ASN1500I The replication action action_name started at timestamp with architecture level architecture_level. The Capture server is capture_serveralias and the Capture schema is capture_schema.


Valid values for action name are Create Capture server control tables and Drop Capture server control tables.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1501I The replication action action_name started at timestamp with architecture level architecture_level. The Capture server is capture_serveralias, the remote server is remote_servername, and the Capture schema is capture_schema.


Valid values for action name are Create Capture server control tables and Drop Capture server control tables.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1502I The replication action action_name started at timestamp with architecture level architecture_level. The Apply control server is apply_serveralias.


Valid values for action name are Create Apply server control tables and Drop Apply server control tables.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1503I The replication action action_name started at timestamp. The Capture server is capture_serveralias, the Capture schema is capture_schema, the source owner is source_owner, and the source table, view, or nickname is source_table.


Valid values for action name are Create Registration, Drop Registration, Alter Registration, Add Registration, and Promote Registration.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1504I The replication action action_name started at timestamp. The Capture server is capture_serveralias, the remote server is remote_server, the Capture schema is capture_schema, the source owner is source_owner, and the source table, view, or nickname is source_table.


Valid values for action name are Create Registration and Drop Registration.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1505I The replication action action_name started. The subscription set information follows: the Apply control server is control_server, the Apply qualifier is apply_qualifier, the set name is set_name, the target server is target_server for remote server remote_servername, the Capture server is capture_server for remote server remote_servername, and the Capture schema is capture_schema.


Valid values for action name are Create Subscription Set, Drop Subscription Set, Alter Subscription Set, and Promote Subscription Set.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1506I The replication action action_name started at timestamp. The subscription set information follows: the Apply control server is control_server, the Apply qualifier is apply_qualifier, the set name is set_name, the target server is target_server, the Capture server is capture_server for remote server remote_servername, and the Capture schema is capture_schema.


Valid values for action name are Create Subscription Set, Drop Subscription Set, Alter Subscription Set, and Promote Subscription Set.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1507I The replication action action_name started at timestamp. The subscription set information follows: the Apply control server is control_server, the Apply qualifier is apply_qualifier, the set name is set_name, the target server is target_server for remote server remote_server, the Capture server is capture_server, and the Capture schema is capture_schema.


Valid values for action name are Create Subscription Set, Drop Subscription Set, Alter Subscription Set, and Promote Subscription Set.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1508I The replication action action_name started at timestamp. The subscription set information follows: the Apply control server is control_server, the Apply qualifier is apply_qualifier, the set name is set_name, the target server is target_server, the Capture server is capture_server, and the Capture schema is capture_schema.


Valid values for action name are Create Subscription Set, Drop Subscription Set, Alter Subscription Set, and Promote Subscription Set.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1510I The replication action action_name ended successfully at timestamp.


Valid values for action name are Create Capture server control tables, Drop Capture server control tables, Create Apply control server control tables, and Drop Apply control server control tables.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1511I The replication action action_name ended successfully for source owner source_owner and source table, view, or nickname source_table.


Valid values for action name are Create Registration, Drop Registration, Alter Registration, Add Registration Column, and Promote Registration.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1512I The replication action action_name ended successfully for Apply qualifier apply_qual, set name set_name.


Valid values for action name are Create Subscription Set, Drop Subscription Set, Alter Subscription Set, Add Statements to Subscription Set, Drop Statements from Subscription Set, and Promote Subscription Set.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1513I The replication action action_name ended successfully for Apply qualifier apply_qual, set name set_name, WHOS_ON_FIRST whos_on_first, source owner source_owner, source table source_table, source view qualifier source_view_qual, target owner target_owner, and target table target_table.


The following values are valid for action name:
  • Add Subscription Member
  • Add Subscription Member Column
  • Drop Subscription Member

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1514I The replication action ended at timestamp with number successes, number errors, and number warnings.


At least one of the tasks in the ASNCLP script failed. The number of errors depends partly on the following options that determine whether the ASNCLP continues to process commands after errors:

  • STOP ON SQL ERROR ON (default)

User response

The ASNCLP log file has messages for any tasks that fail. The messages are prefaced by an ASN error code. For more details about the task that prompted an error, look for an informational message for that task, for example Create Q Subscription - ASN2003I.

ASN1550E The replication action action_name ended in error. The value for the input parameter input_parameter is missing.


The input parameter is mandatory for this action and is missing.

User response

Provide the mandatory parameter and rerun the Replication action.

ASN1551E The replication action action_name ended in error. The value value for the input parameter input_parameter is incorrect. The reason code is reason_code.


The value provided for the input parameter is not a valid value. The following values are valid for the reason code:


Blocking minutes value should be between 0-999.


Commit Count value should be between 0-999.


Server Type value should be Capture Server.


Table type value should be one of the following types:


Remote Server Name value should be NULL.


Server Type value should be one of the following types:

  • Capture Server
  • Control Server
  • Capture and Control Server
  • Capture, Control and Target Server

Internal CCD tables must be noncomplete.


The Apply qualifier exceeds the maximum length of 18 characters.


The set name exceeds the maximum length of 18 characters.


Event names must be 128 bytes or fewer in length.


The source Capture schema name exceeds the maximum length of 128 bytes.


The target Capture schema name exceeds the maximum length of 128 bytes.


The BEFORE_OR_AFTER statement value must be 'A', 'B', or 'S'.


The EI_OR_CALL value must be 'C' or 'E'.


SQLSTATES must be 50 digits or fewer in length.


SQLSTATES must be numeric


The CONFLICT_LEVEL must be zero (0) or NONE.


The CHGONLY value must be 'N'.


The external CCD table is noncondensed and contains LOB columns.


The CONFLICT_LEVEL must be between 0 and 2.


The CHGONLY value must be 'Y' or 'N'.


The RECAPTURE value must be 'Y' or 'N'.


The DISABLE_REFRESH value must be 0 or 1.


The CHG_UPD_TO_DEL_INS value must be 'Y' or 'N'.


The STOP_ON_ERROR value must be 'Y' or 'N'.


The BEFORE_IMG_PREFIX value must be only one character.


The corresponding table space does not have the "New Tablespace" flag set to true in any of the previous scenarios.


The table name is not a valid control table.


A federated server was found but a corresponding federated schema name was not provided. When calling the API for a federated system, ensure that the federated schema name is provided.


The specified remote source database name on the OS/400 system does not match the remote source database name of the registration.

User response

Provide a valid value for the input parameter, and rerun the replication action.

ASN1552E The replication action action_name ended in error. The value value1 for input parameter input_parameter1 is incompatible with the value value2 for input parameter input_parameter2.


The value provided for the replication parameter conflicts with another parameter specification.

User response

Provide valid values for the input parameters and rerun the replication action.

ASN1553E The value value1 for input parameter input_parameter1 is incompatible with the value value2 for the existing subscription set subscription_set, Apply qualifier apply_qual, and WHOS_ON_FIRST whos_on_first.


The value provided for the replication parameter conflicts with one of the values for the existing subscription set.

User response

Provide a valid value for the input parameter or change the subscription set definition, and rerun the replication action.

ASN1560E The replication action ended in error. An SQL error was encountered. SQL message: sql_message.


An error occurred during the execution of an SQL statement.

User response

Refer to your database message reference for SQL.

ASN1561E Connection to the server server_alias cannot be established. An SQL error was encountered. SQL message: sql_message.


The connection to the specified server could not be established.

User response

Refer to your database message reference for SQL. Verify that the userid and password information is correct.

ASN1562E The replication action ended in error. An unexpected error occurred. Reference Code reference_code.


The specified action cannot be performed because of a run time error.

User response

Contact IBM Software Support.

ASN1563E The replication action action_name ended in error. The replication architecture level arch_level does not support server server_alias.


The specified replication architecture level is not supported on the specified server operating system, version, or release.

User response

Specify a supported replication architecture level in the ARCH_LEVEL column of the IBMSNAP_REGISTER table.

ASN1564E The replication action action_name ended in error. The Capture server architecture level arch_level for Capture schema capture_schema does not support this replication action.


The replication architecture level found in the IBMSNAP_REGISTER table for this Capture schema does not allow the specified replication action.

User response

Migrate the Capture control tables to Version 8 architecture level before retrying this action.

ASN1565E The replication action action_name ended in error. The Apply control server architecture level arch_level does not support this replication action.


The replication architecture level found in the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET table does not allow the specified replication action.

User response

Migrate the Apply control tables to Version 8 architecture level before retrying the action.

ASN1567W The table space container information for table space tablespace_name cannot be read, because the DB2 stored procedure procedure_name in the library library_name cannot be found.


The DB2 stored procedure READTSCINFOS cannot be found on the Capture server or target server. The stored procedure is required to retrieve DB2 table space container information for that server.

User response

Determine whether the stored procedure exists on the server: check if the file db2rtsc exists in the function directory of the sqllib directory. The file db2rtsc might not exist if the server is a pre-V8 server. If the stored procedure does not exist, then edit the table space container definition that is provided in the output script.

ASN1568E The name length length for the database object, objectname exceeds the allowed limit of allowed_limit.


The database object type provided in the second parameter allows a length that is smaller than the length of the actual object provided in the third parameter. As in the Properties file, the following values are valid for the object: Table, Index, Tablespace, Table owner, Nickname.

User response

Refer to the SQL Reference for the appropriate database, and provide the correct name length.

ASN1569E The name of the database object to be created is identical to the existing name objectowner.objectname of type object_type.


The database object cannot be created because there is already a database object of the same type with the same name. As in the properties file, the following values are valid for the object: Table, Index, Nickname, Tablespace, Table owner.

User response

Provide a name for that object that does not already exist in DB2, and reissue the replication task.

ASN1570E The database object object, objectowner.objectname does not exist.


The database object does not exist in the DB2 catalog. This object must exist in order to be defined as a source or target of a subscription set, as per the replication action. This object might have been defined as part of an existing registration or subscription-set definition but is not found in the DB2 catalog. As in the properties file, the following values are valid for the object: Table, Index, Nickname, Tablespace, Table owner, View.

User response

Provide a name that already exists in DB2, and reissue the replication task. If the object was defined as part of an existing registration or subscription-set definition, verify that the object exists in the DB2 catalog.

ASN1571E The database table tableowner.tablename cannot be created: the database definition is not valid for data type datatype and column column_name. The reason code is reason_code.


The following values are valid for the reason code:
The datatype is not supported on this platform.
The length of the column is not supported on this platform.
The precision or scale of the column is not supported on this platform.

User response

Refer to the SQL reference for the appropriate database.

ASN1572E The row size row_size for the database object objectowner.objectname of type object_type exceeds its database buffer pool row size bufferpool_rowsize. The database object cannot be created.


The row size of a table cannot exceed the table space page size for that table. The table space page size is derived from the buffer pool page size to which it belongs. No script is generated.

User response

You might have to create the table in a different table space. Refer to your DB2 platform documentation.

ASN1573E The number of columns number_columns for the database object objectowner.objectname of type object_type exceeds the database limit db2_limit. The database object cannot be created.


The number of columns that a database object (table or index) can contain depends on the DB2 platform but cannot exceed a predefined number. No script is generated. The following values are valid for object type: table, index.

User response

Redesign the DB2 object.

ASN1574E The DB2 page size page_size for table space tablespace_name is not valid. Reason code reason_code.


The page size must be valid for the table space to be created successfully. The following values are valid for reason code:

Page size is not equal to the page size of the given buffer pool.
Page size is not equal to one of the following: 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K.

User response

Refer to the DB2 SQL Reference for appropriate page size ranges or values.

ASN1575W The DB2 table tableowner-tablename will be created in the DB2 default table space.


No table space name was specified indicating where to create the specified table, so the table will be created in the DB2 default table space. This might be a problem if the default table space specifications are not appropriate for the specified table.

User response

Refer to the SQL Reference for the DB2 defaults. If you require the table to be in its own table space, then reissue the replication task with the appropriate specifications. No action is required if the default is appropriate for the table.

ASN1576W The DB2 index index_name will be created in the DB2 default index space or table space.


A table space (for workstation operating systems) or an index space (for z/OS operating systems) was not provided into which the specified index might be created. Therefore, the index is created using the DB2 defaults. This might be a problem if the default specifications are not appropriate for the specified index.

User response

Refer to the SQL Reference for the DB2 defaults. If you require the index to be in its own table space or index space, then reissue the replication task with the appropriate specifications. No action is required if the default is appropriate for the index.

ASN1577W The DB2 table space tablespace will be created in the DB2 default database.


For z/OS operating systems only, a database was not provided into which the specified table space might be created. Therefore, the table space is created using the DB2 defaults. This might be a problem if the default specifications are not appropriate for the specified table space.

User response

Refer to the SQL Reference for the DB2 defaults. If you require the table space to be in its own database, then reissue the replication task with the appropriate specifications. No action is required if the default is appropriate for the table space.

ASN1578I The DB2 table space tablespace will be created in the DB2 default storage group.


For workstation and z/OS operating systems only, a storage group was not provided into which the specified table space might be created. Therefore, the table space is created using the DB2 defaults. This might be a problem if the default specifications are not appropriate for the specified table space.

User response

Refer to the SQL Reference for the DB2 defaults. If you require the table space to be in its own storage group, then reissue the replication task with the appropriate specifications. No action is required if the default is appropriate for the table space.

