DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Star join

A set of joins are considered to be a star join when a fact table (large central table) is joined to two or more dimension tables (smaller tables containing descriptions of the column values in the fact table).

A Star join is comprised of 3 main parts:

It shows up as two or more joins feeding an IXAND operator.

A Semijoin is a special form of join in which the result of the join is only the Row Identifier (RID) of the inner table, instead of the joining of the inner and outer table columns.

Star joins use Semijoins to supply Row Identifiers to an Index ANDing operator. The Index ANDing operator accumulates the filtering affect of the various joins. The output from the Index ANDing operator is fed into an Index ORing operator, which orders the Row Identifiers, and eliminates any duplicate rows that may have resulted from the joins feeding the Index ANDing operator. The rows from the fact table are then fetched, using a Fetch operator. Finally, the reduced fact table is joined to all of the dimension tables, to complete the joins.

Performance suggestions: