SET_MAINT_MODE_RECORD_NO_TEMPORALHISTORY procedure - disable recording of temporal history

The SET_MAINT_MODE_RECORD_NO_TEMPORALHISTORY procedure sets the internal option to disable recording of temporal history for a system-period temporal table and allows values to be specified for the special temporal columns.


One of the following authorizations is required:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the routine

SECADM authority is required to grant EXECUTE privilege on the SET_MAINT_MODE_RECORD_NO_TEMPORALHISTORY procedure. EXECUTE privilege WITH GRANT OPTION cannot be granted for this routine (SQLSTATE 42501).

Default PUBLIC privilege



Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSET_MAINT_MODE_RECORD_NO_TEMPORALHISTORY( )

The schema is SYSPROC.

Usage notes

  • Disabling the recording of temporal history for a system-period temporal table with the SET_MAINT_MODE_RECORD_NO_TEMPORALHISTORY procedure lasts for the duration of the current session.


Set the internal option to disable recording of temporal history for a system-period temporal table and allow values to be specified for the special temporal columns.