ASN1579I The DB2 index index_name will be created in the DB2 default storage group.


For workstation and z/OS operating systems only, a storage group was not specified into which the DB2 index might be created. Therefore, DB2 created the index using the default specification. This might be a problem if the default specifications are not appropriate for the specified index.

User response

Refer to the SQL Reference for the DB2 defaults. If you require the index to be in its own storage group, then reissue the replication task with the appropriate specifications. No action is required if the default is appropriate for the index.

ASN1580I The DB2 table space tablespace will be created in the DB2 default buffer pool.


For workstation and z/OS operating systems only, a buffer pool was not provided into which the specified table space might be created. Therefore, the table space is created using the DB2 defaults. This might be a problem if the default specifications are not appropriate for the specified table space.

User response

Refer to the SQL Reference for the DB2 defaults. If you require the table space to be in its own buffer pool, then reissue the replication task with the appropriate specifications. No action is required if the default is appropriate for the table space.

ASN1581I The DB2 index index_name will be created in the DB2 default buffer pool.


For workstation and z/OS operating systems only, a buffer pool was not provided into which the specified index might be created. Therefore, the index is created using the DB2 defaults. This might be a problem if the default specifications are not appropriate for the specified index.

User response

Refer to the SQL Reference for the DB2 defaults. If you require the index to be in its own buffer pool, then reissue the replication task with the appropriate specifications. No action is required if the default is appropriate for the index.

ASN1582W The table space tablespace will be created in buffer pool buffer_pool but the buffer pool does not exist or is not active.


  • For applications on a DB2 for z/OS database, the buffer pool is not active into which the table space might be created.
  • For applications on a DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database, the buffer pool does not exist into which the specified table space might be created.

User response

  • For a DB2 for z/OS database, make sure the buffer pool is active at the time of running the script.
  • For a DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Window database, make sure that the buffer pool exists at the time of running the script.

ASN1583E The PageSize page_size for Table space tablespace does not match the default buffer pool PageSize.


The given PageSize does not match the PageSize of the default buffer pool. The table space cannot be created.

User response

Change the PageSize or choose another buffer pool.

ASN1584E The replication action action_name ended in error. The Capture server Replication architecture level arch_level for Capture schema capture_schema is not a valid architecture level.


The Replication architecture level found in the captureschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER does not allow the specified replication action.

User response

Drop the control tables on the Capture control server manually because the architecture level is not supported. Create the control tables with a valid architecture level.

ASN1585E The replication action action_name ended in error. The Apply control server Replication architecture level arch_level is not a valid architecture level.


The Replication architecture level found in the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET does not allow the specified replication action.

User response

Drop the control table on the Apply control server manually because the architecture level is not supported. Create the control tables with a valid architecture level.

ASN1586W The DB2 table tableowner.tablename will be created in the DB2 default database.


For z/OS operating systems only, a database was not provided into which the specified table might be created. Therefore, the table is created using the DB2 defaults. This might be a problem if the default specifications are not appropriate for the specified table.

User response

Refer to the SQL Reference for the DB2 defaults. If you require the table space to be in its own database, then reissue the replication task with the appropriate specifications. No action is required if the default is appropriate for the table.

ASN1587E The value value for the parameter parameter_name of the database object object_name, which has a type of type, is not valid.


The provided value is not valid or conflicts with another parameter value.

User response

Refer to the SQL reference for valid values.

ASN1588E The value encoding_scheme that was provided for the parameter encoding scheme is not valid for the database server server_name.


The provided value for the encoding scheme is not valid for the DB2 version of the server. No script is generated.

User response

Refer to the SQL reference for a valid value of the encoding scheme for the DB2 version.

ASN1589W The calculation of the size of the table space container container of the table space tspace resulted in an incorrect container size. Therefore the container size has been changed to size size megabytes.


The calculation of the table space container size has resulted in a value that is too low to be used in a valid table space container definition. To ensure that the definition will be accepted by DB2, a replication-specific minimum container size has been provided for the table space container definition.

User response

For the calculation based on a percentage of the current source table size, check whether the source table contains data and if the statistics of the source table are up to date (using the RUNSTATS utility) . For the calculation based on a number of rows, check whether the number of rows is realistic.

ASN1590E The DB2 table space table_sp_name is partitioned and in the DB2 object_type group. It should not be partitioned and it should be in the object_type IBMCATGROUP.


The provided table space is a partitioned table space. Creation of the replication control tables in a partitioned table space is not supported. No script is generated.

User response

Specify a table space that is not partitioned.

ASN1600E The remote server remote_server_name cannot be found.


The specified remote server name cannot be found in the federated catalog table SYSIBM.SYSSERVERS, for the SERVERNAME value that was provided. The non-DB2 relational server cannot be accessed.

User response

Verify the input provided for the remote server name and try the action again.

ASN1601E The REMOTE AUTHID information for the remote serverremote_servername cannot be found.


The remote authentication information cannot be found in the federated catalog table SYSIBM.SYSUSEROPTIONS, for the SERVERNAME value provided. The non-DB2 relational server cannot be accessed.

User response

Verify the input provided for the remote server name and try the action again.

ASN1602E The server server_alias does not support access to federated servers.


The federated replication functions are only supported on DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Version 8 and higher.

User response

Make sure that the specified database server is at the correct level or do not issue the replication task against a server that does not support it.

ASN1603E The Apply control server cannot reside on a non-DB2 relational server.


Non-DB2 relational servers can be Capture control servers or target servers, but they cannot be Apply control servers.

User response

Specify a database server as the Apply control server.

ASN1604E The remote table remoteowner.tablename exists in the non-DB2 relational server, but the provided nickname nicknameowner.nickname cannot be found in the federated server.


The specified remote table exists in the remote database but the corresponding nickname is not found in the federated database.

User response

Create the nickname in the federated database, and then issue the replication task again.

ASN1605E The nickname nicknameowner.nickname exists in the federated server but the remote table remoteowner.remotetable cannot be found in the non-DB2 relational server.


The nickname for the specified remote table exists but the corresponding remote table does not exist in the remote database.

User response

  1. Drop the nickname.
  2. Depending on the table type, perform the following actions:
    • If the table is a user table, create the remote table in the remote server.
    • If the table is a replication control table on the Capture control server, perform the following actions:
      1. Copy the data from the existing control tables on the Capture control server.
      2. Drop the control tables on the Capture control server.
      3. Create the control tables on the Capture control server.
  3. Create the nickname in the federated server.
  4. Issue the replication task again.

ASN1606W The nickname nickname_owner.nickname_name exists in the Federated server but the remote table table_owner.table_name cannot be found in the non-IBM server.


The nickname for the specified remote table exists but the corresponding remote table does not exist in the remote database. Although this is an orphan nickname, this inconsistent state is still tolerated when dropping Replication definitions. A script is generated.

User response

The source nickname is not dropped when dropping the replication definitions. To ensure a consistent catalog, drop the nickname.

ASN1607W It is strongly recommended to alter the nickname nickname_owner.nickname_name that is defined for the replication subscription target to alter the local data type of column column_name from existing_local_datatype to recommended_local_datatype and ensure the proper source-to-target mapping for column data types.


A mismatch was found between a source column data type and its corresponding nickname target column data type. The mismatch does not violate DB2 compatibility rules, but it might cause a problem to native non-IBM end-user applications. The problem does not occur during replication of the column data. The problem does occur if end-user applications retrieve the data. For example, if the nickname data type is created using the default mappings from the non-DB2 relational data type to the DB2 data type, the column will hold the broadest range of data type values, which might clash with the end-user application requirement of a more restrictive data type. A script is generated.

User response

Check the target to ensure that the nickname data type you need at the target is indeed the source column data type. If it is, then issue an ALTER NICKNAME statement to change the local data type of the nickname column. When you alter the nickname local data type to be the same as the source column data type, you enforce that the end-user application on the non-DB2 relational server sees the same data type as the source column data type.

ASN1608I The nickname source_nickname for the source and the nickname ccd_nickname for the consistent-change data (CCD) table have a column data type that is altered. The local data type column local_datatype is set to changed_datatype because the remote data type is remote_datatype. Reason code reason_code.


When creating the nickname for a CCD table, the nickname is altered based on the data type of the CCD table that is created in the non-DB2 relational server to ensure the proper data type setting. A script is generated that updates the definitions that were provided in the replication administration tool.

User response

No action is required if the replication updates are acceptable.

ASN1609E The nickname nicknameowner.nickname exists in the Federated server but the remote table remoteowner.remotetable does not contain all the necessary columns.


The target table nickname exists, and contains only a subset of the columns requested in the subscription.

User response

Use another Nickname as the target table or change the subscription to match the columns in the existing nickname.

ASN1620E Both Capture control tables and Apply control tables already exist. Capture control tables exist with architecture level capture_arch_level and Capture schema capture_schema. Apply control tables exist with architecture level apply_arch_level.


The IBMSNAP_REGISTER table for this Capture schema and the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET table already exist at the given server.

User response

  • If the architecture level of the existing IBMSNAP_REGISTER table for this Capture schema is 0201:
    • If the IBMSNAP_REGISTER table is already populated with valid replication definitions, migrate the Capture control tables to the latest version supported by replication.
    • If the IBMSNAP_REGISTER table is empty, drop the older version of the Capture control tables and reissue the replication task again.
  • If the architecture level of the existing Capture control tables is Version 8 or later and it is the architecture level you intend, consider creating Capture control tables with a different Capture schema name.
  • If the architecture level of the existing ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET table is 0201:
    • If the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET table is already populated with valid replication definitions, migrate the Apply control tables to the latest version supported by replication
    • If the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET control table is empty, drop the older version of the Apply control tables and reissue the replication task again.
  • If the architecture level of the existing Apply control tables is Version 8 or later and it is the architecture level you intend, consider creating Apply control tables on a different server.

ASN1621W At least one row was found in the control table table_owner-table_name. Dropping this control table will drop all replication definitions stored in the table.


The control tables of the replication schema selected for the drop request are not empty. Replication control information will be deleted if the generated scripts are executed.

User response

Run the generated scripts only if:
  • You understand the impact to existing dependent subscription sets of dropping the control tables from the Capture control server.
  • You understand the impact to existing dependent subscription sets (for multi-tier scenarios) of dropping control tables from the Apply control server.
  • You do not want replication to run the Capture or the Apply processes for these definitions anymore.

If the architecture level is 0201, migrate the Capture or Apply control tables to the latest architecture level before dropping the control tables.

ASN1622E The replication action action_name ended in error. The required control table controlowner.controltable could not be found.


Replication definitions are stored in Replication control tables. These tables must exist before a registration or subscription definition can be created. The existence of the IBMSNAP_REGISTER table is used to check if the control tables for the Capture control server already exist for a particular Capture schema. The existence of the IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET table is used to check if the control tables on the Apply control server already exist. The existence of IBMSNAP_SUBS_MEMBR is checked at the time of checking for the existence of a subscription member.

User response

If the control table IBMSNAP_SUBS_MEMBR table does not exist, then your environment is in an inconsistent state. You must drop all the control tables from the Apply control server and then create them before attempting the action.

Alternatively, if the control tables IBMSNAP_REGISTER or IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET do not exist, create them before adding registration or subscription definitions on a control server. Otherwise, you can do the following:
  1. If you are doing a registration-related action, check if the appropriate Capture schema was provided; or if the appropriate Capture control server was provided as input.
  2. If you are doing a subscription-related action, check if the appropriate Apply control server was provided as input.
  3. If you are creating a subscription set that contains target tables that need to be auto-registered at the target server (CCD or replica), then check if the appropriate control tables for the Capture control server exist at the subscription target server.

ASN1623W The Replication control table, controlowner.controltable could not be found and is not dropped.


The Drop Capture control tables or Drop Apply control server control tables action was issued and the control table was missing. The script will not generate the appropriate DROP statement for that control table.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1624I The server server_alias is not a known Replication Capture server for capture_schema.


The captureschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER table could not be found. A server is defined as a Replication Capture server when the appropriate Capture server control tables (including the IBMSNAP_REGISTER table) exist on the server.

User response

Create the appropriate Capture server control tables, if needed.

ASN1625I The server server_alias is not a known Replication Apply control server.


The ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET table could not be found. A server is defined as a Replication Apply control server when the appropriate Apply control server control tables (including the IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET table) exist on the server.

User response

Create the appropriate control tables on the Apply control server, if needed.

ASN1626E Capture server control tables already exist for architecture level arch_level with the same Capture schema.


The table captureschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER already exists at the given server.

User response

  • If the architecture level of the existing captureschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER table is 0801 or 0805, consider the following options:
    • Running the command is not necessary because the tables already exist with the same Capture schema.
    • Run the command under a different Capture schema.
  • If the architecture level of the existing captureschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER control table is 0201:
    • Migrate the Capture control server control tables to the Version 8 architecture, if the existing captureschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER is already populated with valid Replication definitions.
    • If the control table is empty, simply drop the pre-V8 Capture server control tables and issue the Replication task again.
    Otherwise, the architecture level is not valid. You need to drop the tables manually before attempting to create the tables.

ASN1627E Some Capture server control tables already exist with the same Capture Schema but for which an architecture level cannot be determined.


