DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Optimization strategies for intra-partition parallelism

The optimizer can choose an access plan to execute a query in parallel within a single database partition if a degree of parallelism is specified when the SQL statement is compiled.

At run time, multiple database agents called subagents are created to execute the query. The number of subagents is less than or equal to the degree of parallelism that was specified when the SQL statement was compiled.

To parallelize an access plan, the optimizer divides it into a portion that is run by each subagent and a portion that is run by the coordinating agent. The subagents pass data through table queues to the coordinating agent or to other subagents. In a partitioned database environment, subagents can send or receive data through table queues from subagents in other database partitions.

Intra-partition parallel scan strategies

Relational scans and index scans can be performed in parallel on the same table or index. For parallel relational scans, the table is divided into ranges of pages or rows, which are assigned to subagents. A subagent scans its assigned range and is assigned another range when it has completed work on the current range.

For parallel index scans, the index is divided into ranges of records based on index key values and the number of index entries for a key value. The parallel index scan proceeds like a parallel table scan, with subagents being assigned a range of records. A subagent is assigned a new range when it has completed work on the current range.

The optimizer determines the scan unit (either a page or a row) and the scan granularity.

Parallel scans provide an even distribution of work among the subagents. The goal of a parallel scan is to balance the load among the subagents and to keep them equally busy. If the number of busy subagents equals the number of available processors, and the disks are not overworked with I/O requests, the machine resources are being used effectively.

Other access plan strategies might cause data imbalance as the query executes. The optimizer chooses parallel strategies that maintain data balance among subagents.

Intra-partition parallel sort strategies

The optimizer can choose one of the following parallel sort strategies:
  • Round-robin sort

    This is also known as a redistribution sort. This method uses shared memory to efficiently redistribute the data as evenly as possible to all subagents. It uses a round-robin algorithm to provide the even distribution. It first creates an individual sort for each subagent. During the insert phase, subagents insert into each of the individual sorts in a round-robin fashion to achieve a more even distribution of data.

  • Partitioned sort

    This is similar to the round-robin sort in that a sort is created for each subagent. The subagents apply a hash function to the sort columns to determine into which sort a row should be inserted. For example, if the inner and outer tables of a merge join are a partitioned sort, a subagent can use merge join to join the corresponding table portions and execute in parallel.

  • Replicated sort

    This sort is used if each subagent requires all of the sort output. One sort is created and subagents are synchronized as rows are inserted into the sort. When the sort is complete, each subagent reads the entire sort. If the number of rows is small, this sort can be used to rebalance the data stream.

  • Shared sort

    This sort is the same as a replicated sort, except that subagents open a parallel scan on the sorted result to distribute the data among the subagents in a way that is similar to a round-robin sort.

Intra-partition parallel temporary tables

Subagents can cooperate to produce a temporary table by inserting rows into the same table. This is called a shared temporary table. The subagents can open private scans or parallel scans on the shared temporary table, depending on whether the data stream is to be replicated or split.

Intra-partition parallel aggregation strategies

Aggregation operations can be performed by subagents in parallel. An aggregation operation requires the data to be ordered on the grouping columns. If a subagent can be guaranteed to receive all the rows for a set of grouping column values, it can perform a complete aggregation. This can happen if the stream is already split on the grouping columns because of a previous partitioned sort.

Otherwise, the subagent can perform a partial aggregation and use another strategy to complete the aggregation. Some of these strategies are:
  • Send the partially aggregated data to the coordinator agent through a merging table queue. The coordinator agent completes the aggregation.
  • Insert the partially aggregated data into a partitioned sort. The sort is split on the grouping columns and guarantees that all rows for a set of grouping columns are contained in one sort partition.
  • If the stream needs to be replicated to balance processing, the partially aggregated data can be inserted into a replicated sort. Each subagent completes the aggregation using the replicated sort, and receives an identical copy of the aggregation result.

Intra-partition parallel join strategies

Join operations can be performed by subagents in parallel. Parallel join strategies are determined by the characteristics of the data stream.

A join can be parallelized by partitioning or by replicating the data stream on the inner and outer tables of the join, or both. For example, a nested-loop join can be parallelized if its outer stream is partitioned for a parallel scan and the inner stream is again evaluated independently by each subagent. A merged join can be parallelized if its inner and outer streams are value-partitioned for partitioned sorts.