Security plug-in samples

UNIX and Linux® directories: The 'C' samples are located in sqllib/samples/security/plugins and the JCC GSS-API plugin samples (.java) are located in sqllib/samples/java/jdbc

Windows directory: The 'C' samples are located in sqllib\samples\security\plugins and the JCC GSS-API plugin samples (.java) are located in sqllib\samples\java\jdbc

Table 1. Security plug-in sample program files
Sample program name Program description
combined.c Combined user ID and password authentication and group lookup sample
duaconfigschema.ldif Used to ITDS LDAP server when a HP-UX system wants to connect to the LDAP server.
group_file.c Simple file-based group management plug-in sample
gssapi_simple.c Basic GSS-API authentication plug-in sample (both client and server)
IBMLDAPauthclient.c Implements a client side Db2® security plugin that interacts with an LDAP user registry
IBMLDAPauthserver.c Implements a server side Db2 security plugin that interacts with an LDAP user registry
IBMLDAPconfig.c Contains functions related to finding and parsing the configuration file for a Db2 LDAP security plugin
IBMLDAPgroups.c Implements a Db2 security plugin for LDAP-based group lookup
IBMLDAPutils.c Contains utility functions used in the Db2 LDAP security plugin
IBMLDAPutils.h LDAP security plugin header file Implements a GSS-API Plugin that does Kerberos authentication using IBM® Db2 Universal Driver Uses JCCKerberosPlugin to get a Db2 Connection using IBM Db2 Universal Driver. Implements a GSS-API Plugin that does userid and password checking using IBM Db2 Universal Driver. Implements a GSSContext to be used by JCCSimpleGSSPlugin Implements a GSSCredential to be used by JCCSimpleGSSPlugin Implements a GSSException to be used by JCCSimpleGSSPlugin Implements a GSSName to be used by JCCSimpleGSSPlugin Uses JCCSimpleGSSPlugin to get a Db2 Connection using IBM Db2 Universal Driver.