The table captureschema.ASN.IBMSNAP_REGISTER does not exist although other Capture server control tables were found at the given server. Capture server control tables cannot be created until the tables are dropped. The Replication definitions at the Capture server are in an inconsistent state.

User response

Drop the remaining Capture server control tables to clean up the Capture control server definitions, and reissue the Create control table task. Loss of data occurs, so look at the content of the remaining control tables before issuing the drop task.

ASN1628E The Capture server control tables are not at the architecture level requested.


The table captureschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER does not exist with the provided architecture level. No script is generated.

User response

Issue the replication task again at the appropriate architecture level for the appropriate Capture control server and Capture schema.

ASN1629E No Capture server control tables were found for the provided Capture schema.


No control tables exist on the Capture control server. No control tables are dropped, and no script is generated.

User response

Issue the replication task again at the appropriate architecture level for the appropriate Capture control server and Capture schema.

ASN1630W Some Capture server control tables already exist with Capture schema capture_schema but their architecture level cannot be determined. The replication action action_name for the provided architecture level arch_level and Capture schema will drop control tables that might not belong to the architecture level provided.


The IBMSNAP_REGISTER table does not exist on the Capture server. The replication architecture level is unknown, and if you provide an incorrect architecture level, you might lose critical data. No checks occur to determine whether a particular architecture level for the Capture control tables can be inferred. The control table is dropped if it exists. A script is generated.

User response

Issue the task again with the appropriate architecture level for replication.

ASN1631E Apply control server control tables already exist for architecture level arch_level.


The table ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET already exists at the given server. No script is generated.

User response

If the architecture level of the existing ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET control table is 0201:
  • If the existing ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET is already populated with valid Replication definitions, migrate the Apply control server control tables to the Version 8 architecture,
  • If the table is empty, simply drop the pre-V8 Apply control server control tables and reissue the Replication task again.
Otherwise, the architecture level is not valid. You need to drop the tables manually before attempting to create the tables.

ASN1632E Some Apply control server control tables already exist but for which an architecture level cannot be determined.


The table ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET does not exist although other Apply control server control tables were found at the given server. Apply control server control tables cannot be created until the tables are dropped. The Replication definitions at the Apply control server are in an inconsistent state. No script is generated.

User response

Drop the remaining control tables on the Apply control server to clean up the Apply control server replication definitions. Reissue the Create control table task. Loss of data occurs, so look at the content of the remaining control tables before issuing the Drop task.

ASN1633E The Apply control server control tables are not at the architecture level requested.


The table ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET does not exist with the provided architecture level. No script is generated.

User response

Issue the replication task again at the appropriate architecture level for the appropriate Apply control server.

ASN1634E No Apply control server control tables were found.


There are no control tables to drop from the Apply control server. No script is generated.

User response

Issue the replication task again at the appropriate architecture level for the appropriate Apply control server.

ASN1635W Some Apply control tables already exist but their architecture level cannot be determined. The replication action action_name for the provided architecture level arch_level will drop control tables that might not belong to the architecture level provided.


The table ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET does not exist on the Apply control server. The replication architecture level is unknown, and if you provide an incorrect architecture level, you might lose critical data. No checks occur to determine whether a particular Apply control server control table architecture level can be inferred. If the control table exists, it is dropped. A script is generated.

User response

Reissue the task with the appropriate architecture level for replication.

ASN1636E The Replication Action of Manual Full Refresh ended with an error for the Apply qualifier apply_qual and set name set_name. The synchpoint in the capschema.IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table for the source member sourceowner.sourcetable and the target member targetowner.target_table is not translated by the Capture program.


The synchpoint is either less than 0 or equal to hex zeros.

User response

Make sure you run the before load script to translate the hex zeros and capture is running on the server.

ASN1637E The replication action 'Manual Full Refresh' ended in error for the Apply qualifier apply_qualifier and the set name set_name. The target structure of at least one of the target subscription-set members in the given subscription set is greater than eight. None of the subscription-set members is eligible for a manual full refresh.


The target structure of at least one of the target subscription-set members in the given subscription set is greater than eight. A manual full refresh does not support target structures that are greater than eight.

User response

Make sure that the target structure of the subscription-set member is less than or equal to eight, and then reissue the replication task.

ASN1638W The subscription-set member with a target of targetowner.targetname and a source of sourceowner.sourcename is not complete. This subscription-set member is not included in the manual full refresh.


The manual full refresh supports complete targets only. The given subscription-set member is not complete and cannot be included.

User response

No action is required.

ASN1639E The replication action 'Manual Full Refresh' ended in error for the Apply qualifier apply_qualifier and the set name set_name. None of the target subscription-set members in the given subscription set is complete or eligible for a manual full refresh.


The manual full refresh supports complete targets only, and none of the targets is complete.

User response

Make sure that at least one of the subscription-set members in the subscription set is complete, and reissue the replication task.

ASN1640E The replication action ended in error for the Apply qualifier apply_qualifier and the set name set_name. There are no subscription-set members in the subscription set.


The subscription set does not contain any subscription-set members.

User response

Add at least one subscription-set member to the subscription set, and reissue the replication task.

ASN1641E The replication action action_name ended in error. This action on an OS/400 system is supported only through OS/400 commands.


Neither the replication center nor the command line supports the replication action on an OS/400 system. The possible actions might be: creating capture server control tables, creating apply server control tables, dropping capture server control tables, or dropping apply server control tables.

User response

Issue OS/400 commands to perform the replication action.

ASN1650I The replication action action_name started at timestamp. The monitor server is server_name and the Group_or_Contact name is group_name_or_contact_name.


The replication action started at the specified monitor server.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1653I The replication action action_name for group_contact_or_condition_name ended successfully at timestamp. The monitor server is server_name.


The replication action ended successfully at the specified monitor server.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1654E The replication action action_name ended in error. The length of the input parameter parameter-name, parameter_length exceeds the limit maximum-limit.


The length of the specified input parameter is longer than the maximum allowable length. No script is generated.

User response

Verify the input parameter value, and re-enter the parameter value.

ASN1655E The replication action action_name ended in error. The value input_value of the input parameter input_parameter is incorrect.


The value of the specified input parameter is not correct.

User response

Refer to your documentation for valid parameter values.

ASN1656E The replication action action_name ended in error. The value of the input parameter input_parameter is missing.


A value for this specified input parameter is mandatory for this action. However, the value is missing. No script is generated.

User response

Enter a value for this mandatory input parameter, and rerun the replication action.

ASN1657E The replication action action_name ended in error. At least one optional parameter value must be specified.


You must specify at least one optional parameter value when issuing a command in which each parameter value is optional. No script is generated.

User response

Issue the command again with the correct parameters.

ASN1658E The replication action action_name ended in error. The value value1 of the input parameter input_parameter1 must be different than the value value2 of the input parameter input_parameter2.


The value of one input parameter is the same as the value of another input parameter and will result in the creation of inconsistent definitions. No script is generated.

User response

Issue the command again with valid parameter values.

ASN1659E The replication action action_name ended in error. The contact contact-name already exists.


The specified contact name already exists in one of the rows in the ASN.IBMSNAP_CONTACTS table. Contact names must be unique. No script is generated.

User response

Issue the command again with a different contact name.

ASN1660E The replication action action_name ended in error. The contact contact-name does not exist.


The specified contact name does not exist in any of the rows in the ASN.IBMSNAP_CONTACTS table. The contact name must exist in the ASN.IBMSNAP_CONTACTS table before you can alter, substitute, delegate, or drop the name. No script is generated.

User response

Issue the command again with a different contact name.

ASN1661E The replication action action_name ended in error. The contact contact-name cannot be dropped, because dropping the contact empties each associated group.


A group should have at least one associated contact. The specified contact is the last contact in each associated group, and the last contact cannot be dropped. No script is generated.

User response

Drop each associated group before attempting to drop the contact.

ASN1662E The replication action action_name ended in error. The contact contact-name cannot be dropped, because the contact is associated with one or more conditions.


The contact name that you are attempting to drop is the only contact associated with conditions for either the Capture or Apply components. No script is generated.

User response

Use the SUBSTITUTE option in the DROP CONTACT command, or use the SUBSTITUTE command to change the contact name of the conditions. If you do not need the conditions, drop the conditions and then drop the contact.

ASN1663E The replication action action_name ended in error. The value startdate_value that is specified for the start date is greater than the value enddate_value, which is specified for the end date.


You cannot enter a start date that is beyond the end date. No script is generated.

User response

Issue the command again with a valid combination of dates.

ASN1664E The replication action action_name ended in error. The group group-name already exists.


The specified group name already exists in one of the rows in the ASN.IBMSNAP_GROUPS table. Group names must be unique.

User response

Change the group name, and issue the command again.

ASN1665E The replication action action_name ended in error. The group group_name does not exist.


The specified group name does not exist in any of the rows in the ASN.IBMSNAP_GROUPS table. The group name must exist in the ASN.IBMSNAP_GROUPS table before you can alter or drop the group name. No script is generated.

User response

Verify the group name, and reissue the command.

ASN1666E The replication action action_name ended in error. The group group_name cannot be dropped because it is associated with one or more conditions.


The group that you are attempting to drop is the only group associated with conditions for either the Capture or Apply components. No script is generated.

User response

In order to drop the group, alter the contacts of the associated conditions and then reissue the command.

ASN1667E The replication action action_name ended in error. The contact contact-name is not associated with the specified group group_name.


The contact name that you are attempting to drop is not associated with the specified group.

User response

Verify the specified contact name and reissue the command.

ASN1668E The replication action action_name ended in error. The contact contact-name is already associated with the specified group group_name.


The contact name that you specified is already associated with the specified group.

User response

No action is required.

ASN1671E The replication action action_name ended in error. The alert condition condition-name already exists for the monitor qualifier mon-qual, the server server-name, the schema or qualifier schema-or-qualifier, and the subscription-set name set-name.


The alert condition that you are attempting to create already exists with the same specified parameters on the monitor control server.

User response

Verify this alert condition and issue the command again.

ASN1672E The replication action action_name ended in error. The alert condition condition-name does not exist for the monitor qualifier mon-qual, the server server-name, the schema or qualifier schema-or-qualifier, and the subscription-set name set-name.


The alert condition that you are attempting to drop or to alter does not exist on the monitor control server.

User response

Verify the alert name and issue the command again.

ASN1673W The condition condition_name is valid only at the apply qualifier level.


The condition name is not valid with a subscription-set name value. The name of the subscription set will be ignored.

User response

Do not specify the subscription-set name value.

ASN1674W The condition condition_name is valid only with update-anywhere subscription sets.


The condition name is valid only with update-anywhere subscription sets.

User response

Do not set this condition. This condition will be ignored.

ASN1675I This is a test message from the Replication Center.


This message is used to send a test e-mail verifying the e-mail address entered in the contact.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1677E The replication action action_name ended in error. The apply qualifier apply-qual and the subscription-set name set-name do not exist on the server server-name.


The apply qualifier and the subscription-set name do not exist in the IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET table on the specified apply control server.

User response

Supply a valid apply qualifier and a valid subscription-set name.

ASN1678E The replication action action_name ended in error. The capture schema cap-schema does not exist on the server server-name.


The capture schema does not exist in the ASN.IBMSNAP_CAPSCHEMAS table on the specified capture control server.

User response

Supply a valid capture schema.

ASN1679E The replication action action_name ended in error. The contact contact_name that you attempted to substitute is not associated with a condition.


The contact name does not exist in the ASN.IBMSNAP_CONDITIONS table. A contact can be substituted only if it exists in the ASN.IBMSNAP_CONDITIONS table. No script is generated.

User response

Supply a valid contact name.

ASN1680I The replication action action_name started at time. The Monitor server is server_name.


This message is for your information only.

User response

No action required.

ASN1681E The request to create the monitor server failed. Monitor control tables of the architecture level arch_level already exist.


The monitor control tables already exist on the given server. No SQL script is generated.

User response

If the existing monitor control tables are of an older level:
  • If the existing monitor control tables are already populated with valid replication definitions, migrate the monitor control tables to the latest version supported by replication.
  • If the ASN.IBMSNAP_ALERTS table and the ASN.IBMSNAP_CONDITIONS table are empty, drop the older version monitor control tables and reissue the replication task again.

Otherwise, the architecture level is not valid. You need to drop the tables manually before attempting to create the tables.

If the architecture level of the existing monitor control tables stored in the ARCH_LEVEL column of the ASN.IBMSNAP_MONPARMS table is at the latest level supported by replication, there is no need to run the command since the control tables already exist.

ASN1682E The replication action ended in error. No Monitor control tables were found.


There are no Monitor control tables to drop. No script will be generated.

User response

Issue the replication task again for the appropriate server containing the Monitor control tables.

ASN1683E The replication action action_name ended in error. A row with the specified capture schema already exists in the ASN.IBMSNAP_CAPSCHEMAS table even though the Capture control tables do not exist under that Capture schema.


The IBMSNAP_CAPSCHEMAS table already contains the Capture schema value that was specified as input for the "Create Capture Server Control tables" action. The Capture schema value must be unique.

User response

Make sure that you have specified the correct value for the Capture schema field and delete the row containing the specified Capture schema from the IBMSNAP_CAPSCHEMAS table. Reissue the task.

ASN1684W The nickname nicknameowner_nickname for the replication control table controlowner.control_table was not found on the federated database.


You tried to drop a nickname of a replication control table that was already dropped or deleted; therefore, the generated script does not contain a DROP statement for that nickname.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1685W The object objectowner.object_name of type object_type could not be found on the non-DB2 relational server.


You tried to drop a replication object that was already dropped or deleted; therefore, the generated script does not contain a DROP statement for that replication object.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1686E The name length length for the non-DB2 relational object object_name exceeds the allowed limit of allowed_limit.


A non-DB2 object name was specified whose length is longer than the maximum length allowed for the actual object.

User response

Refer to the SQL reference for your database.

ASN1687E The replication action action_name ended in error. The table space tablespace_name does not belong to the IBMCATGROUP node group.


The specified table space does not belong to the default IBMCATGROUP node group. The replication action does not support this node group.

User response

Verify the table space name and reissue the task.

ASN1688E The replication action action_name ended in error. The specified table space options tableowner.tablename are not valid.


You can customize the table space when you create the control tables. You can use existing table space, a new table space, or a table space that has already been specified for another control table earlier in the same session. The values specified in these table space options are ambiguous. There are either no values, or more than one value is specified for these table space options.

User response

Verify the values of the table space options and reissue the task.

ASN1689E The replication action action_name ended in error. There are no alert conditions for the monitor qualifier monitor_qualifier_name, the server capture_or_apply_server, and the schema or qualifier schema_or_qualifer.


No alert conditions are defined for the specified monitor qualifier, Capture or Apply control server, and schema or Apply qualifier.

User response

Define at least one alert condition for the monitor qualifier, Capture or Apply control server, and schema or Apply qualifier.

ASN1700E The column tableowner.tablename.columnname of data type data_type cannot be included in the registration. Reason code reason_code.


The column cannot be supported by the replication capture program as defined. No script to register the specified is generated. The following values are valid for the reason code:


The data type is not supported.


The column is already registered.


z/OS fieldproc column.


This column does not qualify as a before-image column.


The data type is not supported through DB2 for federated.


The column does not exist in the source object.


The maximum number of registered LOB columns was exceeded for that table.


The column name starts with the before-image prefix.


This column does not qualify as a before-image column or as an after-image column.


A mixed-case column name is not supported when the source table is on a non-DB2 server.


This column name is a duplicate of one already provided for this source.

User response

Check the reason code to determine why the column cannot be registered and take appropriate action.

ASN1701E The provided locksize value lock_size for the given table space tablespace_name is not valid.


Locksize should be equal to the P(PAGE), R(ROW) or A(ANY), in the case of z/OS operating system.

User response

Provide the correct locksize and submit your action again.

ASN1702W Replication definitions for the registered column objectowner.objectname.columnname has been changed to support null values.


before-image columns are required to support null values. If no before-image column value is present, an INSERT statement will fail. A script is generated to update user-provided definitions.

User response

This message is for your information only; no action is required.

ASN1703E The table tableowner.tablename cannot be registered for change-capture replication. Reason code reason_code.


The table cannot be supported by the Capture program as defined. No script is generated. The following values are valid for the reason code:


The table with a z/OS validproc.


Existing internal CCD table.


Existing CD table.


DB2 catalog table (Windows, UNIX, iSeries)


The table is already registered.


The source for an internal CCD table is not a registered source.


The source is a CD table and cannot be registered.


This source name is a duplicate for this session.


The source is a replication control table.


Not one of the source columns qualifies for registration.


The maximum number of registered LOB columns has been exceeded for this table.


Structured data types are not supported.


The before-image prefix can be only one character.


An internal error occurred.


A blank character is not a valid before-image prefix.

iSeries: The source table or view should not have blank spaces in it.
iSeries: A blank space character is not valid in the CD Table Owner/Name field.
iSeries: For a given source, you cannot register some before-image columns and some after-image only columns. Either all or none of the columns must have the before-image.

The CD name for this source is a duplicate; that CD name already exists for this session.


The source object type is not a valid object type for replication.

User response

Check the reason code to determine why the table cannot be registered for change-capture replication and take appropriate action.

ASN1704E The view viewowner.viewname cannot be registered. Reason code reason_code.


The view cannot be supported by the Replication Capture mechanism, as defined. No script is generated. The following values are valid for the reason code:


None of the dependent tables for the view are registered.


The source-table columns on which the view is dependent are not registered.


The view is on an internal ccd.


The view is already registered.


The view has an 'OUTER JOIN' syntax.


The view includes more than one table or view column with a function, and no correlation is provided in the view definition for each table.


The view contains a reference to an aggregate function.


The view contains a subselect/subquery.


The view contains a reference to another view.


The view has an UNION.


No correlation is provided for the column.


The base table does not have the schema name.


The base table does not exist.


The view contains Table Expression as Table.


The dependent table does not exist.


A view on view cannot be registered.


The given source object is not a view.


This source view is a duplicate for this session.


The view definition cannot be supported.


The view has an asterisk (*) instead of a specific column name in the view definition.


The view contains the join of a CCD and a non-CCD table.


The view defined at the CCD table must be complete and condensed.


The dependent table is a nickname.


A federated registration expects a nickname to be registered as a source.

User response

Check the reason code to determine why the view cannot be registered. If appropriate, fix the problem and register the view again.

ASN1705E The change data object, objectowner.objectname already exists in the server.


The change data table or view cannot be used for the current source to be registered, because it already exists at the Capture server. No script is generated.

User response

Provide a different name for the change data object.

ASN1706W A column column_name is added to a registered source sourceowner.sourcename. The registered source maintains an Internal CCD table. The new column has to be first added to the CCD table subscription member before adding to any existing or not-yet existing subscription member.


If the new column is needed in dependent subscription sets, you first have to add the column to the internal CCD subscription member before adding the column to any subscription member needed.

User response

Provide a different name for the change data object.

ASN1707W The replication action Alter Registration for sourceowner.sourcename is not in effect until a Capture REINIT command is issued at the Capture server.


The registered source is successfully updated. However, the Capture program does not recognize the corresponding captureschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER table updates until a REINIT command forces it to do so. A script is generated. A Capture command is required afterwards for the effect of the script to be in action.

User response

To make the changes effective immediately:
  1. Run the generated script.
  2. Issue a REINIT of the appropriate Capture program, for the appropriate Capture schema.

ASN1708E The table, view or nickname objectowner.objectname is not a Replication registered source.


The specified replication object is not defined in the replication control tables. No script is generated.

User response

Ensure that the object is correctly specified in the command and it exists.

ASN1709W Associated subscription sets will not be valid after the registered source sourceowner.sourcename is dropped.


Subscription members rely on the underlying source registrations that define the source member. If you drop a registered source table, the dependent source members of a subscription set are no longer valid. The subscription sets that are associated with the specified registration source can be found in the captureserver.IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table at the Capture control server, where the SOURCE_OWNER and SOURCE_TABLE correspond to the registered source that is dropped. The appropriate Apply control server and subscription set names are columns in the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table. The associated subscription sets fail if Apply is running. A script is generated.

User response

Deactivate or drop the dependent subscription sets before running the script, if the registered source has dependent subscription sets.

ASN1710W Dependent view registered sources will not be valid after the registered source sourceowner.sourcetable is dropped.


View registrations rely on the underlying registration of the tables that make up the view definition. If you drop a registered source table, you invalidate any view registration that is based on the table. The views that might be affected can be found in the captureserver.IBMSNAP_REGISTER table at the Capture server, where the PHYS_CHANGE_OWNER and PHYS_CHANGE_TABLE are the same as the CD_OWNER and CD_TABLE of the registered source that is dropped. The associated subscription sets, which depend on the view registrations, fail, if Apply is running. A script is generated.

User response

Deactivate or drop the appropriate subscription sets, or view registrations, before running the script, if the registered source has dependent view registrations.

ASN1711W The source sourceowner.sourcename is still active so dropping it will result in a Capture failure.


An active registration has a SYNCHPOINT value that is not null in its captureschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER table. When the Capture program started, it expected all active registrations to always exist and be valid. So the Capture program needs to be signaled that a registered source was dropped because the drop action invalidates the registration information. Failure to provide that information to the Capture program causes the Capture program to fail. A script is generated, but is NOT ready to run.

User response

  1. Deactivate the appropriate registration (via the Replication Center GUI, or by issuing the STOP signal and a command type of CMD).
  2. Wait for a SIGNAL_STATE of Complete in the captureschema.IBMSNAP_SIGNAL table.
  3. Run the script that drops the registration.

ASN1712E The table, view, or nickname objectowner.objectname is not a valid Replication registered source. Reason code reason_code.


Inconsistent information was found for this registered source in the Capture server control tables. No script is generated.

User response

Drop the registered source and create the registration again.

ASN1713E The registered source sourceowner.sourcename cannot be deactivated. Reason code reason_code.


The following values are valid for reason code:

The source is registered as a FULL REFRESH and therefore cannot be deactivated.
The source is a CCD and CCD registrations cannot be deactivated.
The source is a view and view registrations cannot be deactivated.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1714E The registered source sourceowner.sourcename cannot be altered. Reason code reason_code.


The following values are valid for the reason code:


The CD table for this source has RRN column (iSeries only). The RRN column must be the last column in the table, so the source cannot be altered.


The source is a view, and view registrations cannot be altered.


The source is registered for full refresh and cannot be altered.


The source table column does not match the column being altered.


The column is a LOB, DATALINK, or ROWID data type and does not qualify for a before-image value.


The before-image column value cannot be null or a blank character.


An after-image value has not been registered for the given column.


The before-image prefix cannot be updated if it is used with an existing registered source.


The use of the current before-image prefix makes one of the columns ambiguous in this registered source.


The before-image prefix can be only one character.


An internal error occurred.


The specified registration source name is a duplicate of a source included with that was changed, and the script for that registration was not yet executed.


The conflict level cannot be updated for the replica registration.

User response

Check the reason code to determine why the source cannot be altered and take appropriate action.

ASN1715E The replication action ended in error. The native OS/400 message is as400native_message.


An error was encountered while issuing the appropriate command on the OS/400 operating system or iSeries servers. No script is generated.

User response

Refer to the OS/400 Console Log for more detailed error information.

ASN1716W The replication action ended with a warning. The native OS/400 message is as400native_message.


A warning was encountered while issuing the appropriate command on the OS/400 operating system or iSeries server. A script is generated.

User response

Refer to the iSeries Console Log for more detailed warning information.

ASN1717I The replication action ended with an Informational Clause. The native OS/400 message is as400native_message.


An informational message was encountered while issuing the appropriate command on the OS/400 operating system or iSeries server. A script is generated.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1718E The nickname nicknameowner.nickname cannot be registered. Reason code reasoncode.


The nickname is not supported by the Capture program as defined. No script is generated. The following values are valid for the reason code:

The internal CCD table (your CD table) already exists.
The nickname is on the native catalog table.
The nickname is already registered.
A federated registration expects a nickname as a source to be registered.
No columns are eligible for the Capture program.
The provided nickname is a duplicate from an earlier registration, but the corresponding script has not been executed.
A federated registration supports only user tables.
A federated registration supports only noncondensed and noncomplete CCD tables.
The CCD nickname provided is a duplicate of a CCD nickname from an earlier registration, but the script for that registration has not yet been executed.
Remote server information is not provided for the nickname registration.

User response

Check the reason code to determine why the nickname cannot be registered.

ASN1719W The non-IBM triggers that were defined for registered source nicknameowner.nickname will be dropped. Any additional logic later provided by users in these triggers will be lost.


Dropping a registered source implies dropping all the objects that were created during the source registration, regardless of later updates. A script is generated.

User response

Copy the trigger logic before dropping the registered source, if needed.

ASN1720E Change Data table information for the source nickname nicknameowner.nickname is not found in the capschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER table.


A row is found in the captureschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER table for the given source nickname but the CCD table information for that source is missing. The Change data table information is required to drop the replication definitions. A script is not generated.

User response

Please make sure the correct source name is given and call the action again.

ASN1722W The view view_owner.viewname will be registered as full refresh, because all the base tables of this view are registered as full refresh.


The view must be registered as full refresh, because the base tables of this view are registered as full refresh only or are not registered replication sources.

User response

No action is required.

ASN1723W The view viewowner.viewname will be registered for change-capture replication, because one or more base tables from this view are registered for change-capture replication.


The view must be registered for change-capture replication, because the base tables of this view are registered for change-capture replication.

User response

No action is required.

ASN1724E The name of the object that you are creating on the non-DB2 relational server is identical to the objectowner.objectname of type objecttype.


The object that you specified cannot be created, because there is an existing object with the same type and same name on the non-DB2 relational server.

User response

Provide a unique name for the object, and reissue the replication task.

ASN1725W The trigger named triggerowner.trigger_name already exists on the remote table remoteowner.remotetablename. You must not run the generated script until you have determined how to merge the contents of the existing trigger with the generated trigger definition.


An trigger with this name already exists on the remote table in the non-DB2 relational database. The database manager might not indicate a conflict and might subsequently overwrite your existing trigger if you run the CREATE TRIGGER statement in the generated script. The database manager also might return a SQL error indicating that the object already exists. Generated trigger names cannot be customized, because customized triggers cannot be dropped when the registration is dropped.

