AUTOMAINT_GET_POLICYFILE procedure - retrieve automatic maintenance policy

The AUTOMAINT_GET_POLICYFILE system stored procedure retrieves the automatic maintenance configuration for the database.

This procedure takes two parameters: the type of automatic maintenance about which to collect information; and the name of a file in which to return the configuration information. The configuration information is returned in XML format.


One of the following authorities is required to execute the routine:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the routine
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • DBADM authority
  • SQLADM authority

Default PUBLIC privilege



Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramAUTOMAINT_GET_POLICYFILE(policy_type ,policy_file_name)

The schema is SYSPROC.

Procedure parameters

An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies the type of automatic maintenance policy to retrieve. The argument can be one of the following values:
automatic backup
automatic table and index reorganization
automatic table runstats operations
maintenance window
An input argument of type VARCHAR(2048) that specifies the name of the file that is created in the tmp subdirectory of the database instance directory.
Note: The file name might be prefixed with a path relative to tmp. If so, the directory should exist, should have permission to create or overwrite the file, and the correct path separator for the database server must be used.
For example:
On UNIX if the instance directory is defined as $HOME/sqllib. For a policy file named 'policy.xml', the file name will be '$HOME/sqllib/tmp/policy.xml'
On Windows, the instance directory name can be determined from the values of the DB2INSTPROF registry variable and the DB2INSTANCE environment variable. For a policy file named 'policy.xml', if db2set gives DB2INSTPROF=C:\DB2PROF and %DB2INSTANCE%=db2, then the file name will be C:\DB2PROF\db2\tmp\policy.xml


To get the current automatic maintenance settings for backup operations:

call sysproc.automaint_get_policyfile( 'AUTO_BACKUP', 'AutoBackup.xml' )

This will create an XML file named AutoBackup.xml in the tmp subdirectory under the database instance directory.