Programming languages and compilers for database application development

Application development for Db2® databases is supported on a range of programming languages and compilers.

You can develop Db2 database applications in the following languages:

  • C++
  • C#, VB .NET, and other .NET languages
  • C
  • Fortran
  • GO
  • Java™
  • Java Reactive Programming
  • Kotlin
  • node.js
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Python
  • R
  • Rust
  • REXX
  • Ruby and Ruby on Rails
  • Scala

The APIs and programming languages for developing external routines are generally compatible with those for database application development. There are some minor differences in prerequisites and support. To review the supported APIs and programming language for external routine development see: Supported APIs and programming languages for external routine development.

You can use IBM Open Source Drivers for Db2 application development in languages such as Kotlin and Scala. For information, see Getting started with IBM Data Server Drivers.