User response

First, determine how to merge the pre-existing triggers with the generated triggers. Then, either create your own script to merge your existing logic with the trigger logic that is generated by the replication tool, or update the script that is generated by the replication tool to include your existing trigger definitions.

ASN1726W The trigger named triggerowner.trigname does not exist in the remote table owner.tablename on the remote server rmtservername.


The trigger does not exist on the remote database. The trigger might have been dropped.

User response

No action is required.

ASN1727I The registered source registered_source is deactivated.


The specified registered source has already been deactivated.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1728W The CCSID Unicode_ASCII_EBCDIC of the change data (CD) table cdowner.cdname for the source table sourceowner.sourcetable does not match the CCSID Unicode_ASCII_EBCDIC of the IBMSNAP_UOW table for the capture schema capture_schema.


For the given capture schema, the Apply program will join the IBMSNAP_UOW table and the CD table of the given source if the column JOIN_UOW_CD in the ASN.IBMNSNAP_MEMBR table is set to Y. This column contains Y if the target type of the associated subscription-set member is not user copy, or if any columns of the IBMSNAP_UOW table are used in the WHERE clause of the subscription-set member. If the Apply program joins tables with different encoding schemes, an error will occur.

User response

For subscription members that will use this registration, define the target table with a type of user copy and do not use any IBMSNAP_UOW columns in the WHERE clause.

ASN1729E The registration for the nickname nicknameowner.nickname cannot be dropped. The reason code is reasoncode.


The registration for this nickname cannot be dropped. No script is generated. The following value is valid for the reason code:


The specified nickname is a duplicate of a nickname included with a prior registration drop. However, the script for that registration drop has not yet been executed.

User response

Resolve the problem indicated by the reason code.

ASN1730W The procedure procedureowner.procedurename already exists in the remote server remote_server. The content of the existing procedure must be merged with the generated procedure definition before the generated script is run.


A procedure with this name already exists in the non-DB2 relational database. The database manager might not indicate a conflict and could subsequently overwrite your existing procedure if you run the CREATE PROCEDURE statement in the generated script. Or, an SQL error might be returned indicating that the object already exists. Generated procedure names cannot be customized because customized procedures cannot be dropped when the registration is dropped.

User response

Determine how to merge the existing procedures with the generated procedures. Then, either create your own script to merge your existing logic with the procedure logic that is generated by the replication tool, or update the script that is generated by the replication tool to include your existing procedure definitions.

ASN1731W The column column_name of data type datatype in the non-DB2 relational database table will be converted to a data type datatype in the nickname by the federated wrapper. The reason code is reason_code.


The following value is valid for the reason code:

The non-DB2 relational database is an Oracle database and the Number column in that table will be converted to a Double data type in the nickname by the federated server.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1732E The replication action action_name ended in error. The source table srcowner.srctable must be journaled with both before-images and after-images.


The native OS/400 command requires the source table to be journaled with both the before-image and after-image columns before registration.

User response

Journal the source table with both the before-images and after-images before executing the generated script for the table registration.

ASN1733E The registration of the source srcowner.srctable cannot be dropped. The reason code is reason_code.


The following value is valid for the reason code:

The provided source is a duplicate from a prior DROP registration, but the corresponding script was not executed.

User response

Check the name of the source provided and issue the task again.

ASN1734W Definitions for registered sources that have dependent views will not be updated with the columns that were for the registered source srcowner.srctable.


You are attempting to alter or add one or more columns to an existing registered source. The source registration has dependent view registrations, but the altered columns will not be reflected in the view registration definitions.

User response

To update the view registration definition so that new column information is reflected in the view registration:
  1. Drop the current view registration.
  2. Re-create the view registration.

No action is required if you do not want the new column information to be reflected in the view registration.

ASN1735E The table, view, or nickname cannot be registered. There are subscription set members associated with the source table from a previous registration that was dropped. The definitions requested for the current registration conflict with the definitions stored in the replication control tables for the existing subscription set members. The reason code is reason_code.


The table, view, or nickname was previously registered and dropped. However, the associated subscription set members were not dropped and the information for these members still exists in the replication control tables. To avoid any problems with the Capture and the Apply programs, the table or nickname is being re-registered and the information being requested needs to match the information that is stored in the control tables for the orphan members. The following values are valid for the reason code:

You are attempting to register the table or nickname for FULL REFRESH ONLY. The rows in the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table indicate that this table or nickname was previously registered with the change-capture mechanism and the registration was dropped.
You are attempting to register the table or nickname with the change-capture mechanism. The rows in the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table indicate that this table or nickname was previously registered as FULL REFRESH ONLY and the registration was dropped.
You are attempting to register the table or nickname with the change-capture mechanism. The source table was previously defined and was dropped. The values of the PHYS_CHANGE_OWNER and PHYS_CHANGE_TABLE columns in the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table do not match with the input values specified for the CD/CCD owner or the CD/CCD table fields.

User response

Take the specific actions for the following reason codes:

Register the table or nickname with the change-capture mechanism.
Register the table or nickname as FULL REFRESH ONLY.
Register the table or nickname and make sure that the change data or the consistent change data owner and the table names match those that are in the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL field. Do not customize these values so that the replication action will take the values stored in the control table.

ASN1736W The name of the before-image column for the column column_name of data type datatype will be truncated. The length of the column name plus the before-image prefix exceeds the allowed column name limit allowed_limit for the non-DB2 relational database.


When the specified before-image prefix is appended to the column name, the name is longer than the maximum allowed column name limit on the non-DB2 relational server. The column name is truncated from the trailing end such that the length of the column name is equal to the maximum length.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1737W The replication action action_name is unable to derive enough information to re-create the procedure or the trigger definition on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table.


The procedure or trigger definition on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table prunes the CCD tables for all the registered nicknames. Each time that a nickname is registered or dropped from the registration, the procedure or trigger on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table is dropped and rebuilt using the new information for that particular nickname. The information specified for this registration does not contain the necessary information to define the procedure or the trigger on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table; therefore, the generated script does not contain a DROP or CREATE statement for the procedure or trigger.

User response

Drop the registration for the missing nickname or the missing table.

ASN1738W The procedure or trigger name on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table could not be found on the remote server.


The procedure or trigger definition on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table recognizes the CCD tables for all the registered nicknames. Each time a registration is created, the procedure or trigger on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table is dropped and re-created with the existing and new registration information. The definitions stored in the control tables indicate that there are prior registrations on this server, but the procedure on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table could not be found. The procedure will still be created on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table with the definitions stored in the control tables.

User response

Ensure that the generated procedure or trigger statement on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table has all the registered sources.

ASN1739W The column name column_name of data type datatype in the user table will be created as a new data type new_datatype in the CCD table in the non-DB2 relational database. The reason code is reason_code.


The following value is valid for the reason code:

You cannot insert or update a column of data type TIMESTAMP in a Sybase or a Microsoft SQL Server database. A CCD table is being created on one of the non-DB2 relational systems with a column using data type TIMESTAMP (IBMSNAP_SYBTMSTMP column or the IBMSNAP_MSTMSTMP column). A table in a Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server database cannot have more than one column with a data type of TIMESTAMP; therefore, the data type of the column in the user table will be converted to a Binary(8) data type.

User response

No action is necessary if the new data type is acceptable. If the new data type is unacceptable, do not run the generated script. Remove the specified column selection from the registration definition and reissue the task.

ASN1740W The CCD nickname nicknameowner.nickname exists in the federated server but the remote CCD table tableowner.tablename does not exist in the non-DB2 server. This table information will not be included in the re-creation of the PRUNCNTL procedure or trigger.


The procedure or trigger definition on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table recognizes the CCD tables for all the registered nicknames. Each time a registration is created, the procedure or trigger on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table is dropped and re-created with the existing and new registration information. The remote CCD table does not exist on the non-DB2 server even though the nickname exists in the federated server. This table will not be included in the re-creation of the PRUNCNTL trigger or procedure.

User response

Determine why the CCD table was dropped. If the table was dropped by mistake, either drop the registration of that source or re-create the CCD table with the original definition.

ASN1741W The CCD nickname nicknameowner.nickname does not exist in the federated server. This table information will not be included in the re-creation of the PRUNCNTL procedure or trigger.


The procedure or trigger definition on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table recognizes the CCD tables for all the registered nicknames. Each time a registration is created, the procedure or trigger on the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table is dropped and re-created with the existing and new registration information. The CCD nickname does not exist in the federated server. This table will not be included in the re-creation of the PRUNCNTL trigger or procedure.

User response

Determine why the CCD nickname was dropped. If the nickname was dropped by mistake, either drop the registration of that source or re-create the CCD nickname.

ASN1742E The source nickname nickname_owner.nickname on the platform platform cannot be registered without first migrating registrations to the architecture level arch_level.


There are existing registrations in the IBMSNAP_REGISTER table for non-DB2 relational sources that pertain to an earlier architecture level. You cannot register a new source until you migrate all registrations to the new architecture level.

User response

Migrate your existing registrations for non-DB2 relational sources to the current architecture level. For details, refer to Migrating to SQL Replication Version 8.

ASN1800E The subscription set set_name already exists for the Apply qualifier apply_qual, WHOS_ON_FIRST whos_on_first, at the Apply control server server_alias.


There can only be one subscription set with the same name, for a given Apply qualifier and Apply control server. No script is generated.

User response

Create a new set name, or add new members to the existing set.

ASN1801E The statement number statement_number is associated with a statement string length statement_stringlength that exceeds the maximum statement length for the Apply qualifier apply_qual, the set name set_name, WHOS_ON_FIRST value whos_on_first, at the Apply control server server_alias.


The length of the statement exceeds the allowed limit (1024 in V8). No script is generated.

User response

Rework the statement string so that its length is less than the allowed limits.

ASN1802W The Replication subscription source member is defined with RECAPTURE='N'. All changes to the replica target will not be propagated to the other replica targets.


In an update-anywhere scenario, changes made in one target replica will not be recaptured at the source when RECAPTURE='N'. If there is more than one target replica that subscribes to the same source, then the changes made to one target replica will not be reflected in the other replica targets.

User response

If you want the changes propagated to the other replica targets, set RECAPTURE='Y'.

ASN1803I There exist orphan_statements Replication subscription set statements from a previously defined subscription set that was later dropped. These orphan statements are not dropped for the subscription set, for the provided Apply qualifier, at the provided Apply control server.


A previous subscription set was dropped, without dropping all its appropriate statements. A script is generated for the new subscription set which shares the same name as the previous subscription set that was dropped. The previous subscription Statements are not dropped.

User response

Issue a Drop Subscription Statements to delete the orphan statements.

ASN1804I The Replication subscription set MAX_SYNCH_MINUTES maxsynch_minutes is not within the allowed range for the provided subscription set and Apply qualifier, at the provided Apply control server. The Replication default value is used instead.


The valid range for this column is 0 to 999.

User response

No action is required if the default value of 30 minutes is acceptable.

ASN1805I The Replication subscription set COMMIT_COUNT commitcount_value is not within the allowed range for the provided subscription set and Apply qualifier, at the provided Apply control server. The Replication default value is used instead.


The valid range for this column is 0 to 999.

User response

No action is required if the default value of 0 minutes is acceptable.

ASN1806E The replication action ended in error for the Apply qualifier apply_qualifier, subscription-set name set_name, WHOS_ON_FIRST value whos_on_first, source member sourceowner.sourcetable, source view qualifier source_view_qual, target member targetowner.targettable. The subscription-set member cannot be added to the provided subscription set. Reason code reason_code.


The subscription set would be not be valid if the member were added. No script is generated. The following values are valid for the reason code:

The subscription set has reached its maximum limit for members.
The source member for the Capture schema is not the same as the subscription set for the Capture schema.
The iSeries source member is not the same as the subscription set journal.
The condensed table member structure is incompatible with the other member structures.
The source member does not support change-capture replication, but the target member relies on change-capture. The target structure is either a CCD or replica table, but the source has no CD table.
The source member is not a complete table.
The target member definition expects the existence of the target table, but the target table does not exist.
The target member definition asks for creation of the target table, but the target table already exists.
The set contains only full refresh supported target tables, but the new member supports change-capture replication.
The set contains only target tables supported by change-capture replication, but the new member supports full refresh only.
Replica rule: if target member is a replica, the source member can be either a replica or a user table.
The target structure is not supported for this operating system.
The target structure is a CCD, which is set as a registration source (autoregistration), but the structure is not complete
The source member is not registered.
The source member columns have column definitions, but the target type is not an aggregate.
At least one of the excluded target columns from the subscription set is neither nullable nor NOT NULL with defaults.
The target member is a view that cannot be updated.
The subscription-set member already exists.
Unable to find a target column or expression with a valid mapping to the registered source.
Multiple effective sources have been found but have not been defined consistently.
The external CCD table is noncondensed and contains either DataLink or LOB columns.
The source member journal library or journal name does not match.
The remote journal name is not valid.
The journal name or library is not valid.
A replica table with remote journaling is not allowed.
An internal CCD table already exists for the specified registered source table.
The source and target servers must be the same for internal CCD tables.
The internal CCD table must be noncomplete.
The source table is remotely journalled and contains LOBs or DATALINK columns.
No related information exists in the IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table.
No related information exists in the IBMSNAP_PRUNE_SET table.
An internal CCD table with a view as a source is not allowed.
The target table is already shared by another existing member, and a conflict has been detected between the replication definitions with respect to the values of the NAME, IS_KEY, EXPRESSION, and TYPE fields stored in the IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLS table and the definitions requested for the new member.
The source is on a non-DB2 server and the requested target type is a replica. This scenario is not supported.
The specified source member does not have a valid nickname at the target server. The error occurred for one of the following reasons:
  • You did not provide a nickname when creating the source member.
  • You provided a nickname that does not exist at the target server and one cannot be created for you.
  • You provided an object that is not a nickname.
  • You provided a nickname that does exist at the target server but it is not associated with the specified source member.

