
ssl_svcename SSL service name Specifies the name of the port that a database server uses to await communications from remote client nodes using SSL protocol.
ssl_versions Supported SSL versions at the server Specifies SSL and TLS versions that the server supports for incoming connection requests.

Changed database manager configuration parameters

The following database manager configuration parameters have changed behaviors, new ranges, or new values in Version 9.7.

Table 2. Summary of database manager configuration parameters with changed behaviors, new ranges, or new values
Parameter name Description Version 9.7 change
authentication and srvcon_auth Authentication type configuration parameter and Authentication type for incoming connections at the server configuration parameter

If you enabled 256-bit AES encryption for user IDs and passwords, check the alternate_auth_enc parameter which allows you to specify an alternate encryption algorithm for user names and passwords. For more information, see the alternate_auth_enc parameter.

diagpath This parameter allows you to specify the fully qualified path for DB2 diagnostic information and split the diagnostic data into separate directories

The values '"$h"', '"pathname $h"', '"$n"', '"pathname $n"', '"$h$n"', and '"pathname $h$n"' are available in DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1 and later fix packs. You can specify to store DB2 diagnostic data in separate directories named according to the physical host, database partition, or both by setting the enhanced diagpath database manager configuration parameter.