Calling procedures

Once the activities required to create a procedure (also called a stored procedure) have been completed, a procedure can be invoked by using the CALL statement. The CALL statement is an SQL statement that enables the procedure invocation, the passing of parameters to the procedure, and the receiving of parameters returned from the procedure.

About this task

Any accessible result sets returned from a procedure can be processed once the procedure has successfully returned. Procedures can be invoked from anywhere that the CALL statement is supported including:

  • an embedded SQL client application
  • an external routine (procedure, UDF, or method)
  • an SQL routine (procedure, UDF, or method)
  • an SQL dynamic compound statement
  • from the Command Line Processor (CLP)

If you choose to invoke a procedure from a client application or from an external routine, the client application or external routine can be written in a language other than that of the procedure. For example, a client application written in C++ can use the CALL statement to invoke a procedure written in Java™. This provides programmers with great flexibility to program in their language of choice and to integrate code pieces written in different languages.

In addition, the client application that invokes the procedure can be executed on a different platform than the one where the procedure resides. For example a client application running on a Windows operating system can use the CALL statement to invoke a procedure residing on a Linux® database server.

An autonomous procedure is a procedure that, when called, executes inside a new transaction independent of the original transaction. When the autonomous procedure successfully completes, it will commit the work performed within the procedure, but if it is unsuccessful, the procedure rolls back any work it performed. Whatever the result of the autonomic procedure, the transaction which called the autonomic procedure is unaffected. To specify a procedure as autonomous, specify the AUTONOMOUS keyword on the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.

When you call a procedure, certain rules apply about exactly which procedure is selected. Procedure selection depends partly on whether you qualify the procedure by specifying the schema name. The database manager also performs checks based on the number of arguments and any argument names specified in the call to the procedure. See information about the CALL statement for more details about procedure selection.