User response

For reason codes 1 through 34, either create the new member in a different subscription set or create a new subscription set for the new member.

For reason code 35, make sure that you provide a valid nickname that already exists at the target server and is associated with the source member.

ASN1807I The replication subscription member is added to the provided subscription set and Apply qualifier, at the provided Apply control server with an informational clause. Reason code reason_code.


This message is for your information only, and no action is required. A script is generated. The following values are valid for reason code:

The new set results in a mixture of replica and read-only target members.
The subscription set supports transaction commit counts, but the target member does not qualify for transaction processing.
At least one member has a target member that is a CCD table, but not all members have a target member CCD table. Different generations of tables are contained in the same set.
The target member is a non-condensed, non-complete CCD table, without extra columns from IBMSNAP. This target table is essentially the same as the CD table.

User response

Review the reason codes in the explanation, and respond with the following options:

Consider keeping all the replica tables in one set, and the read-only tables in another.
Consider keeping all the target types that support transaction processing in the same set, and other tables in another set.
To maintain a consistent age of data across sets, consider keeping all the CCD target tables, which are part of the same generation, in the same set. Also, consider keeping all non-CCD target tables in a different set. The second set depends on the data being in the first set, as, for example in the middle-tier stage.
Consider whether you need the CCD target table.

ASN1808E The replication action ended in error for Apply qualifier apply_qualifier, set name set_name, WHOS_ON_FIRST whos_on_first, source member sourceowner.sourcetable, source view qualifier source_view_qual, target member targetowner.targettable. The subscription target member expects its index key columns to be updated but at least one index key does not have its before-image column registered in the subscription source member.


The target table allows its index keys to be updated (PRIMARY_KEY_CHG = 'Y'). To support this requirement, the Apply program needs to access the before-image columns of the index keys. So these before-image columns must exist in the Change Data table for the source member. If they do not exist, the Apply program fails. A script is not generated.

User response

For each column of the subscription target index:
  • Check if the before-image column for that column is already registered in the source member, at the Capture server.
  • If not, register the appropriate before-image column.

ASN1809W The replication action expects a subscription index key columns to be updated but the subscription member will be added to the subscription set without allowing updates to the target index key columns. Reason code reason_code.


In the cases listed, the PRIMARY_KEY_CHG settings are meaningless. A script is generated that was updated with Replication definitions that override user-provided definitions. The following values are valid for reason code:


The target table type CCD: PRIMARY_KEY_CHG is not valid.


The value of the CHG_UPD_TO_DEL_INS in the IBMSNAP_REGISTER table is set to 'Y'.


The target table is not condensed.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1810W The subscription set member is defined on the source server with DB2 referential integrity constraints, but the target member is a replica that does not preserve these constraints.


Referential integrity constraints at the target table are not enforced by DB2 at the replica site. This might not be the intended behavior at the replica site. A script is generated, and the script might not be ready to execute.

User response

Update the generated script to include the appropriate referential constraints at the target if needed.

ASN1811W The index definition for the target subscription member cannot guarantee proper uniqueness at the target. Reason code reason_code.


The Apply program relies on the unique index definition to correctly update and delete rows in the target table, for some target types. If the provided index does not guarantee uniqueness, the Apply program will have some rework. Understand your application to ensure that this will not be the case. The following values are valid for reason code:

At least one column is generated by an SQL function, which does not guarantee the uniqueness of the index.
In a unique index, nullable columns are not generated by SQL functions.

User response

For each column of the subscription target index:
  • Check if the column type in the Apply control server ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLS, COL_TYPE, is 'F'
  • If so, redefine the index column expression not to include a SQL expression, or remove that column from the index key (ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLS, IS_KEY column is set to 'N').

ASN1812E The replication action ended in error for Apply qualifier apply_qualifier, set name set_name, WHOS_ON_FIRST value whos_on_first, source member sourceowner.sourcetable, source view qualifier source_view_qual, target member targetowner.targettable. The subscription target member cannot be added because the required target key is not valid. Reason code reason_code.


Target members that require a unique index are target types of point-in-time, user copy, and replica tables, and condensed CCDs. If these targets do not have a unique index, the Apply program fails. A script is not generated. The following values are valid for reason code:

The target table does not already exist but the target key information could not be derived from the source table.
The target key information cannot be found nor derived, and the RRN is not defined for the CD table (iSeries only).
The target table or view already exists but the required target key information is missing.
The target table or view already exists but the target key information is incompatible with the existing partitioning key information.
The target table of type replica already exists. The specified column is part of the target key information but the source key information does not contain this column. The keys on both the source and the target members must match when the target table is of type replica.
The specified target key column is not found in the target table definition.

User response

Define a valid target key. Take the specific actions for the following reason codes:
Create the appropriate unique index on the source table so that it can be used to derive the replication suggested index.
Provide the required target key information.
Refer to the SQL reference for the DB2 rules on partitioning indexes. For example, the key that you provided might not include the required partitioning key.
Modify the target or the source key information appropriately so that replication can derive the correct index.
Verify the column name.

ASN1813I The Replication subscription source member is defined on the source server with some DB2 constraints, but the subscription target member does not preserve these constraints. Reason code reason_code.


Constraints at the source table are not enforced by DB2 if they are not specified during the target member definition. This might not be the intended behavior at the replica table server. A script is generated that might not be ready to execute. Constraints are described in the following valid values for reason code:

At least one NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT clause in the target member.
Partitioned table space.

User response

Update the generated script to include the appropriate DB2 constraints at the target, if needed.

ASN1814E The target column column_name of data type datatype cannot be added to subscription target member tableowner.tablename. Reason code reason_code.


The subscription member fails the subscription column checks. A script is not generated. The following values are valid for reason code:

The column data type is not supported by replication. Data types that are not supported by DB2 prompt the replication programs to issue message ASN1648E.
The target data type is incompatible with the corresponding source data type.
The column is not found in the source table registration.
The column type is not supported for federated targets.
The target column is a LOB. The maximum number of LOB columns is exceeded for the target member.
The source column contains SQL column function, but the target member structure is neither base aggregate nor change aggregate.
The target table type is replica, and the source column is a LOB column.
The target table type is replica, and source column is DATALINK value. But the CONFLICT_LEVEL > 0.
A noncondensed CCD target table with LOB columns is not supported.
The column is not in the existing target table.
The target column is already defined in the subscription member definition.
The data-type definition of the specified column prevents either an insert or an update operation or both on the column.
The specified target column name does not match the mapped source column name. The target column name cannot be different from that of the source column name because the target table is a replica.
The target column is mapped from a before-image column in the source and the source column can contain null values; however, the target column is neither nullable nor not null with default.
The specified target column name does not match with the mapped CD column name. The target column name cannot be different from that of the CD because the target table is an internal CCD.

User response

Review the reason code in the explanation and respond as follows:

Change the data type to one that is supported.
Make sure the target data type matches the source data type.
Register the column of the source table.
Choose a valid data type that is supported for federated targets.
Make sure the number of LOB columns at the target member does not exceed the allowable limit.
Change either the source column expression or the target table structure.
Remove the LOB column for the replica target from the subscription member.
Remove the DATALINK column from the subscription member if the replica needs a conflict level greater than 0. Otherwise, change the replica conflict level.
Remove the LOB columns.
Verify the column name.
Verify the column name.
Remove the column from the subscription target member.
Make sure that the target column name matches the mapped column name in the source column name.
Modify the definition of the column in the target member to allow null or default values.
Make sure that the target column name matches the mapped column name in the CD table.

ASN1815E The replication action ended in error. The subscription set set_name for Apply qualifier apply_qual, WHOS_ON_FIRST whos_on_first is to be dropped if empty, but at least one member exists for this set. The subscription set cannot be dropped.


The subscription set is not dropped because at least one member exists in the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_MEMBR at the provided Apply control server, for the provided Apply qualifier of the particular subscription set. A script is not generated.

User response

Drop the subscription members that still exist, and then drop the subscription set. Alternatively, issue the Drop Subscription Set task, with no requirement for the subscription set to be empty.

ASN1816W The Replication subscription set contains at least one member that will be dropped once the subscription set is dropped.


When a subscription set is dropped successfully, all the set members are automatically dropped also.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1818W The Replication subscription member is updated with new subscription Where Clause predicates. Previous predicates already exist for the subscription member. They will be overwritten by the new predicate information.


The specified member already contains a predicate. The new predicate overwrites the old one. A script is generated.

User response

Provide the complete predicate clause for the replication task. You might need to update the predicate clause if does not contain all of the existing predicate clause.

ASN1819W The Replication subscription set is disabled successfully. Note however that disabling a subscription set has a direct impact to the Capture pruning logic of all source members for that subscription set.


The Capture pruning logic does not prune any CD table until the dependent subscription members have been populated by the Apply program. A script is generated. It might need to be updated, if the disabling of the subscription set is not the ideal choice, and dropping the subscription set is a better option.

User response

If the subscription set is going to be disabled for a considerable amount of time that the pruning process of the CD tables will be impacted, or if the impact to the CD tables for the dependent registered sources will impact dramatically the Capture program and the Capture server CD tables, then consider dropping the subscription set and creating it again later, instead of simply disabling it. Alternatively, deactivate the appropriate registrations.

ASN1820E The replication string for subscription set set_name, apply qualifier apply_qual, WHOS_ON_FIRST whos_on_first contains DB2 syntax that is not valid. The string type is string_type, string text is string_text and SQL message is sql_message.


The specified string is not a valid. A script is not generated.

User response

Please correct the appropriate object syntax and issue the replication task again.

ASN1821W Dependent subscription sets will no longer be valid after the existing subscription set is dropped, if this subscription set contains target members that are registered sources at its target server.


The dependent subscriptions rely on their source member tables to exist. If these source members are maintained as replication targets, and these targets are dropped, then the Apply program fails when it processes the dependent subscription sets. Dependent subscription sets might be impacted if the captureserver.IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL table at the target server contains SOURCE_OWNER or SOURCE_TABLE rows for which these values are the target tables being dropped. A script is generated.

User response

Deactivate or drop the dependent subscription sets before running the script, if required.

ASN1822E The replication action ended in error for Apply qualifier apply_qual, set name set_name, source member sourceowner.sourcename, target member targetowner.targetname. The provided subscription member does not exist for the provided subscription set.


The specified member cannot be found in the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_MEMBR for the provided Apply qualifier at the provided Apply control server.

User response

Make sure the Apply qualifier, set name, member name, and control server provided are correct.

ASN1823E The subscription set set_name does not exist for the Apply qualifier apply_qual, WHOS_ON_FIRST whos_on_first, at the Apply control server server_alias.


The specified subscription set cannot be found in the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET for the provided Apply qualifier at the provided Apply control server.

User response

Make sure the Apply qualifier, set name, member name, and control server provided are correct.

ASN1824W The Replication subscription set was updated with a COMMIT_COUNT of 0.


The source is a view of multiple tables, and the commit count is null for the set. A Commit count of 0 is enforced for the set.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1825W The replication action to drop a member did not drop the view.


Even though the request was made to drop the view the action was not completed as requested.

User response

You need to manually drop the view.

ASN1826W The Capture schema capture_schema does not exist at the provided source server.


Please make sure the Capture schema exists before adding any members to the subscription set.

User response

Create the Capture server control tables at the source server with the Capture schema specified.

ASN1827W The column target_columnname of the target member target_member does not preserve a DB2 column attribute of the corresponding column source_columnname of the source member source_member. Reason code reason_code.


A DB2 column attribute of the source column differs from the corresponding target column. The following values are valid for reason code:

The source column is nullable and the target column is not nullable.
The source column is not nullable and the target column is nullable.
The source column has a default value and the target column has none.
The target column has a default value and the source column has none.

User response

If the reason code is 1, then check whether there are null values in the source column that will be applied to the target column. If necessary, change the target column to NULLABLE. Alternatively, update the generated script to include the appropriate DB2 attributes at the target, if needed.

ASN1828E The replication action ended in error for Apply qualifier apply_qual, set name set_name, source member sourceowner.sourcename, target member targetowner.targetname. When the subscription target server is a non-IBM target server, either the action is not supported or is supported with restrictions. Reason Code is reason_code.


These are current restrictions. No script is generated. The following values are valid for reason code:

Not supported.
Supported for the following target table structures: point-in-time, CCD, user copy.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1829I A valid nickname nicknameowner.nickname is found for the subscription target table. Data type mapping rules for columns are enforced. The nickname is used as is.


