Registering nicknames for ODBC data source tables and views

For each ODBC server definition that you register, you must register a nickname for each table or view that you want to access. Use these nicknames, instead of the names of the data source objects, when you query the ODBC data sources.

Before you begin

Update the statistics at the ODBC data source before you register a nickname. The federated database relies on the data source catalog statistics to optimize query processing. Use the data source command that is equivalent to the Db2® RUNSTATS command to update the data source statistics.


Issue the CREATE NICKNAME statement from the command line.
For example:
FOR server_definition_name."remote_schema"."remote.table" ;
Nicknames can be up to 128 characters in length.
When you create the nickname, the federated server queries the data source catalog using the nickname. Repeat this step for each ODBC table or view for which you want to create a nickname.
Note: If the remote data source is Hive, Spark, or Impala, and if the remote data source object contains a column with a large-value character type such as STRING or VARCHAR(65535), the remote column is mapped to local column of type VARCHAR(32672), and any data in excess of 32672 bytes is truncated.