SYSTS_UPDATE procedure - Update the text search index

The SYSTS_UPDATE procedure updates the text search index to reflect the current contents of the text column with which the index is associated.

While the update is being done, a search is possible. Until completion of the update, the search operates on a partially updated index.

The procedure issues an UPDATE INDEX text search administration command on the database server.


The privileges that are held by the authorization ID of the statement must include the SYSTS_MGR role and at least one of the following authorities:
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • CONTROL privilege on the table on which the text index is defined
  • INDEX with SELECT privilege on the base table on which the text index is defined
In addition, for an initial update the authorization requirements apply as outlined in the CREATE TRIGGER statement.

Default PUBLIC privilege



Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSYSTS_UPDATE(index_schema ,index_name,update_options,message_locale ,message)

The schema is SYSPROC.

Procedure parameters

An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies the schema of the text search index. The index_schema must follow the naming restriction for database schema names. If the argument is null or an empty string, the value of the current schema is used. The index_schema is case-sensitive.
An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies the name of the index. Together with index_schema, it uniquely identifies a text search index in a database. The index_name is case-sensitive.
An input argument of type VARCHAR(32K) that specifies update options. If no options are required the argument can be null or an empty string. The possible values are:
UPDATE OPTIONS value Description
USING UPDATE MINIMUM This option enforces the use of the UPDATE MINIMUM value that is defined for the text search index and processes updates if the specified minimum number of changes occurred.
FOR DATA REDISTRIBUTION This option specifies that a text search index in a partitioned database must be refreshed after data partitions are added or removed and a subsequent data redistribution operation must be completed. Search results might be inconsistent until the text search index is updated with the FOR DATA REDISTRIBUTION option.
ALLROWS This option specifies that an initial update must be attempted unconditionally.

Specifies the number of rows or number of hours after which a commit is run to automatically preserve the previous work for either initial or incremental updates.

If you specify the number of rows:
  • After the number of documents that are updated reaches the COMMITCOUNT number, the server applies a commit. COMMITCOUNT counts the number of documents that are updated by using the primary key, not the number of staging table entries.
If you specify the number of hours:
  • The text index is committed after the specified number of hours is reached. The maximum number of hours is 24.

For initial updates, the index update processes batches of documents from the base table. After the commitsize value is reached, update processing completes a COMMIT operation and the last processed key is saved in the staging table with operational identifier '4'. This key is used to restart update processing either after a failure or after the number of specified commitcycles are completed. If a commitcycles is specified, the update mode is modified to incremental to initiate capturing changes by using the LOGTYPE BASIC option to create triggers on the text table. However, until the initial update is complete, log entries that are generated by documents that have not been processed in a previous cycle are removed from the staging table.

Using the UPDATEAUTOCOMMIT option for an initial text index update leads to a significant increase of execution time.

For incremental updates, log entries that are processed are removed correspondingly from the staging table with each interim commit.


Specifies rows or hours for the UPDATEAUTOCOMMIT index configuration option. The default is rows.


Specifies the number of commit cycles. The default is 0 for unlimited cycles.

If cycles are not explicitly specified, the update operation uses as many cycles as required based on the batch size that is specified with the UPDATEAUTOCOMMIT option to finish the update processing.

You can use this option with the UPDATEAUTOCOMMIT setting with a committype.

An input argument of type VARCHAR(33) that specifies the locale to be used for any error message returned. If the argument is null or an empty string, or the message files for the specified locale are not available on the server, 'en_US' is used.
An output argument of type VARCHAR(32K) that specifies a warning or informational message for a successfully completed operation.


Example 1: In the following example, the text search index that was created with index_schema 'db2ts' and index_name 'myTextIndex' is being updated. A NULL value in the place of the update_options means that an update is unconditionally started when the stored procedure is called. Any error messages are requested to be returned in English. For successfull procedures, the caller receives a success message.
  ('db2ts', 'myTextIndex', '', 'en_US', ?)
An example of output from this query:
  Value of output parameters
  Parameter Name  : MESSAGE
  Parameter Value : Operation completed successfully.
Example 2: Update a text index after an operation finishes on the partition group that is associated with the base table, and return any error messages in English.
  ('db2ts', 'myTextIndex2', 'FOR DATA REDISTRIBUTION', 'en_US', ?) 

  Value of output parameters
  Parameter Name  : MESSAGE
  Parameter Value : Operation completed successfully.

  Return Status = 0

Example 3: In the following example, SYSTS_UPDATE is called to update a text search index with index_schema 'db2ts' and index_name 'myTextIndex3'. In this example, the index does not exist and results in an error.

		'en_US', ?)
  SQL20427N An error occurred during a text search administration 
  procedure or command. The error message is "CIE00316 Text search 
  index "db2ts"."myTextIndex3" does not exist. ". SQLSTATE 38H14

Usage notes

  • Text search administration procedures use an existing connection to the database. The current transaction might be committed or rolled back depending on the completion of the procedures. To avoid any unexpected impact from such a commit or rollback, you might want to commit all transaction changes. Turning on AUTOCOMMIT is one way to commit all transaction changes.
  • Certain procedures or commands cannot be executed concurrently on a text search index because the timing of the conflicting operation might cause an error. Some of the conflicting procedures and commands are:
    • SYSTS_ALTER procedure or db2ts ALTER INDEX command
    • SYSTS_CLEAR_EVENTS procedure or db2ts CLEAR EVENTS FOR INDEX command
    • SYSTS_DISABLE procedure or db2ts DISABLE DATABASE FOR TEXT command
    • SYSTS_UPDATE procedure or db2ts UPDATE INDEX command
    If there is a conflict, the procedure returns an SQLCODE -20426 and SQLSTATE 38H13.
  • This procedure does not return until all index update processing is completed. The duration depends on the number of documents to be indexed and the number of documents already indexed. The collection name for the index can be retrieved from the SYSIBMTS.TSCOLLECTIONNAMES view COLLECTIONNAME column.
  • When there are individual document errors, the documents must be corrected. The primary keys of the erroneous documents can be looked up in the event table for the index. By changing the corresponding rows in the user table, the next call to SYSTS_UPDATE reprocesses these documents.
  • When the SYSTS_UPDATE procedure is run, the following events occur:
    • Rows are inserted into the event table, including parser error information. Information is deleted from the index staging table in case of incremental updates. Before the first update, the SYSTS_UPDATE procedure creates triggers on the user table.
    • The collection is updated:
      • New or changed documents are parsed and indexed.
      • Deleted documents are discarded from the index.
  • If a synonym dictionary is associated with a text index, issuing the update with the ALLROWS or FOR DATA REDISTRIBUTION options removes the association by dropping and re-creating the collections for the text index. The synonym dictionary must be associated with the new text index collections.
  • The UPDATEAUTOCOMMIT index configuration option can be specified without type and cycles for compatibility with an earlier version. It is associated by default with the COMMITTYPE rows option and unrestricted cycles.
  • When UPDATEAUTOCOMMIT, COMMITTYPE or COMMITSIZE values are specified for the update operation, they override existing configured values only for the specific update and are not persisted. update.