An existing target nickname was found in the federated database that is valid for this subscription (the data type mapping checks for columns are valid). However, there is no check to validate the existence of the target table on the non-DB2 relational database server.

User response

Make sure that the remote table exists for the provided nickname. Otherwise, the Apply program fails.

ASN1830E The replication action ended in error for the Apply qualifier apply_qualifier, subscription set set_name, whos on first value of whos_on_first, source member sourceowner-sourcetable, source view qualifier source_view_qual, target member targetowner-targettable, and predicate of predicate. The subscription-set member cannot be added to this subscription set. The reason code is reason_code.


The subscription-set member is invalid, and no script is generated. A possible reason code is:


The predicate references columns from non-existing CD or UOW tables.

User response

Verify the accuracy of the specified predicate, and refer to the documentation on advanced change predicate features.

ASN1831E The replication action ended in error. No subscription statements exist for the subscription set set_name for the Apply qualifier apply_qual, with a whos on first value of whos_on_first, at the Apply control server control_server.


No subscription statements exist for the specified subscription-set name with this Apply qualifier.

User response

Verify that the specified subscription-set name under this Apply qualifier contains subscription-set statements.

ASN1832W A column named column_name already exists in the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLS control table.


The specified column already exists in the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLS table.

User response

No action is required.

ASN1833E The CCSID Unicode_ASCII_EBCDIC of the change data (CD) table cdowner.cdname for the source table sourceowner.sourcetable does not match the CCSID Unicode_ASCII_EBCDIC of the IBMSNAP_UOW table for the capture schema capture_schema. The provided subscription member definition would require a join of these two tables.


For the given capture schema, the Apply program will join the IBMSNAP_UOW table and the CD table of the given source if either the target type of the associated subscription-set member is not user copy, or if any columns of the IBMSNAP_UOW table are used in the WHERE clause of the subscription-set member. If the Apply program processes such a subscription-set member defined with the given source table and capture schema by joining the CD table of the source table with the IBMSNAP_UOW table, an error will occur because of the different encoding schemes of the tables.

User response

Take one of the following actions:

  • Select a target type of user copy and do not use columns of the IBMSNAP_UOW table in the WHERE clause of the subscription member.
  • Register the source using a different capture schema and create the CD table in a table space with the same encoding scheme as those of the IBMSNAP_UOW table of the new capture schema.

ASN1834W The default target capture schema of 'ASN' will be used for the subscription set.


The subscription set requires a target Capture schema, and the default value of 'ASN' is used.

User response

No action is required if the default is appropriate for the target Capture Schema column in this subscription set.

ASN1835W The target column column_name of data type datatype has been added to the subscription-set member target tableowner.tablename and source sourceowner.sourcename, but the corresponding source column column_name of data type datatype can contain data that is not applicable to the target column. Reason code reason_code.


The source column definition does not exactly match with the target column definition. Therefore, if the data that is selected from the source by the Apply program is not appropriate for the target column, the Apply program might fail or might modify the source data (by truncating it). Note: If your application does not generate data that will make the Apply program fail, there is no problem with the definition mismatch.

The following values are valid for the reason code:


The target column length is less than the resolved source column expression.


The target column scale is less than the resolved source column expression.


The target column precision is less than the resolved source column expression.


The target and source column data types are compatible only for certain source values.

User response

If possible, change the definitions at the target site to be compatible with the source definitions. (This is usually driven by the applications that run at the target site.)

If you must keep the definition mismatch (because you have a specific reason why the target definitions must be different than the source definitions), review your applications to ensure that the definition mismatch will not cause a run-time problem.

ASN1836W The target table will not be dropped because it is registered as a source under the Capture schema schemaname.


The target table is registered as a source under the specified Capture schema. If the table is dropped, the registration will no longer be valid.

User response

Drop the registration for the table, and then drop the table.

ASN1837W The DB2 target tableowner.tablename is not dropped.


The target table is a replica or an external consistent-change data (CCD) table (CCD). The table is also registered at the target server so it may be the source for dependent targets. The table cannot be dropped automatically.

User response

Drop the registered source for the replica or external CCD table. Then, manually drop the DB2 target table or delete the replica or external CCD subscription member. The deletion of the member will drop the DB2 target table.

ASN1838E The replication action action_name ended in error. The OS/400 table tableowner.tablename cannot be used as a replica target subscription member. The reason code is reason_code.


The following values are valid for the reason code:

The specified target table name does not exist or its schema is not created using either the "Create Collection" or "Create Schema" command; therefore, the specified table is not journaled. The journal information of the target table is required when registering the target table in the 'F' direction subscription set for the replica. The table needs to be created on an OS/400 system.
The specified target table exists but there is no journaling information for the table. The journal information of the target table is required at the time of registering the target table in the 'F' direction set for the replica.

User response

The action you must take depends on the reason code:
If the table target table does not exist: Create the target table, journal it with both before-images and after-images, then reissue the task. If the target table exists: Journal the table with both before-images and after-images, then reissue the task.
Journal the specified target table with both before-images and after-images, then reissue the task.

ASN1839I The base table tableowner.tablename of the source view viewowner.viewname has been chosen to be updated by the replica target.


The source member is of type view in this replica scenario. Views cannot be updated; therefore, the registered base table of the view that has the largest number of columns will be used as the target member in the 'F' direction.

User response

Verify that your scenario is still valid.

ASN1840W The target database is on an OS/400 system.


The target database is on an OS/400 system and the target table space definition will be ignored.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1841E The expression expression_name specified in the target column colname for the subscription target member targetowner.targetname failed. The checks performed against the respective subscription source member sourceowner.sourcename returned an SQL error (sqlcode = sqlcode, sqlstate = sqlstate).


A series of checks are performed on the given expression value for the target member against the source member to ensure data integrity rules. The specified expression failed in one or more of the checks performed.

User response

Refer to the SQL message returned and the SQL reference for any additional information.

ASN1842W The internal CCD table ccdowner.ccdname has fewer number of columns than the CD table cdowner.cdtable of the source object sourceowner.sourcename. For this source, existing members that were defined before the internal CCD was defined might become invalid.


The internal CCD table takes precedence over the CD table when Apply tries to apply the changes to the target. An internal CCD is created for the specified source, which already has a CD table and subscription members defined. Some of the columns in the CD table do not exist in the internal CCD table and those members that were defined before the CCD table was created will become invalid.

User response

Make sure that your scenario is valid.

ASN1843E The replication action action_name ended in error for Apply qualifier apply_qualifier, set name set_name, WHOS_ON_FIRST whos_on_first, source member source_owner.sourcetable, source_view_qualifier source_view_qualifier, and target member targetowner.targetname.


For OS/400 only. Duplicate rows are not allowed in the IBMSNAP_REG_EXT table for each combination of source_owner, source_table, and source_view_qualifier.

User response

Delete the row from the IBMSNAP_REG_EXT table that does not belong and reissue the task.

ASN1844E The replication action action_name ended in error for Apply qualifier apply_qualifier, set name set_name, WHOS_ON_FIRST whos_on_first, source member source_owner.sourcetable, source_view_qualifier source_view_qualifier, and target member targetowner.targetname. The specified source table and the source table registration reside on different servers.


The source table and the source table registration can reside on different servers only if both the source database and the Capture database are located on iSeries machines. At least one of the servers is not on an iSeries system.

User response

Make sure the source table and the source table registration reside on the same server before reissuing the task.

ASN1845E The replication action ended in error. The table name length length of the target member targetowner.targetname exceeds the allowed limit of max_limit imposed by the z/OS replication control tables on the server server.


The z/OS replication control tables are created with the maximum length of the table name as 30 characters. The error message was received because either the Capture control server or the Apply control server or both are on a z/OS system, and the specified target table name length is greater than 30. The subscription set member cannot be created.

User response

Ensure that the table name length of the target member is not longer than 30 characters. In some cases the source database restrictions limit the capabilities at the target, because the target table name must be stored at the Capture control server and at the Apply control server. In such cases, you can create a view of the target table using a name that is less than or equal to 30 characters, and define the subscription set member using the target view name.

ASN1846E The set contains one or more invalid members. The original error message was original_message.


An error has occurred while promoting the given set because the set has one or more invalid members.

User response

Verify the information that you are inputting is correct, and reissue the task.

ASN1847E The view viewowner.viewname contains an unsupported definition.


You are unable to map a view column to the corresponding base table column because the view definition is unsupported.

User response

Verify that the view definition is correct, and reissue the task.

ASN1848W The index or constraint index_constraint_name could not be created on targetowner.targetname of type object_name. The view definition did not provide a column mapping for all key columns.


The target object is a view. A target key will be created on the view. The unique index supporting this target key could not be created on the base table of the view because the view columns used for the target key could not be mapped to the base table columns.

User response

Create the index on the base table manually.

ASN1849E The replication subscription set set_name cannot be promoted for the specified Apply qualifier at the specified Apply control server. The reason code is reason_code.


The following value is valid for the reason code:

Either the Capture server or the target server is a federated database. Promote subscription works only for subscription sets on two DB2 systems.

User response

This is a current restriction, and no action is required.

ASN1850W The value of the column column_name of data type decimal will be truncated when it is mapped to a column with data type of integer.


The specified column can contain rational digits, but it is mapped to an integer column. Some of the digits in the original data might be truncated.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action required.

ASN1851E The DB2 object object_name of type type cannot be added to the table tableowner.tablename because a conflict exists between the new properties and the partitioning key of that table.


The specified object cannot be added to the table definition because the new definitions and the existing table properties cannot coexist according to the DB2 rules for the coexistence of table constraints for partitioned tables.

User response

See the SQL Reference for further details on table constraints.

ASN1852E The DB2 object object_name of type type cannot be added to the table tableowner.tablename because a conflict exists between the new properties and the existing partitioning key partitioning_key.


The specified object cannot be added to the table definition because the new definitions and the existing table properties for the partitioning key cannot coexist according to the DB2 rules for the coexistence of table constraints for partitioned tables.

User response

See the SQL Reference for further details on table constraints.

ASN1853E The DB2 table tableowner.tablename definitions conflict with the index indexowner.indexname and the partitioning keys of the table.


The specified index definition and the partitioning keys have conflicting definitions and cannot co-exist according to the DB2 rules for the coexistence of index properties and partitioning keys for partitioned tables.

User response

See the SQL Reference for further details on table constraints.

ASN1854E The definition of the table tableowner.tablename is not complete on a z/OS platform. The reason code is reason_code.


The following value is valid for the reason code:

The table definition is missing the required properties such as unique indexes supporting a ROWID, a primary key, and unique constraints, or LOB column properties such as a ROWID, LOB table spaces, auxiliary tables, and auxiliary indexes. At least one of the these mentioned needs to be present in the table definition to make it complete.

User response

Redefine the table definition to include the required table properties.

ASN1855E The after-image column column_name used for the target key change was not found in the replica table tableowner.table_name.


You selected the target key change option for the key column during subscription. The corresponding after-image column was not found in the replica source table.

User response

Make sure that the original after-image column is available for subscription in the replica source.

ASN1856E The replication action action_name ended in error. The check for the OS/400 collection name collection_name failed. The native OS/400 message is OS/400_message.


The specified OS/400 collection is not valid. The script will not be generated

User response

Refer to the iSeries Console Log for more details on error information.

ASN1857E The replication action action_name ended in error. The source table sourceowner.sourcename has an internal CCD table that is defined as condensed, and the target targetowner.targetname is being requested as a non-condensed target.


The definitions stored in the replication control tables indicate that the source member already exists in another subscription set with an internal CCD defined as condensed. The same source member is being added as a source in another subscription set, but the target member is non-condensed. The data at the source side is already condensed and cannot be copied to a non-condensed target. The script will not be generated

User response

Modify the target member definitions and reissue the task.

ASN1858E The table type type for table tableowner.tablename is not supported for this DB2 platform.


The specified type of the table or view is not supported for the DB2 platform. You can include only certain types of tables as sources or targets in a subscription, depending on the DB2 platform.

User response

Include only supported tables or views.

ASN1859E The replication action action_name ended in error for Apply qualifier apply_qualifier, set name set_name, WHOS_ON_FIRST whos_on_first, source member source_owner.sourcetable, source_view_qualifier source_view_qualifier, target member targetowner.targetname. The crossloader option is being used for this member, but the values for the nickname owner and the nickname table are missing.


The value for the LOADX_TYPE column in the IBMSNAP_SUBS_MEMBR table is 3 for the specified member. This value indicates that the crossloader will be used for this member. A nickname for the source table must be created at the target server and specified in the LOAD_SRC_N_OWNER and LOAD_SRC_N_TABLE columns. One or both of these values are missing.

User response

Provide a value for either the LOAD_SRC_N_OWNER field or the LOAD_SRC_N_TABLE field, and reissue the task.

ASN1860W The target member targetowner.targetname does not exist, and a script to drop the member will not be generated.


The target table, view or nickname does not exist on the target database and it will not be dropped.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1861E The subscription set member cannot be created for target targetowner.targetname because the target is already a member of the set, and the existing member definition conflicts with the requested definition.


The columns in the IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLS control table already contain values for NAME, IS_KEY, EXPRESSION, and TYPE and those values differ from the ones requested for the new member. A script for creating the new member is not generated.

User response

To create the new subscription set member, use the same target properties as those that are stored in the IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLS table.

ASN1862E The replication action ended in error for the Apply qualifier apply_qualifier, subscription-set name set name, WHOS_ON_FIRST value whos_on_first, source member sourceowner.sourcetable, source view qualifier source_view_qual, target member targetowner.targettable. The subscription set member cannot be updated for the provided set.


The specified source member does not have a valid nickname at the target server. The error occurred for one of the following reasons:
  • You did not provide a nickname when creating the source member.
  • You provided a nickname that does not exist at the target server and one cannot be created for you.
  • You provided an object that is not a nickname.
  • You provided a nickname that does exist at the target server but it is not associated with the specified source member.

User response

Make sure that you provide a valid nickname that already exists at the target server and is associated with the source member.

ASN1863E The replication action ended in error. The table owner length length of the source member sourceowner.sourcename exceeds the allowed limit of max_limit imposed by the replication control tables on the server server.


The Capture server is on a Version 8 new-function mode DB2 subsystem and the Apply control server is either on a workstation or an earlier version of DB2 for z/OS. The maximum length allowed for a schema name on a Version 8 new-function mode DB2 subsystem is much longer than the length allowed on this server.

User response

Redefine your setup to use a Version 8 new-function mode DB2 subsystem as the Apply control server and issue the task.

ASN1864E The replication action ended in error. The table owner length length of the target member targetowner.targetname exceeds the allowed limit of max_limit imposed by the replication control tables on the server server.


The target server is on a Version 8 new-function mode DB2 subsystem and either the Apply control server or the Capture control server is on a workstation or an earlier version of DB2 for z/OS. The maximum length allowed for a schema name on a Version 8 new-function mode DB2 subsystem is much longer than the length allowed on the control server.

User response

Redefine your setup to use a Version 8 new-function mode DB2 subsystem as either the Apply control server or the Capture control server.

ASN1865E The replication action ended in error. The architecture level arch_level on the Capture control server for the Capture schema capture_schema is not supported on the Version 8 new-function mode DB2 subsystem.


The specified Capture control server is on a Version 8 new-function mode DB2 subsystem and the architecture level value obtained from the capture_schema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER table must be 0805. The architecture level obtained from the table is not 0805. You are running replication in Version 8 new-function mode; however, you did not migrate your control tables to support the new architecture level. No script is generated.

User response

Run the migration program AASNSAMP member(ASNM2V8) to alter the replication control table definitions. This migration program sets the architecture level to 0805 and alters some of the columns of the control tables to a longer length.

ASN1866E The replication action ended in error. The architecture level arch_level on the Apply control server is not compatible with the Version 8 new-function mode DB2 subsystem where it is defined.


The specified Apply control server is on a Version 8 new-function mode DB2 subsystem and the architecture level obtained from the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET table does not support Version 8 new-function mode DB2 subsystems. No script is generated.

User response

Migrate the Apply control tables to the latest architecture level and then retry the action.

ASN1867E The replication action ended in error for the Apply qualifier apply_qualifier, subscription-set name set_name, WHOS_ON_FIRST value whos_on_first, source member sourceowner.sourcetable, source view qualifier source_view_qual, target member target_owner.target_table. The subscription-set member cannot be added to the provided subscription set without first migrating subscription sets to the current architecture level. Reason code reason_code.


The subscription set would not be valid if the member were added. No script is generated. The following values are valid for the reason code:
There are existing registrations in the schema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER table for Oracle sources that pertain to an earlier architecture level. You cannot add a new member to this set until you migrate all registrations to the new architecture level.
There are existing subscription-set members in the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SETS table for Oracle sources that pertain to an earlier architecture level. You cannot subscribe to a new source until you migrate all subscription-set members to the new architecture level.

User response

Migrate your existing registrations for non-DB2 relational sources to the current architecture level. For details, refer to Migrating to SQL Replication Version 8.

ASN1900E The table or view objectowner.objectname cannot be promoted to the new server. Reason code reason_code.


The following values are valid for reason code:

The table type on this operating system is not supported for promote request.
The source server operating system required for the promote needs to match the target server operating system.
The table or view does not exist.

User response

Review the reason code in the explanation and respond as follows:

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.
Current restriction.
Verify that the table or view exists on the source server operating system.

ASN1901E The registered source source_owner.source_name cannot be promoted for Capture schema capture_schema at Capture server capture_server. Reason code reason_code.


The following values are valid for the reason code:

The table or view is not a registered source.
The registered source is a replica table.
The registered source is on DB2 for iSeries but has a remote journal.
The table or view has already been promoted.
A view on a view is not supported by the replication promote registration function.

User response

Review the reason code in the explanation, and respond as follows:

The table or view name that you specified in the IBMSNAP_REGISTER table contained no entries for the specified Capture schema. The table or view registration cannot be promoted for this particular Capture schema.
The table you specified is of type replica (with a SOURCE_STRUCTURE column value of 7) in the captureschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER table. The table cannot be promoted as a registered source. A replica can be promoted only within the context of a subscription set to ensure that proper definitions are maintained between the source user table and the replica target.
The registered source is maintained on DB2 for iSeries with a remote journal, which can be promoted only with SQL script.

ASN1902W Make sure that the schemas exist on the promoted Capture server before running the script. The Replication definitions will be incomplete if the object does not exist at the promoted Capture server.


The promote tasks allows you to provide a new Capture server and new Capture server schemas. However, the promote tasks do not connect to the new Capture server to verify the names and existence of the Capture server and schemas. You must verify this information before running the script to ensure that the script executes successfully.

User response

To generate the required objects, run the appropriate SQL prior to running the script.

ASN1903W The object objectowner.objectname does not exist on the promoted Apply control server, yet some promoted objects depend on its existence. Failure to create this object will result in incomplete Replication definitions at promoted Apply control server. Reason code reason_code.


Since the promote tasks allow you to provide a new Apply control server name, the tasks detect whether some required objects exist to ensure proper execution of the generated script. A script is generated, but is not ready to run. The following values are valid for reason code:

The Apply control server control tables do not exist.
The registration information for all source members of a promoted set.

User response

To generate the required objects, run the appropriate SQL prior to running the script.

ASN1904I The Replication subscription member is promoted successfully for the provided Apply qualifier, at the provided Apply control server. Reason code reason_code.


This message is for your information only; no action is required. A script is generated that might need some updates before being executed. The following values are valid for reason code:

The source member structure is incompatible with the target member structure.
The target member is a replica (replica1) that is also the source member of another replica (replica2.) The RECAPTURE value for the registration row of replica2 does not allow updates from the user table to be replicated at replica2.
The source member is a user table that is also the source member of more than one replica (replica1 and replica2). The RECAPTURE value for the registration row of the user table does not allow updates at replica1 to be replicated at replica2, and vice-versa.

User response

Review the reason code in the explanation, and respond as follows:

Check the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_MEMBR table, TARGET_STRUCTURE column. The value in the column should be compatible with the corresponding source member captureschema.IBMSNAP_REGISTER table, SOURCE_STRUCTURE column.
1, 2
Update the values, if needed.

ASN1905W The Capture server alias and the Capture schema name on both the host system and new system are the same. The generated replication definitions cannot work if run on the host system.


The promote task detected that the Capture server alias and the Capture schema name are the same on both on the host and new system. The generated SQL script must be modified, or it will fail when executed.

User response

Take one of the following actions: 1) Run the same task with different Capture server alias and Capture schema name values for the host or new system. 2) Or, change the Capture server alias or Capture schema name in the generated script.

ASN1950E ASNCLP : An unexpected token token_name was found. Valid tokens include list_of_tokens.


The command was entered with incorrect syntax.

User response

Check the documentation to verify your command syntax.

ASN1951E ASNCLP : The command was entered with profile profile_name that is not valid.


A profile must exist before it can be used in a command.

User response

Issue the corresponding SET PROFILE command, and then re-enter the command that failed.

ASN1952E ASNCLP : The program encountered an internal error.


The Replication command line processor encountered an unrecoverable error condition.

User response

Obtain the log file with the error, and contact IBM Software Support.

ASN1953I ASNCLP : Command completed.


All commands of this ASNCLP session completed successfully. Please note that some individual commands in this session may have produced errors, warnings, or informational messages.

User response

Check the ASNCLP log file for any errors, warnings, or informational messages produced by the commands in this session.

ASN1954E ASNCLP : Command failed.


At least one command in the ASNCLP session failed, and processing stopped.

User response

Look in the ASNCLP log file to diagnosis the error. Then fix the error, and try the command again.

ASN1955I ASNCLP : Using the following files: capture_script_file_name for the Capture SQL script, control_script_file_name for the control SQL script, target_script_file_name for the target SQL script, and log_file_name for the log file.


The ASNCLP session generated information in the specified files.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1956I ASNCLP : Generating SQL script files for action: action_name.


All input for this command has been successfully parsed, and the command that generates the script is now invoked.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1957E ASNCLP : The value value for the input parameter input_parameter is incorrect. The reason code is reason_code.


The value of the input parameter is incorrect. The following values are valid reason codes:


The input parameter is a character value but should be a numeric value.


The input parameter is a numeric value but should be a character value.


The command line processor cannot access the specified file.


The date must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd and the time must be in the format hh:mm:ss.fffffffff. All components of date and time are mandatory except for the fraction part of time, denoted by fffffffff. The hyphens and colons are also mandatory.


The value of RELEASE must be 91 (Version 9.1), 95 (Version 9.5), 97 (Version 9.7), or 9.7.3 (Version 9.7 Fix Pack 3).

User response

Check the reason code, and provide a valid input parameter value.

ASN1976E pgmname : program_qualifier. The specified database alias db_alias_name already exists in the password file password_file_name.


The key that you specified already exists in the password file.

User response

Enter this command again using the MODIFY parameter instead of the ADD parameter.

ASN1977E pgmname : program_qualifier. The value of the input parameter parameter_name is missing.


The indicated input parameter must be specified.

User response

Invoke the utility again using a valid input parameter value.

ASN1978E pgmname : program_qualifier. The value of the input parameter parameter_name is too long.


The asnpwd command supports a maximum of eight characters for the length of the database alias and a maximum of 128 characters for the length of both the user ID and the password. The specific lengths of the user ID and the password are dependent upon the operating system that you are using.

User response

Invoke the API using an input parameter with a valid length.

ASN1979E pgmname : program_qualifier. The program encountered an unexpected token token_name. Expected tokens include list_of_tokens.


The command was entered with incorrect syntax.

User response

Check the documentation to verify your command syntax.

ASN1980E pgmname : program_qualifier. The program did not complete successfully because reason.


The asnpwd command encountered system problems as indicated in the message.

User response

Take action based on the information in the message. Enter the command again after fixing the error.

ASN1981I pgmname : program_qualifier. The program completed successfully using password file password_file_name.


The asnpwd command completed successfully.

User response

This message is for your information only, and no action is required.

ASN1982E pgmname : program_qualifier. The specified database alias db_alias_name does not exist in the password file password_file_name.


The key that you specified with the MODIFY or DELETE parameter does not exist in the password file.

User response

Enter the command again using the ADD parameter.

ASN1983E pgmname : program_qualifier. The program cannot find the password file password_file_name.


No password file was found.

User response

Verify that the password file exists in the specified path. If you are using the Password Management utility for the first time, use the INIT parameter.

ASN1984E pgmname : program_qualifier. The program cannot be initialized because the password file password_file_name already exists.


The password file already exists in the specified path.

User response

Verify that the password file has been deleted. Then retry the command.

ASN1985E pgmname : program_qualifier. The program encountered an internal error when using the password file password_file_name.


The operating system produced an unexpected error when trying to access the password file. No information about this error is available. However, this error might have occurred if the password file was manually edited causing the format of the file to change.

User response

Retry the command. If the problem persists, use the INIT parameter to create a new password file.

ASN1986E pgmname : program_qualifier. The password file file_name contains encrypted information that cannot be listed.


Password files created using Encrypt All contain only encrypted data (alias, user ID, and password). Encrypted data cannot be listed. Data can be listed only from password files created using the Encrypt Password parameter.

User response

If you want to use the List option you must maintain a password file in which only the password is encrypted. You must delete the old password file using the asnpwd delete command and create a new password file using the asnpwd init encrypt password command.

ASN1987E program_name : program_identifier : The option_name option that was specified for the ASNPWD command is not supported on this operating system.


On 64-bit Windows operating systems, the ADD, MODIFY, DELETE, and LIST options of the ASNPWD command are not supported for password files that were created using the ASNPWD command before Version 9.5 Fix Pack 2. The ASNPWD command began using a new encryption method starting with this fix pack.

User response

Take one of the following actions:

  • Create a new password file using the ASNPWD INIT option. If you use this method, the password file can only be decrypted and read by replication programs that are at or newer than Version 9.5 Fix Pack 2. Do not use this method if an older replication program needs to read the password file.
  • Use a different operating system to change the password file by running the ASNPWD command with the ADD, MODIFY, DELETE, or LIST options.

ASN1988E program_name : program_identifier : The password file name contains encrypted information that cannot be read, listed, or updated.


Replication programs can read only password files that were created using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. This algorithm is used by the asnpwd command when it creates encrypted password files.

User response

Migrate the password file by using the asnpwd command with the migrate option, for example:

asnpwd migrate using mypwd.aut